Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1294 The weather suddenly changes

Chapter 1294 The weather suddenly changes
  The caravan moved forward in no man's land.

Before I knew it, two days had passed.

At the speed of the cattle and horses in the caravan, it would take half a month to cross this no-man's land.

It's been two days now, but it's just the beginning.

On an oxcart.

Lin Yu, just like at the beginning, had been sitting on the bullock cart admiring the surrounding scenery.

Two days have passed, and Dolan's problems have decreased a lot.

After all, there are some things that Lin Yu cannot tell Dolan, such as some high-tech planets he has visited, his travels in the particle world, the eternal paradise, etc.

If Dolan likes to hear these things, whether he can accept them, understand them, and believe them is a question.

Therefore, Lin Yu avoided talking about all this and only said things that Dolan could accept and believe.

Of course, Dolan was still listening with interest. She was now completely immersed in the experiences and stories told by Lin Yu.

"I wish I could travel to as many places as you have."

Dolan suddenly sighed.

"Actually, traveling is very lonely, and it may not be as good as living with your family."

Lin Yu looked at Dolan and said with a smile.

Dolan said: "But I still think traveling is a beautiful thing. How wonderful it is to be able to see the vast world."

"Lin Yu, how about I go with you and follow you to the next place?"

Dolan suddenly suggested again.

Lin Yu smiled and shook his head: "But I like to walk alone."


Dolan nodded in disappointment.

Of course, she didn't have much hope.

After all, even if Lin Yu agrees, her parents and family will not agree.

Letting her travel back and forth with the caravan through no man's land was the best result she could achieve.

It is impossible to go further.

"The wolves are coming, everyone, be careful!"

Suddenly, shouts came from the front of the caravan.

Dolan immediately picked up the saber beside him and said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, be careful, the wolves are coming to attack the caravan."

Lin Yu looked forward and then asked, "Is this kind of thing common in no man's land?"

"There are so many. Otherwise, why would everyone travel together? The wolves in no man's land are not afraid of people at all."

Dolan explained while looking around.

Lin Yu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, a large group of wolves came into view of the two people.

The wolves, led by the alpha wolf, rushed towards the caravan madly.

Lin Yu observed that these wolves were very smart and knew tactics such as outflanking.

Moreover, these wolves are also highly organized, almost like humans.

"Are all wolves in no man's land so powerful?"

Lin Yu asked Dolando.

Dolan clutched the saber tightly, turned to look at Lin Yu, and then said: "Yes, the wolves in no man's land are particularly powerful. Not only are they numerous, but they are also very smart."

"Oh." Lin Yu said oh and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Dolan reassured: "Don't worry, the caravan's guards can deal with these wolves."

As she spoke, she pointed forward and said, "Look, the caravan's guards have been dispatched."

Lin Yu looked in the direction of her finger, and sure enough, a group of people broke away from the caravan and rushed towards the wolves.

These caravan guards either held sabers or shotguns.

After getting close to the wolves for a certain distance, the guard with the gun pulled the trigger and shot at the wolves in the pack.

After such a round of shooting, many wolves immediately fell to the ground and died.

However, the remaining wolves responded immediately, taking the initiative to disperse their formation and rush towards the caravan in a more sparse formation.

It has to be said that these wolves are really smart, and their organization and ability to execute orders are not much worse than humans.

Almost as long as the alpha wolf roars, all the wolves in the pack will respond immediately.

And their response is not only as simple as dispersing the formation, but also knowing how to deceive and seduce.

However, no matter how strong the wolves are, they are no match for human firearms.

Under the efficient killing force of the shotgun, wolves continued to fall to the ground and died.

There was not much damage to the caravan guards. Only one guard was bitten on the leg by a wolf that jumped up.

Other than that there were no casualties.

"You see, no matter how powerful or smart the wolf is, it is no match for humans."

Dolan gradually relaxed as he saw wolves dying one after another.

This trip was the same as before, and the whole process was uneventful.

The wolves were not enough to pose much of a threat to the caravan.

After Dolan finished speaking, he asked: "Lin Yu, you have been to so many places, but you have never seen such a wolf, right?"

