President Bingshan’s personal doctor

Chapter 2750 Unable to move forward

Chapter 2750 Unable to move forward
  Five thousand people?
  The team leader took a deep breath, and his expression suddenly froze.

With 3,000 people, they were already under a lot of pressure, and now they suddenly became 5,000 people?

This is about to end!

"Furthermore, the leader of the bandits has issued a mobilization order, and people keep coming. I am afraid that at most ten thousand bandits will come. What should we do now?"

Ten thousand bandits!
  The leader's breath was about to freeze. How should they deal with the number of people ten times that of the escort?

If this continues, I'm afraid they will really massacre the city!
  Thinking of such a result, he became even more nervous and uneasy.

But Su Han and the Insect King stood there, as if they didn't hear anything. Whether it was five thousand people, ten thousand people, or just three thousand people at the beginning, they didn't feel anything.

After all, when the Zerg tribe and the human army attacked, there were still hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting at that time. They didn't find the scene very scary. This was only 10,000 people at the most. What was there to be shocked about?
  If I had to say there was a reaction, then only the Insect King had a reaction, an excited reaction!
  His breathing became rapid and he couldn't help but lick his lips. He felt hungry and wished these guys would appear in front of him immediately so that he could have a full meal.


The figures in the distance were densely packed, and they kept getting closer. The roar of sprinting had already been heard!
  "Kill! Kill them all!"

The roar shook the sky, like a sonic boom, making people's scalp numb!
  "Everyone is ready. Archers, kerosene, and stones are all ready for me! Be sure to guard the city gate and not let them in!"

the leader shouted.

The bandits are getting closer!
  He looked at some masters, rushing towards them first, with astonishing speed. He could tell at a glance that they were all masters at the level of God Lords.

They took the lead and were very fast. They wanted to break through the city gate and open a gap in the first step, so that all the bandits could rush into the city. Once these beasts got in, they would be in trouble.

There were huge beads of sweat on the leader's forehead, his palms were already wet, and even his breathing was somewhat disordered.

How to fight this battle?
  He has never fought such a battle, with ten times his own strength, how can they fight against it?
  "Isn't the City Lord here yet?"

he asked again. At the critical moment, the thunderstorm had not yet arrived. No one here was wise, and he felt that he did not have the ability.

"Here they come! They're coming!"

someone shouted.

The leader looked up and saw that they were only a few hundred meters away from the city gate!
  For masters, this distance is only a breath of time. Some masters can jump up and rush forward. How can they guard against it?


He immediately shouted, "Air defense!"

The biggest problem now is that those powerful men at the level of God Lord are not allowed to fly in from the air. As long as they dare to take a step closer, they will be shot with random arrows!

But they also knew that since they were powerful men at the level of God Lords, how could ordinary bows and arrows like theirs be able to kill them?
  The team leader is extremely anxious!
  And at the same time.

Several masters of the bandits, unable to hold back for a long time, took one step ahead of the army and leaped into the air, preparing to rush directly into the city, kill the guards, and open the city gate!


They laughed, arrogantly, and rushed over quickly. It seemed that they were laughing crazily on purpose, wanting to put huge pressure on the leading guards!

They turned into arcs, leaped into the air, and were about to rush over!

But when they approached the city wall and the leader was about to order the release of bows and arrows, something strange happened.

Those guys were hanging in the air, as if there was something blocking them, making it difficult for them to take another step forward!
  (End of this chapter)

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