President Bingshan’s personal doctor

Chapter 437 The price of making mistakes!

Chapter 437 The price of making mistakes!
  His eyes seemed to gain a glimmer of light for an instant, and then dimmed again. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Impossible, this is impossible, you can't quit this kind of thing at all..."

"It's precisely because your willpower is not strong enough that you keep failing!"

Su Han suddenly shouted, "If you sink like this, you will be a failure in this life!"

The word loser made Luo Gang tremble all over.

Once upon a time, he was an outstanding talent, respected and envied by others, but who is he now? He is simply a bad person!
  A rotten person that everyone hates!
  "You have to choose your own path. If you choose the wrong one, you have to bear the price of your mistake!" Su Han stared at Luo Gang and roared, "A man who has no responsibility and allows himself to fall, you have such a shame!"

Luo Gang's eyes were red, and he knelt down with a plop: "Please, please help me! Please help me, I don't want to be like this anymore, please!"

He kowtowed to Su Han, kowtowed hard, like a madman, and blood suddenly dripped from his forehead.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have offended you. I apologize to you. Please forgive me... please help me!"

Luo Gang cried loudly, he really regretted it, he was really scared.

Every time he saw the contemptuous looks in others' eyes, he felt very uncomfortable. He had lost everything in the past, and he didn't want to lose the future again.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to!" Su Han snorted, "Think about those people you hurt, you should apologize to them!"

Luo Gang nodded heavily, trembling lips: "I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I just hope you can help me get rid of this..."

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly began to tremble again, his eyes were empty, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of his soul in an instant.

Luo Gang's drug addiction has returned!

Su Han didn't hesitate at all, rushed forward, cut Luo Gang's neck with his palm, and knocked him unconscious again.

He called Xiao Wang and several others to help, took off Luo Gang's clothes, moved his fingers, and immediately pricked the corresponding acupuncture points with Qi needles.

The working principle of this kind of hallucinogenic poison is to paralyze the nerves, making them dependent, and then controlling people's thinking, making it impossible for people to get rid of it.

In ancient times, this kind of medicine was used to save people and relieve patients from their pain, but now it has become a way for those bastards to collect money and use it to harm people!
  As a doctor, Su Han was extremely angry.

Those bastards deserve to die!
  Su Han placed his fingers on the acupuncture points on Luo Gang's body one after another, and the qi needles penetrated Luo Gang's body, making his body tremble even more.

"You've got it!" Su Han immediately ordered.

Xiao Wang and others were stunned. Can they see Su Han doing something with their own eyes? Can even this kind of drug addiction be cured?

It's amazing!

Qi needles were inserted into Luo Gang's body acupuncture points one by one, and thirty-nine needles were inserted in succession. Luo Gang gradually calmed down.

"The principle of this kind of drug addiction is to numb the nerves. Only when drug addiction attacks can we determine where these potential stimuli are."

Seeing that Xiao Wang and others were surprised, Su Han explained briefly, "If you find these stimulation elements, you can cut them off, but the pain involved is not something ordinary people can bear."

Sure enough, just as Su Han finished speaking, Luo Gang suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of pain.

"Ah——!" Luo Gang screamed.

He broke away from the hands of Xiao Wang and others, rolling on the ground in pain, as if thousands of needles were pricking his body, causing endless pain.

"Leave him alone. This is the price for making a mistake, and he needs to bear it himself."

Su Han glanced at it and said calmly, "Luo Gang, if you want to recover, just endure it! You can't get back what you lost in the past. If you still want to have a future, just get through this. Otherwise, this will happen." You will always be a bad person for the rest of your life!" Su Han's words were like thunder, ringing in Luo Gang's ears.

Especially the word "bad person" made Luo Gang even more angry. He didn't want to become a bad person, and he didn't want to be despised as a waste for the rest of his life.

He has lost everything in the past and can no longer lose the future!

Luo Gang curled up on the ground, trembling all over, but Su Han ignored it. This was the consequence that he should bear, and he must remember this lesson!
  After a long time, Luo just calmed down.

He was still weak and pale, but there was already a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

He felt more relaxed all over. It was like he was wearing a wet sweater that was weighing him down, but now the depressing feeling was gone.

Luo Gang stared at his hands blankly, feeling the changes in his body. He had never felt so relaxed in these years!

"Really quitting?" This is incredible!

After a long time, there was no recurrence. Luo Gang and even Xiao Wang and others were completely shocked. Su Han's medical skills are too powerful, right?

Can even such a stubborn drug addiction be cured?
  They didn't know that if Luo Gang couldn't survive it, he would never give up again in his life, and he would only become a useless person forever!

"How do you feel?" Su Han stood there and said calmly.

Luo Gang took a deep breath, walked to Su Han, and knelt down with a plop. This time he was not begging for mercy, but thanking him from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for Su Han, he wouldn't have had the chance to be born again!

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for saving me. I will never touch those things again in my life!" Luo Gang kowtowed to Su Han respectfully with red eyes.

"If you touch it again, no one can save you. I am not giving you this chance to make you thank me, but I hope you can change your ways and help others like you!"

Su Han said calmly, "Do you know how many families will be destroyed by these rubbish things? You yourself are a good example!"

Luo Gang nodded heavily: "I understand, and I will try my best to make up for it!"

"I have made arrangements for you. I hope you can make up for your mistakes and catch all those who sell drugs. I think you don't want to see anyone like you again, right?"

Su Han squinted his eyes and spoke calmly.

Luo Gang nodded and let out a long sigh. The pain he felt just now was as if he had died once and could see nothing.

Luo Gang had become extremely disgusted with that kind of harmful thing from relying on it. He didn't want to see other people being killed like him, with their families and families destroyed!
  "I will listen to Mr. Su's arrangements!" Luo Gang said sadly.

Su Han nodded: "In addition, you owe Sister Xiran an apology."

Hearing the name Lin Xiran, Luo Gang shuddered, and then he couldn't help crying. He cried, his face full of regret, but he knew that the past was in the past and could never come back.

He stood up and bowed to Su Han again to thank him: "Mr. Su, I understand. I will apologize to Xiran. I owe her this."

The past is past, and he can't come back because of his mistakes. If he did something wrong, he should bear the consequences, and he must bear the responsibility he should bear!

After Su Han said something to Xiao Wang, he arranged for Luo Gang to go to the provincial capital to cooperate with Zhen Yong in the investigation, lure those bastards out, and catch them all!
  "Remember, a man has the sky above his head, his feet on the earth, and what he carries on his shoulders is his responsibility!"

Su Han's words echoed in Luo Gang's ears for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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