Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1738 Predicting the future

Chapter 1738 Predicting the future
  "Two discs, a total of 5000 credits."

Lao Mai raised a hand and opened his palm and said.

He Zhou directly stretched out his left hand. Seeing this, Lao Mai also stretched out his left hand and touched He Zhou.

5000 credit points were successfully transferred from He Zhou's name to Lao Mai's.

This is an offline credit that can bypass Skynet surveillance.

"Here, here's the disc you wanted, enjoy it."

After Lao Mai handed the CD to He Zhou, he stood up with a smile full of meaning.

He Zhou sat in the booth and played with the CD in his hand while sipping the coffee in his cup.

The last time he got the CD, he left in a hurry to see what was on the CD.

But this time he wasn't in a hurry because he knew it wasn't a good experience.

It can even be said to be torture.

Since you are undergoing torture, there is nothing to rush about.

"Evil God..."

He Zhou murmured to himself.

What exactly is an evil god?

He wanted to find out the truth soon, but he knew that the truth was still far away from him for the time being.

The amount of coffee in the cup gradually decreases.

Finally, after almost ten minutes, the cup of coffee was finally empty.

It's time to go.

He Zhou stood up slowly, hid the box containing two CDs in his arms, and left the coffee shop.

It was already late at night, but the lights were still brightly lit outside.

Colorful neon lights emit messy and mottled light in the rain, adding a special color to this cold city.

After He Zhou walked out of the store, he instinctively glanced to the left.

That direction was the direction that a large number of mechanical security team members had just gone. It seemed that something big happened in that direction.


At this time, police sirens were coming from that direction.

A mechanical security team formed a circle to separate the onlookers from the site of the incident.

"Mind my own business."

He Zhou withdrew his gaze and quickly headed to the super building where he lived.

He himself is in danger now, how can he care about the life and death of others.

He Zhou held an umbrella and walked back as quickly as possible.

The people on the road were all in a hurry, as if they had urgent things to do.

He Zhou has long been accustomed to all this. Most people in this era are very selfish.

Everyone only cares about his own life and doesn't care what others are thinking unless other people's thoughts interfere with his life.

Just like He Zhou, if it weren't for the strange events that happened at home that interfered with his life, he wouldn't have taken it seriously at all.

For example, if He Zhou heard about such a thing from the news, that someone's house was haunted, then He Zhou would just laugh it off and immediately look for the next news that could stimulate his senses.

This is how he lives every day.

Until it happened to him.

He was forced to figure out the truth, forced to figure out the world he had long been accustomed to.

Or rather, the world he thought he was accustomed to.

Maybe the world is not what he thought it was, who knows.

At least He Zhou had never thought in this direction.

After a long journey, He Zhou finally returned to the downstairs of the super building where he lived.

After verifying his ID, he walked into the high-speed elevator.

There were other people in the elevator. Most of these people were residents of this super building like him, but some were staff, such as food delivery people, express delivery people, etc.

Each super building is equivalent to an independent small community, with various people living in it and therefore having various needs.

For example, there is a person in the elevator who is obviously a manicurist and may be providing door-to-door services to a beautiful woman.

He Zhou's eyes kept moving, observing these strange and familiar people.

Everyone has a different expression.

Some people are obviously anxious to do something with a clear purpose, while others have tired faces, looking like they’ve had a tiring day.

Once upon a time, He Zhou was just like them, with a single emotion.

Either he is resting after a tiring day, or there is something he needs to do urgently.

But now, he found that he could calm down and observe the world.

Observe other people in the world.

This was something he had never been able to do before.

In other words, he never thought about observing other people before.

In his mind, other people were just tools and part of this world.

He never considered other people as individuals.

"When can I be like them again?"

He Zhou suddenly remembered the scene he saw on the CD last night.

That picture has been deeply ingrained in his mind, and it will pop up from time to time, giving him a very bad feeling.

Now, the appearance of this picture brought his thoughts back instantly.

He Zhou instantly forgot all about the other people in the elevator, his mind was filled with images in his mind.

He tried hard to forget those images, but unfortunately he couldn't.

"We must find out the truth about this world! We must quickly find out the truth about the world!"

He Zhou thought secretly in his heart.

Of course, the people around him didn't notice the change in He Zhou's expression at all.

They all only care about their own business and don't care about anyone else around them.

Other people's emotions and changes in expressions are just a little embellishment in the world to them.

These embellishments are not important at all.

"Ding Dong!"

The elevator chime sounded, and then the elevator door slowly opened.

He Zhou looked up and saw that it was his own floor, so he hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd and got off the elevator.

There was loud radio and TV sound outside.

The super building is very large, and there is a holographic screen at the elevator entrance on each floor, just like a small square.

At this moment, a breaking news is playing in the holographic image above.

"It is reported that the deceased died in a very horrific manner. His whole body was corroded by an unknown liquid and turned into a puddle..."

Hearing what was reported on the news, He Zhou stopped instantly and looked up at the holographic screen.

When he saw the picture, he was even more surprised.

Because the incident happened not far from the coffee shop where he just made the transaction.

"Is this where the mechanical security guards are surrounding us?"

He Zhou recalled.

When he left the coffee shop, he looked specifically in that direction, only to see a group of heavily armed mechanical security guards.

Those iron bumps tightly surrounded the place where the incident occurred, making it impossible for onlookers outside to see what was going on inside.

Hezhou was so far away that it was naturally harder to see clearly.

But I didn't expect that such a terrifying thing would happen in that place.

When He Zhou saw that scene on the computer screen last night, he had difficulty adapting to it. If he saw it live, he would definitely feel even more uncomfortable.

"Why did this happen?"

He Zhou felt that all this was too weird.