"Never seen it." Lin Yu nodded.

He had seen wolves more powerful than this, but this was the first time he had seen a wolf like this.

Seeing Lin Yu's affirmative answer, Dolan smiled and said, "I just said that you will be in danger after entering the no-man's land. How about it? Do you feel it?"

Lin Yu smiled and said nothing.

Dolan didn't care and continued: "Anyway, as long as you follow our caravan, you won't be afraid of the dangers in the no-man's land."

"Our caravan has traveled back and forth in this no-man's land countless times, and every time it has passed safely."

Speaking of this, Dolan seemed very proud.

People on the grassland are more martial, and look high on those with strong martial arts and outstanding courage.

After Lin Yu wiped out the Wolf Blood Gang that day, the townspeople in the town worshiped Lin Yu very much.

It's just that Lin Yu left alone, leaving them no chance to express their emotions.

"The wolves retreated."

Dolan spoke again.

Lin Yu quickly glanced into the distance.

Indeed, as Dolan said, the wolves were retreating rapidly, getting further and further away from the caravan.

Soon, all the wolves, led by the alpha wolf, fled without a trace, leaving only a pile of wolf corpses.

The caravan is back to safety.

The merchants in the caravan breathed a long sigh of relief, with smiles on their faces.

The injured caravan guard got on one of the bullock carts and received treatment on the bullock cart.

Everything is calm again.

Afterwards, the caravan continued to march in the no-man's land, heading east.

Dolan said to Lin Yu: "There may be wolves coming to attack next, but you don't have to worry, it will definitely be solved as smoothly as this time."

Her words were full of confidence, and she felt that Lin Yu would definitely be infected by her emotions, and believed that the rest of the journey would go smoothly.

Lin Yu didn't say anything.

In the next few days, the caravan encountered no danger and moved forward smoothly.

After advancing for several days, the caravan finally arrived in the middle of the no-man's land.

From here, the journey becomes increasingly dangerous.

Not to mention anything else, there were a lot more wolves moving around than before.

In addition to wolves, there are also various other beasts.

But as Dolan said, everything went smoothly. At least we didn’t encounter another wolf attack like last time.

But Lin Yu felt that this journey would not continue smoothly because the previous group of wolves were not as simple as wolves.

tenth day.

The caravan moved forward smoothly and passed ten days smoothly.

In these ten days, there were basically no near misses, and nothing major happened.

But on this day, everyone felt something was wrong.

Because the sky was completely dark and it looked like it would rain at any time, which was a rare sight in the Gobi Desert.

You must know that there is very little rain here, and it is not the season for rain.

The old people in the caravan all said that the weather was a little weird and they might not go well next.

The result came true. At noon, the entire sky darkened.

It was as if the clouds in the sky were pressing down on the ground, less than a few meters above the ground.

The whole sky turned dark at noon, as if the night had come early.

"Stop, everyone, stop and camp where you are."

Several caravan guards rode horses and ran all the way from the front of the caravan to the back of the caravan.

While running, he shouted for everyone to stop and set up camp.

Now that the weather is like this, there is no possibility of moving on.

It is safest to stop and set up camp.

On the oxcart, Dolan said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, it's okay. Although this situation is rare, with so many people in the caravan, we will definitely be able to survive this difficulty."

"As long as we camp here for one night, we will definitely be fine at dawn tomorrow."

Dolan said this mainly because he was worried that Lin Yu would be scared.

After all, it is really unimaginable for the sky to get dark at noon.

Although it was said that it was dark because of the black clouds in the sky, it was still a rare sight.

On the other side, after hearing Dolan's comforting words, Lin Yu just expressed that he would not be worried and said nothing more.

He knew in his heart that Dolan said this out of kindness.

This is a very sincere sentiment.

Having such an emotional experience is a good thing for his spiritual experience.

At this time, the caravan guard had already shouted from beginning to end on horseback, and everyone in the caravan knew that they had to stop and set up camp.

Both the ox-cart and the horse-drawn carriage gradually slowed down, and the caravan soon stopped.

After stopping, the people in the caravan jumped off their ox-carts and carriages and began to camp on the ground.

