Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1160 Showdown

Chapter 1160 Showdown
  "Brother Dagu?"

When Chubu and Tie Fei saw Lin Yu's proposal to go alone, they were immediately confused.

Lin Yu sent a message and replied: "You stay here, things are not as simple as you think."

The two hesitated for a moment, and then they all agreed via message: "Okay, we will listen to Brother Dagu."

Afterwards, Lin Yu glanced at Zhibei and flew directly in the direction of the Teleportation Altar.

After Zhibei watched Lin Yu leave, he looked at Chubu and Tie Fei, then turned and left.

"Let's go back too." Chubu said to Tie Fei.

Tie Fei agreed and flew to his residence with Chubu.

While flying, Tie Fei said, "Is Brother Dagu okay?"

"Do you think something will happen to him?" Chubb asked.

After thinking for a while, Tie Fei shook his head decisively and said, "No."

"I thought so," Chubb replied.

At this time, both of them felt that Lin Yu's origin must be very extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible to behave so calmly in front of Zhibei, a half-step high-level god.

The two even felt that Zhibei might fall into Lin Yu's hands this time.

Guanghai Plain.

Lin Yu arrived here after two consecutive teleportations.

He was floating in the air, not in a hurry to fall.

"This is the eyeball of an ancient creature. What kind of creature would it be?"

Lin Yu touched his chin and thought.

Fengshen Mountain is an entrenched giant python, and the Guanghai Plain is the eyeball of some ancient creature.

This made him wonder, how was the so-called eternal paradise established?
  The materials in the Eternal Paradise are inexhaustible. Except for gods, god-level powerful people and weaker creatures can all live a prosperous life.

Why is this place so rich?

Is it...

Lin Yu couldn't help but think that perhaps the Eternal Paradise was built on the corpses of giant ancient creatures.

All resources in the Eternal Paradise come from those ancient creatures.

"Forget it, let's think about this kind of thing later. Let's deal with Zhibei first."

Without thinking any more, Lin Yu dodged and flew downwards.

Soon he came to the surface and stood directly above the vertical passage.


Lin Yu released his divine power and cut a circular incision on the ground.

And just as he was doing this, Zhibei's figure slowly floated out from the teleportation tower near Guanghai Plain.

"As long as I steal all the holy stones in his hand, I will be able to break through and become a high-level god. By then..."

Zhibei chuckled secretly, and then flew quickly towards Guanghai Plain.

On the other side, Lin Yu had already entered the Guanghai Plain and was heading towards Jinshui Lake.

As he flew, he sensed the movement behind him, waiting for Zhibei to arrive.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at Jinshui Lake.

The lake is covered with gold, and wise insects are rarely seen anymore.

Lin Yu glanced quickly and continued to wait on the shore.

He wanted to see what tricks Zhibei was planning to play.

Almost ten minutes later, Tetsu Teng suddenly sent a message to him: "Why are you the only one today? Where are the other two?"

"Not coming." Lin Yu replied casually.

Tie Shuteng said again: "It looks like you are waiting for someone."

"That's right." Lin Yu continued to pay attention to the movement in the passage behind him while talking to Tie Shou Teng.

Time passed quickly.

As a result, Zhibei was not found until noon.

"Either my judgment was wrong, or he didn't dare to come here to take action for fear of being killed by the Iron Hand Vine."

"It's most likely the latter."

Lin Yu knew it in his heart.

If Zhibei wanted to kill him, there would be plenty of opportunities. He could wait until he returned after catching the intelligent bugs to do it. “I don’t know whether you should be cautious or timid?”

Without thinking any more, Lin Yu turned around and entered the passage, heading to the surface of Guanghai Plain.

on the ground.

Zhibei has been staring at the center of Guanghai Plain from a distance.

He had planned everything to kill Lin Yu without attracting the attention of the Holy Land's higher-ups.

"Tagu, enjoy these last moments, you don't have much time."

Zhibei sneered.

Suddenly, a familiar figure came into his eyes.

Zhibei was suddenly alert and stared at the figure that suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Tagu? Why did he come out?"

Zhibei thought that Lin Yu would return after catching enough intelligent insects, but he came out at noon.

"Forget it, there is no one in this area now, it's a good time to take action."

Thinking of this, Zhibei flew towards Lin Yu quickly.

After Lin Yu flew to the ground, he floated quietly and motionless.

Suddenly, Zhibei's breath appeared within the sensing range of his consciousness.

"Sir Zhibei, why are you in such a hurry? Are you afraid that I won't be able to do my job well?"

Lin Yu calmly sent a message to Zhibeidao.

Hearing this, Zhibei suddenly stopped in the air and looked at Lin Yu from a distance.

Lin Yu's performance was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"So Tumon has died in your hands?"

Zhibei's mind raced and he quickly thought of this.

After he sent Tumen out at that time, there was no news from Tumen at all, and that has been the case to this day.

Originally, he thought it was Tu Meng who was not doing his job well, but now that he thought about it carefully, he might have been killed by Lin Yu.

As for how Lin Yu killed him and what he relied on, it is completely unknown now.

It was precisely because he couldn't see through Lin Yu that he stopped halfway.

"It's okay if you think so." Lin Yu still said in a calm tone.

Hearing this, Zhibei was stunned.

But then, he laughed and said, "Da Gu, you don't need to bluff there. The more you act like this, the more you expose your weakness."

"Really?" Lin Yu said noncommittally.

Seeing this, Zhibei speeded up again and flew towards Lin Yu.

The distance between the two people shortened dramatically.

While marching, Zhibei was ready to launch a fatal blow to Lin Yu at any time.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, still stayed where he was calmly.

Seeing this scene, Zhibei's originally determined heart suddenly became a little flustered.

He always felt that there was something fishy about this matter.

Is it possible that there are masters already ambushing him around, waiting for him to attack Lin Yu before taking action?

Or maybe, what he did in the past has been known to the senior officials of the Holy Land, so the senior officials of the Holy Land used Lin Yu to lure him out?
  "Is this really a trap?"

The closer he got to Lin Yu, the less confident Zhibei became.

In order to solve the confusion in his heart, he tried his best to explore his spiritual consciousness and look for the master who might be ambushing somewhere.

As a result, after such a careful search, he really got something.

An extremely powerful aura suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"It's really a scam! Wait..."

Zhibei suddenly realized something was wrong.

The powerful aura that he just sensed seemed to be beside Lin Yu.

But there was nothing next to Lin Yu just now, so how could a top powerhouse who was stronger than himself suddenly appear?
  Zhibei was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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