Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 663 Memory Reappearance

Chapter 663 Memory Reappearance
  "City Lord Duan, please speak."

"It's like this." Duan Kong explained: "In addition to the memory light points and resurrection light points I just mentioned, there is another extremely rare light point in this particle world."

"How to describe those light spots? I don't know how to describe them. Mainly because I don't know much about them."

"Anyway, you just need to know that if you sense that kind of light point, you may be transported to the real world."

When Lin Yu heard this, he wondered: "The real world? You mean, those light spots are teleportation arrays that connect to other worlds?"

"It can be understood that way. In short, you just have to be careful. I don't know the details." Duan Kong replied.

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Later, Lin Yu asked Duan Kong about some other things before ending the conversation.

As soon as he finished the conversation, he looked at the soul stone in front of him again.

"Is it possible that it is actually taking me to find the kind of light point that has the function of teleportation?"

"Or, as soon as I sense it, it will take the initiative to take me to one of the teleportation light points?"

Lin Yu couldn't help but guess in his heart.

Judging from the information currently known, the possibility of this speculation seems to be quite high.

After staring quietly for a moment, Lin Yu slowly stretched out his right hand and approached the soul stone.

He decided to touch the soul stone to try.

After all, it can't go on like this forever, it has to be tested.

Soon, Lin Yu grabbed the soul-soothing stone with his right hand and felt the strange touch of the soul-soothing stone again.

"It seems okay."

On the modifier panel in front of him, no prompts for obtaining Yuan Energy popped up, and Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

But while he relaxed, he also felt a little regretful.

"It would be great if it could continuously provide me with energy, so that I could improve my cultivation level quickly."

"And as long as there is enough energy, I can also fuse all these laws together and modify them to create very powerful laws."

During his visit to the Divine Burial Site, he gained a lot of laws, which totaled nearly five thousand.

These laws are of different grades and powers. Taken individually, they are of little use. Only when combined into more powerful laws are they valuable.

"Forget it, let's take it step by step. Let's study these memory spots first."

Lin Yu took the soul-soothing stone into his arms, and then looked at the dots of light around him.

He came to the particle world for two purposes. The first was to escape the pursuit of the God Lord, and the second was to find some answers in the particle world and solve the doubts in his heart.

For example, why Duan Kong said that the demon god is the orthodoxy, and for example, how the gods were born, the origin of the void, etc.

If you can figure it all out, all the secrets will be unlocked.

"That's it."

Lin Yu selected a light spot and stretched out his soul to sense it.

There is no difference between the memory light spot and the resurrection light spot from the outside. Only after immersing the soul in it can we make a judgment.

  A white light flashed, and then Lin Yu found himself in a group of mountains.

At this time, he was standing on a certain mountain peak. To his surprise, there was a man looking at him up and down in front of him.

"Are you new here?" the man asked.

When Lin Yu heard this, he immediately retracted his soul and left.

Needless to say, the light spot just now was not a memory light spot, but a resurrection light spot where a "living person" existed.

"The number of resurrection light points is far less than the memory light points. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence."

Lin Yu shook his head slightly and looked at another light spot next to him. This light spot must be a memory light spot. It is impossible for several resurrection light spots to appear in one place, right?

Without thinking much, Lin Yu once again reached out his soul to sense.

Another white light flashed, and this time Lin Yu appeared on a lifeless land.

The terrain here is the same as in the normal world. The only difference is that there are no living creatures in the sky and on the earth.

Not to mention moving people or animals, not even a blade of grass can be seen.

It is an extremely desolate world.

"It's right this time."

Lin Yu nodded secretly, and then followed the method taught by Duan Kong just now, trying to reproduce the memory carried here.

  Suddenly, some people and buildings appeared around, looking like one of the streets in a certain city.

Lin Yu looked around and found that everyone was walking on the street minding their own business, either talking and laughing with others, or hurriedly walking. No one glanced at him, and seemed not to notice his presence at all.

Of course, he understood that this scene was just a recurrence of memory, and everything had happened long ago.

In other words, he was just experiencing a past event as a bystander.

After watching for a while, Lin Yu flew into the sky and came to the sky above the city.

At this time, not only the place under his feet, but also the entire world became full of vitality, and no longer looked as desolate and solemn as before.

"Go there and have a look."

Lin Yu quickly descended and came to a tall building.

This place looks like a government office.

He walked straight across the threshold, wandered around casually inside, and came to a study room before he knew it.

There was someone in the study, but that person completely ignored Lin Yu who walked in through the door like a ghost, and was immersed in writing something.

Lin Yu ignored him, picked up a book on the desk and started reading.

"This book may no longer exist in the real world, but here you can see the complete version."

"Indeed, as Duan Kong said, in these memories, I can find all the answers I want."

"The only trouble is, this approach is so inefficient."

Lin Yu put down the book, touched his chin and pondered.

If you use this method to find the answer you want, you don't know how much time you will waste.

For example, if you want to figure out why the demon god is the orthodoxy, you must first find a way to find a memory in which the ancient demon god appeared, and then take the time to observe that memory carefully, so that you can roughly understand some of the truth.

To get a complete answer, you need to observe multiple memories, which takes more time.

"If I could use the Law of Time to accelerate, decelerate or even reverse time, it would be much simpler, but it's a pity..."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu immediately left this memory spot and returned to the particle world.

Now that he knows how to reproduce past memories in the memory light spot, the most important thing next is to retrieve the Dantian Universe.

When he entered the burial place of the gods, Dantian Universe did not follow him in and should have stayed in the void.

This caused him to lose the power of Yuanli and was unable to use Yuanli to activate the law.

Of course, the burial place of the gods is the world of the dead, and this particle world is also the world of the dead. Presumably the Dantian Universe cannot enter this particle world with him.

So now he is not trying to bring Dantian Universe here, but he is worried about those people living in Dantian Universe.

"Leave here first and come back later."

(End of this chapter)

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