While setting up camp, we discussed this strange celestial phenomenon.

"I've traveled through no man's land so many times, and I've never seen such weather. This is going to be a big deal."

"Yeah, I haven't seen it either. In the past, the wind and sand were at most strong enough to make people unable to open their eyes. The sky turned pitch black like now. That's unheard of."

"Tell me, what on earth is going on? Isn't it going to rain heavily later? The clouds are so dark."

"It shouldn't be the case. I see that these dark clouds are different from clouds carrying rain."


Everyone in the caravan was talking about each other.

Of course, their work never stopped for a moment, and they were all setting up camp as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, they have done these jobs a lot, so they can move very quickly and very quickly.

After about two hours of this, a pile of prairie cloth bags was erected in this area.

Ox carts and horse-drawn carriages surrounded the grassland cloth bags, forming a simple fortification.

The whole place became a camping ground for caravans.

"It's still so dark today, but it hasn't rained yet. What on earth are you doing here?"

No one in the caravan had the intention to rest in tents or cloth bags. They were all looking up at the sky outside and talking among themselves.

The weather is so weird that no one can figure out what is going on.

Also, everyone has no experience in such a climate and doesn’t know what will happen next.

At this time, the caravan captain came to the middle of the crowd and said to everyone: "Everyone should go back and rest first, and we will wait until dawn tomorrow."

Several old people in the caravan also advised: "Everyone, go back. Go back, and everything will be fine after you have a good sleep."

Under the persuasion of the caravan captain and the old people, the people in the caravan dispersed and went back to their respective residences to rest.

The same goes for Lin Yu and Dolan.

But just when people decided to rest and sleep, they heard a wolf howling in the distance.

"Wolf, a wolf is coming!"

"Wolves again?"


Everyone immediately stopped and listened alertly to the movement in the direction of the sound.

After there was a wolf howl over there, there was a constant rustling of movement.

I don’t know if there are wolves quietly approaching the campsite, or what happened.

"There are wolves in this place, don't expect peace tonight."

"Yeah, I can't sleep too hard at night."


The people in the caravan have been attacked by wolves countless times, so they are not very afraid of wolves.

It's just that if there are wolves around like now, I won't be able to sleep peacefully at night.

This is too much sleep. What if a pack of wolves comes and attacks?
  At this time, suddenly another wolf howl sounded.

But this time it's not from the north, but from the south.

"There are also wolves in the south?"

"This is troublesome. We won't be surrounded by wolves, right?"

"With such crazy weather and wolves, the problem this time is more serious than we thought."


Hearing the howling of wolves from the south, everyone in the caravan became nervous.

Everyone has been attacked by wolves, and we are really not that afraid of wolves.

But now that the weather is so bad, and there are wolves in the north and south, everyone can't relax no matter what.

If wolves from both sides attack the campsite at the same time while sleeping at night, they will definitely ignore the head and tail, which is very dangerous.

Everyone gathered around the caravan captain and suggested: "Captain, I think in this situation it is best to send someone to conduct a reconnaissance to see how many wolves there are."

"Yeah, we can't be unprepared."

"If we don't figure out the situation now, something big will happen when the wolf comes at night."


Seeing that everyone looked worried, the captain of the caravan said soothingly: "Don't worry, everyone, I will send someone to conduct reconnaissance now."

After hearing this, everyone relaxed a little.

This reconnaissance might not do much good, but it's better than doing nothing.

Afterwards, the caravan captain summoned the guards and sent out men and horses to detect the movements of the wolves.

However, since the overall number of caravan guards is not large, some people need to be left to guard the safety of the campsite, so they can only scout one side.

After some discussion, the caravan captain finally decided to let the caravan guards scout the movements of the wolves in the north.

That's where the howling of wolves was first heard.

Under the watch of everyone, the caravan guards mounted their horses and set off, heading north.

It wasn't until everyone disappeared from sight and the sound of horse hooves could no longer be heard that everyone went back to rest anxiously.

Of course, no one would be able to sleep at this time unless the caravan escort brought back good news after reconnaissance.

(End of this chapter)

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