Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1736 Mysterious Disc

Chapter 1736 Mysterious Disc
  Within the spiritual world.

The world is still the same as when Lin Yu left, without any change.

Lin Yu was at the center of the universe and slowly glanced around.

Everything is in full view.

Then, he moved directly to the planet he visited for the first time.

It was on that planet that he met his first old friend.

That is He Zhou, his childhood classmate.

It was precisely because he discovered that He Zhou's behavior was wrong that he realized that there was something wrong with this world, and he guessed that this might be a parallel world.

But now the black stone tablet tells him that this is not a parallel world, but his spiritual world.

"Since it is my spiritual world, everything is related to my inner thoughts."

Lin Yu analyzed in his mind.

The black stone tablet refused to reveal much information and only told him that this was his spiritual world.

Everything requires him to find clues himself.

Therefore, Lin Yu's first thought was that everything in this world was related to his inner thoughts.

"The world will become like this, it must be because of my thoughts."

"If we can figure out the source of all this, maybe we can figure out the origin of this world."

Lin Yu's body slowly appeared on a busy street.

There are speeding cars passing by in the sky.

In the busy traffic, raindrops fall from time to time.

Lin Yu reached out to catch a raindrop, and then looked towards a coffee shop in front of him.

He Zhou was in that coffee shop at this time.

But He Zhou didn't come to drink coffee, but to make a deal with a man.

Lin Yu scanned it with his consciousness and found that what Lin Yu and the other party were trading seemed to be a CD.

"It's interesting that a world with this level of technology still uses data carriers like optical disks."

Lin Yu thought to himself.

Then he stopped thinking about it and continued to observe every move of He Zhou and the mysterious man.

In the coffee shop, the two of them sat opposite each other in a booth.

The man opposite He Zhou took the CD out of his arms and handed it to He Zhou's hand.

"The content here is very exciting, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

The corners of the man's mouth raised slightly, and he said mysteriously.

He Zhou took the CD and put it into his backpack without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his left wrist and flicked it. The skin on the wrist suddenly glowed, forming a long strip of light on the skin.

Some words and a series of numbers are displayed on the light strip.

"2000 credits, the same as we agreed."

He Zhou stretched out his left hand.

The man also extended his left hand, and the two touched it.

"I like this kind of transaction." The man said in a relaxed tone: "This way you can bypass the surveillance of the police officer, and you will not be aware of it... No, you can't escape the gaze of the evil god."

When talking about the Evil God, the man had a complicated expression.

But this complicated expression passed quickly, and the man's tone became relaxed again the next second.

"Okay, the deal is done, it's time for me to go, you can enjoy this by yourself."


The man chuckled and left the booth.

He Zhou was the only one left in the booth.

He Zhou looked at the coffee on the table, then drank it all in one gulp, as if he had drank a glass of beer.

After drinking the coffee, He Zhou also left quickly.

It's been raining outside. It's not heavy, but if you don't hold an umbrella, your hair and clothes will get wet.

He Zhou covered his head with the satchel in his hand and broke into the light rain alone.

A speeding car flew by quickly at low altitude, raising a burst of rain and fog, covering Hezhou. The bionic dog on the roadside barked at Hezhou.

But He Zhou turned a blind eye to all this, as if he had been isolated from the world.

Trot all the way home.

After returning to the apartment, He Zhou's expression relaxed.

At this time, his whole body was already wet, water droplets had condensed on his hair, and the surface of his clothes had changed color due to the rain.

He Zhou didn't seem to care about any of this and just closed the door tightly vigilantly.


The door was locked tightly by He Zhou, completely isolating the room from the outside world.

It was only then that He Zhou truly relaxed completely.

He opened his satchel, took out the CD inside and quickly came to an antique computer.

However, when he was about to insert the disc into the optical drive, his right hand stopped suddenly.

About one-third of the disc has entered the optical drive port, but the remaining part is tightly pinched by He Zhou's fingers and cannot be sucked into the optical drive.