He had only seen such a scene on a disc, and then something similar happened in the real world.

Is there any connection between the two?
  Originally, He Zhou would not have thought in this direction, but who would have thought that the incident happened not far from the coffee shop where he traded?

At such a close distance, it's hard not to think of it.

"No, it must be just a coincidence."

He Zhou tried to convince himself. However, at this moment, a photo of the deceased suddenly appeared on the holographic screen.

After He Zhou saw the face in the photo clearly, his breathing stopped instantly.

Then, his heart started beating wildly, making his breathing quicken.

Because he discovered that the woman in the photo looked exactly like the woman he saw on the CD.

There is no difference at all!

He Zhou was almost certain that the two people were the same person.

"How could this be?"

He Zhou was completely shocked now.

The thing originally highlighted a strangeness, after all, he had just seen such a scene, and the same thing happened immediately outside the coffee shop.

Now, the deceased looked exactly like the woman in the picture he saw.

The two of them must be the same person.

Then the problem arises, two people who look exactly the same die in exactly the same way.

Could this prove that what he saw on the disc was not what had happened before, or that it was a horror movie deliberately directed by someone?

But a prediction of the future?

"I saw that lake surface in the CD, and then the same thing happened in the real world, and the deceased was the same person. This must be a prediction of the future, it must be like this!"

He Zhou nodded secretly.

Only this explanation makes sense.

Although the place of death of the deceased is inconsistent, the woman in the CD died at the seaside, while the woman in the real world died on the road.

But the woman is the same person.

In other words, the guy who predicted the woman's death only knew that the woman would die in this way, but did not know where the woman would die.

"Predicting the future and then selling it on CDs, what exactly do they want to do?"

"What does all this have to do with the evil god?"

Countless question marks flashed through He Zhou's mind.

He decided to go back and take a good look at the two newly purchased CDs.

Take a look at what kind of scenes are hidden in these two discs.

Could it be the same as the first chapter disc, predicting someone's death?

He Zhou walked quickly to his residence.

The super building is huge.

He Zhou took several detours before arriving at his residence.

After putting away the umbrella and closing the door tightly, he couldn't wait to come to the computer.

This time, without any hesitation, he directly inserted one of the discs into the computer's optical drive.

The optical drive rotated and made a mechanical sound, and at the same time a new folder appeared on the computer.

He Zhou skillfully clicked on the folder and opened the image file inside.

The sound sounded and the screen started to flash.

He Zhou stared at the computer screen closely, and at the same time, he was prepared for everything.

He was ready to accept any possible scenario.

No matter how terrifying the scene is, he will watch it carefully.

Approaching, he now has a huge question mark in his heart, not just fear and fear.

Like the first disc, the first person to appear in this shot is also a person.

Only this time it was a young man.

The camera slowly zooms in from behind the young man.

The man's stalwart body continued to grow larger on the computer screen, eventually filling the entire screen.

Immediately afterwards, the man began to slowly turn his upper body.

He Zhou held his breath for a moment and watched carefully what was about to happen next.

The man's upper body twisted to a certain angle and stopped, but his head continued to turn in the direction of He Zhou.

Finally, He Zhou saw the young man's face clearly.

This is a handsome man, just as attractive as the beautiful woman on the first CD.

He Zhouzai watched carefully.

He knew that this handsome man would most likely die next, but he didn't know how he would die.

Was it corroded by an unknown substance like that beautiful woman, or was it a completely new way of death?

He Zhou didn't know, but he had made all preparations.

At this moment, the handsome man in the picture suddenly cracked.

To be precise, the man's skin suddenly cracked because it could not withstand some kind of tension.

Such cracks covered his entire cheek, including other parts.

All the skin that can be seen has similar irregular cracks.

Immediately afterwards, He Zhou saw bright red blood streaks appearing in these cracks.

Blood seeped out from the cracks at a slow speed.

He Zhou knew that this was because the entire picture was played at an extremely slow speed.

The cracks continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, and more and more bloodshot blood seeped out.

Later, He Zhou saw what was inside through the crack.

It's bones.

The cracks continue to widen and the picture becomes clearer.

He Zhou finally saw clearly that cracks were appearing in the bones inside.

These cracks are as irregular as the cracks in the skin.

In this way, this handsome man continued to split under He Zhou's gaze, eventually breaking into countless pieces and splashing everywhere.

"Hu, hu, hu!"

He Zhou gasped and backed away.

This scene had a huge impact on his soul and made him unable to let it go for a long time.

He knew that from now on this scene would be deeply engraved in his mind and he would never forget it.

Likewise, the psychological trauma suffered after seeing this scene is irreversible.

However, because of his previous experience and psychological expectations, He Zhou was not as nervous and at a loss as last time.

He Zhou quickly adapted to everything.

When he calmed down again, he thought of it instantly.

The man in the picture may still be alive now, but he may face death soon.

Just like the beauty before.

The man's method of death must be the same as what was recorded on the CD. He was killed by something exploding from his body.

"How do I determine this?"

He Zhou thought quickly.

He had to be sure of this before he could confirm his suspicions.

Otherwise, everything before was really just a coincidence.

"The beautiful woman died near the place where I was active. If the pattern is consistent, this man will definitely be the same."

He Zhou quickly analyzed.

Perhaps what he should do at this time is to walk out of the house and find a place to sit.

Just sit there for a while and an accident might happen nearby.

And as long as an accident occurs, his guess will be established.

After He Zhou thought about it for a while, he decided to give it a try.

After all, he can't do anything else now, this is the only way he can think of to verify it.

"Just go to the gym in the middle of the floor. That's a nice place."

He Zhou quickly thought of a good place.

That's the gym on their floor.

(End of this chapter)

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