President Bingshan’s personal doctor

Chapter 2371 Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2371 Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth
  That little ball is so small that it can almost be ignored!
  But in Su Han's body, there was suddenly a weird reaction, as if this small ball had always existed here, but only appeared now.


The small ball is trembling slightly and is constantly expanding. Even if the speed is very slow, very slow, it is indeed expanding!

At this moment, Su Han still had no reaction, lying there like a corpse, but Yun Fan still heard the slight heartbeat.

"Really reacted!"

Yun Fan was very excited, "The ancestor was right, there really is a person with the Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth in his body! It's really Su Han!"

He was a little excited, took a deep breath, and immediately took a few steps back, not daring to disturb Su Han.

The ancestor’s words are true and have been fully fulfilled.

At this moment, Su Han's body was reacting. Just as the ancestor said, it was nourished by the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth. Su Han's Dantian was broken, but it helped him. If it is not broken, it will not be established. If it is not broken, it will not be established!
  Su Han's Dantian was crushed by the general, as if the world had returned to chaos, and at this moment, it was the time for this chaotic world to open up again!
  Yun Fan did not dare to disturb him and immediately retreated to a safe distance for fear of disturbing Su Han's changes.

This is a crucial change. If it fails accidentally, Su Han will disappear completely, and even the black and yellow energy of heaven and earth will disappear without a trace.

Looking at the entrance to the Universe Sea in the distance, Yun Fan took a deep breath, thinking that if his ancestor knew about it, he would definitely be pleased.

What Donghuang couldn't do back then, now Su Han has a chance!

"I must defend! I must defend this place!"

Yun Fan calmed down immediately. He knew very well that the ancestor in the universe sea might have suffered something unexpected. For their own purposes, the generals would never let the ancestor live. Even a being like the ancestor, facing today The generals may not have a chance to survive.

He thought of what his ancestor said before.

"Yun Fan, heaven and earth are impermanent. If I die, you must find that breath of black and yellow energy of heaven and earth. This is the only chance for the existence of heaven and earth..."

Yun Fan has remembered this sentence for thousands of years!
  He immediately informed the Tomb Suppressor Beast, but the Tomb Suppressor Beast seemed to have no reaction. It was still as indifferent to everything as before.

It seems that it has already seen through everything in the world.

Even if the wilderness is destroyed, even if the world collapses, even if the cosmic sea dies, its expression will not change.

It just lay there, sweeping its tail lazily, as if chasing away flies that never existed.

"I told you that this kid is lucky, so don't worry."

Seeing the worried look on the Insect King's face, the Grave Suppressor Beast said calmly, "It's up to you, have you thought of your own way out?"

The Insect King tilted his head and glanced at the Tomb Suppressor. He made no sound, as if he didn't hear it, and seemed to have heard it and didn't want to answer. He continued to look at the mountains in the distance where gray matter was spewing out.

It just wants to see Su Han alive.

at that time.

There was still complete chaos in the wilderness.

The alliance of various races has not been disbanded, but it seems to be no different.

Many ethnic groups and tribes already knew about the situation in the wilderness, and they also knew that generals had appeared and easily defeated all the wilderness masters with one strong hand, and even killed Su Han!
  The Sky-Opening Ax was also taken away by the generals. Now they have no other choice but to wait quietly for the destruction of the wilderness and return to chaos.


The wilderness now is chaos.

It seems that if you don't go crazy before you die, you will not be sorry for the little life you have left. Some people began to vent themselves crazily and do things that they usually only dare to think about or do. Some people cried in grief and prayed to God for help. Some people were lost and completely desperate. They didn’t want to say or do anything, just I want to wait quietly for death to come...

"It's over, it's completely over."

Zhu Rong looked at the tribesmen and shook his head, his face full of despair.

The wilderness has not yet been destroyed, but now it seems that what is the difference between it and destruction?
  Hope is gone, which is more terrifying than wild destruction.

All the clan members have given up, including himself.

He knew very well how terrible the general was, and he almost died in the hands of the general!

He can easily break his own neck, and he can easily kill himself!
  "it's not finished yet!"

Zhu Fan stood behind him, his fiery red eyebrows raised, full of anger, "If we all give up, it will really be over!"


Zhu Rong shook his head.

"Everything is over. No one can fight against the generals, especially the generals who have obtained the Sky-Opening Axe. This wilderness will return to chaos, and we will all disappear. From now on, there will be no Fire Clan in the world, and there will be no you and me. "

Zhu Fan opened his mouth, wanting to say that this was not true, that this would not happen, but now... there was a sense of powerlessness in his heart, which made him almost desperate.

Even Su Han, who had the only chance to deal with the general, was dead... almost dead. As a mortal, with his Dantian crushed and even his soul ring taken away, Su Han would definitely die!
  Not only that, if the soul ring falls into the hands of the generals, it will only make the generals more terrifying!
  "But...can we really just wait to die?"


A voice came from the distance. Zhu Rong and Zhu Fan looked up and saw Gongcheng galloping towards them, with determination and anger on their faces, "We still have a chance!"

Hearing this, Zhu Rong and Zhu Fan were shocked.

"We have one last chance!" Gongcheng gritted his teeth and said, "We have one last chance to fight for our lives!"

Soon, Nuwa and others gathered together again.

Exhaustion and despair were written on everyone's faces. After all, at this point, there was almost no way out. It seemed that there was no chance other than waiting to die.

Even they are like this, let alone those tribesmen?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Gongcheng sneered: "Since you all want to wait to die? Then why are you here? I didn't invite you here to see your dead expressions!"

Nuwa raised her head and ignored Gongcheng's words: "You said there is still a chance, what chance is there?"

She no longer believed it and didn't even want to come again. She just wanted to stay with her tribe in the last moments of her life.

Futian and Fuhai looked at each other and both looked at Gongcheng: "We two will not give up. As long as there is still a chance, even if it means death, we will stop the general! Su Han is gone, but we... can still do it again Give it a try!"

The worst possible outcome is death, and it will all end in death. If you give it a try, you might still have a chance.

Everyone else looked at Gongcheng. The so-called last chance might just be a comfort to them.

At this point, what chance is there?
  "When I, the Shui Tribe, once worked hard for Fifth, I overheard her talking about something... This is the last chance!" Gongcheng said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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