"Do you really want to...see what's inside?"

He Zhou hesitated.

In order to get this CD and see the content recorded on the CD, he spent a lot of time during this period.

He even doesn't hesitate to take risks and commit crimes.

But when everything was really successful, he hesitated, not knowing whether he should continue.

All this is because the content recorded on the disc is related to the evil god.

Evil God!

"What exactly is the evil god? Can he really let me figure out the truth?"

He Zhou muttered to himself, without even noticing that he actually expressed his inner thoughts.

He just maintained the posture of holding the disc in his hand and sat motionless on the chair. The computer screen kept flashing, and the content displayed on it was reflected on He Zhou's pupils, and was reduced to a light spot.

next second.

He Zhou pushed forward a little with his right hand, pushing the disc half way toward the optical drive port.

Now more than half of the discs have been pushed into the optical drive.

Just a little bit will trigger the sensing device inside the optical drive, drive the motor, and completely suck the disc into it.

He Zhou was still hesitant.

He was afraid that he would see something that would make him uncomfortable, and he was also afraid that bad luck would befall him after reading the contents on the CD.

After all, there are many things in this world that cannot be explained.

Highly developed technology and advanced cutting-edge theories are still unable to explain even the simplest phenomenon.

For example, He Zhou sometimes finds that the water in his cup decreases inexplicably.

It was not natural evaporation, but under his naked eyes, the water level in the cup inexplicably dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if someone had taken a swig of water from a cup through an invisible straw.

But He Zhou was certain that he was the only one in the room at that time, and he used various high-tech means to check repeatedly, but could not find anything unusual in the room.

In other words, such a phenomenon should not happen.

It does not conform to any scientific common sense.

He Zhou is an educated man. He has believed in science since he was a child.

But after experiencing these things, he found that he seemed to be a bit superstitious about science.

After all, science really couldn't explain everything he saw.

It is precisely because of this that he went to great lengths to get this CD.

This CD is related to the evil god.

"Can the Evil God really help me figure out the truth?"

He Zhou was still confused, still confused, and still afraid.

He is just an ordinary person who seems very small in this highly developed technological society. He is a small person and cannot bear much stimulation.

He Zhou felt that if the stimulation was too great, his auxiliary electronic brain might be overloaded and shut down.

"But I have to figure it all out!"

He Zhou's hand holding the CD tightened involuntarily.

He must find out the truth behind all this.

These truths can not only solve the doubts and riddles in his heart, but most importantly, they are related to his life and safety.

He Zhou didn't want some kind of weirdness living in his room.

Absolutely no one in this world would want to live in the same room with Weird.

"Either way, you will die!"

He Zhou calmed down and pushed the CD in his hand into the optical drive.

The optical drive's sensing device was successfully triggered, and the internal motor was driven by current to start running, completely sucking the remaining part of the disc into the optical drive.

Immediately afterwards, there was another mechanical transmission sound.

The disc spins rapidly in the optical drive, and the optical head converts the physical signals recorded on the disc into digital signals.

He Zhou held the mouse and clicked on an icon on the screen.

This is an antique playback software that can only play original flat images.

Unlike most recent playback devices, which project full three-dimensional images, some can even be imaged directly in the human brain.

The computer screen flashed continuously, reflecting He Zhou's face in colorful colors.

The screen shows a young girl.

This young girl had her back to He Zhou, her long, silky hair fluttering gently in the breeze.

In front of the girl is the light blue sea. The sea is calm and there are almost no waves.

He Zhou suddenly felt that this picture was beautiful.

He thought to himself that the girl in this picture must be very beautiful. If he could have a girl like this as his girlfriend, it would be very sweet.

Speaking of which, He Zhou has never had a real girlfriend in his entire life.

That's the kind of real woman, not a virtual girlfriend or a bionic girlfriend.

Although there is no difference in appearance between the bionic girlfriend and the real girlfriend, the figure and appearance of the bionic girlfriend will only be better and more perfect than the real one.

