President Bingshan’s personal doctor

Chapter 2637 Something is wrong

Chapter 2637 Something is wrong

Something is wrong!
  Something is very wrong!

Why is it so quiet?
  In the mutual testing with the Zerg a few days ago, it is obvious that the Zerg has made sufficient preparations and will never give up easily.

What's more, the Zerg are inherently warlike. This kind of opportunity is an opportunity for the human race to regain its prestige, but is it not the same for the Zerg?

Moreover, there is this most unstable factor. Priest Dong absolutely does not believe that they will choose to retreat and hide back in the Zerg Palace.

It's so strange, there must be a monster when something goes wrong.

Priest Dong raised his hand and signaled the army to stop and stop advancing, which puzzled many people.

"Master Priest, why did you stop?"

"Those academic guys have already stepped forward and are about to rush to the Zerg Palace. Can we stop?"

‘Yes, the Zerg are our opponents, and their goal is just Su Han. Now let them enter the Zerg Palace, what should we do? ’

"The credit is all theirs, what are we doing here? So many brothers have sacrificed along the way, it can't be in vain!"

Priest Dong also promised them rewards, but now he's going back on his word, right?

Many people were increasingly resentful and dissatisfied with the Eastern Priest's timidity. Especially when compared with the Western Priest, they felt aggrieved.

Watching those academic people show off their power and destroy all the way, as if they have occupied the Zerg tribe, and this is what they should do.

Now they have all been snatched away by the Western Priests.

The atmosphere in the crowd was a bit depressing, and there were more and more angry voices. Some people even didn't care about the identity of the Eastern Priest. They bluntly said that if this continued, everyone's morale would be lost.

Who can bear to come here after all the hard work, only to get no credit at all, and to watch others show off their power in front of themselves, and to see them mocking the human warriors for their uselessness?

But Priest Dong didn't pay attention at all.

He just gave an order, requiring everyone to obey his orders and not to take any action. They must obey orders and wait for orders. Anyone who dares to make arbitrary decisions and act recklessly will be severely punished!
  This only made the human army more aggrieved. In the distance, the Western priest led his people and destroyed a building again. When the building collapsed and many precious treasures appeared, the academic people became excited.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain!
  "Some of the Zerg people are good at collecting natural treasures and brewing honey. Eating these is good for cultivation."

Someone shouted, "I didn't expect this to be a warehouse. It's really great!"

"You're welcome, this is all owed to us by the Zerg, and whoever gets it belongs to him!"

A crowd of people swarmed in and robbed everything.

Seeing their unscrupulous behavior, Ba Yi couldn't help it.

"These bastards!"

Those are very precious things that take a long time to collect. They are very important materials for the Zerg.

But now, he has been ruined by these bastards!


Su Han said, "Nothing is more important than human life. If they take these things away, they will return them in a while."

Ba Yi could only take a deep breath and continue to be patient.

"I want them to pay back a hundred times!"

They waited quietly, and the people behind them were also ready, but Priest Dong still didn't come close and remained calm. If this continued, they didn't know when they would be able to take action.

It’s not like they have to be allowed to enter the Zerg Palace, right?

(End of this chapter)

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