But He Zhou is a living person after all, and he longs for a sweet love with a true soul mate.

So when He Zhou saw the back of this beautiful girl in the picture, something deep in his heart was suddenly touched.

He Zhou's thoughts drifted away, but his attention was still focused on the computer screen in front of him.

At least for now, everything is normal, nothing strange, and nothing strange happens.

He Zhou felt that it would be pretty good if the girl in front of him was the evil god.

As the camera kept zooming in, He Zhou felt that the distance between himself and the girl was getting shorter and shorter.

When the entire computer screen was filled with the girl's upper body, the camera finally stopped.

He Zhou was full of expectations.

Looking forward to what the next picture will be.

Is it possible that when this girl turns around, she will show a terrifying and ferocious face?

He Zhou had already prepared for the worst.

No matter what happens next, he is ready and he will accept it.

At this time, the girl began to turn her head slowly.

He Zhou held his breath for a moment.

Now it's like waiting for a big prize. He Zhou hopes that he will win, but he also feels that he will definitely not win.

Things will never go as he expected.

He Zhou felt that he would definitely see something extraordinary next.

Maybe it's scary, maybe it's scary, maybe it's chilling.

In short, what he will see next is definitely not a pretty picture.

He Zhou is deeply convinced of this.

Otherwise, the guy who sold his CD wouldn't have said that the content inside was very exciting. He had no reason to say such a thing.

The girl's movements on the screen still didn't stop.

It's just that everything is very slow, as if time has stood still.

He Zhou swallowed instinctively and prepared to accept the next impact.

A little, a little, a little...

The girl turned around little by little.

Finally, He Zhou saw the girl's profile.

Next came the right half of the face, and then the whole face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

He Zhou gasped for air, fell back, and leaned on the back of the chair extremely relaxed.

He thought he would see something extremely terrifying.

The result was a complete surprise.

At this time, an exquisite and beautiful face was displayed on the computer screen.

The girl is beautiful and naturally beautiful.

It is a natural beauty that He Zhou has never seen since he was a child.

Just looking at such a beautiful girl can make people feel relaxed and purified.

He Zhou felt that maybe that was what the old man meant when he mentioned "Jingbang".

After all, in this era, it is really hard to find a girl with such natural beauty and natural temperament.

Today's girl He Zhou doesn't want to comment too much. After all, he knows in his heart that men like them are a bit unsightly in the eyes of girls of this era.

He Zhou just wants to enjoy this beauty and immerse himself in this picture that sublimates his soul.


Just when He Zhou was completely relaxed, a plate of transparent liquid of unknown substance suddenly fell from the sky, drenching the girl from head to toe.

He Zhou's nerves instantly became tense.

The next moment, before He Zhou had time to react or have any thoughts, a terrifying scene appeared.

I saw that the girl's skin was corroded and falling off her body bit by bit.

"No! No! No!"

He Zhou stood up and backed away in panic, knocking over the chair behind him.

The picture on the computer screen deeply stimulated his heart and caused him to suffer severe mental trauma.

He Zhou was completely at a loss as to what to do, his heart was extremely shocked and extremely frightened.

My heart was racing and my mouth was dry.

In the end, the girl on the screen turned into a pool of blood, and He Zhou had a panoramic view of the whole process.

He Zhou can be sure that he will never forget such a scene.

"Beast! You are just a beast! Why do you do this? Why?"

He Zhou vented his inner emotions by roaring.

He didn't know who he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction on, the man who sold him the CD, or the person in the picture who poured a bucket of "water" on the girl's head.

He Zhou only knew that roaring like this would make him feel a little better.

But it only feels a little better.

At this moment, the picture on the computer screen suddenly stopped and turned into darkness.

He Zhou gasped for air.

Still can't get used to what I just saw.

He felt that after experiencing the scene just now, his life was completely different from before.

He has become a different person.

Or rather, his entire outlook on life was forcibly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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