Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 971 Successful Persuasion

Chapter 971 Successful Persuasion
  The Abyss Emperor controlled his giant tiger and quickly approached the Abyss Mountain.

At the same time, the giant turtle has begun a voice conversation with the flying giant beast on the giant mountain.

The giant turtle said to the flying giant beast: "Be careful, the giant tiger approaching you now is enslaved by the Meteor God, and it wants to deceive your trust."

Upon hearing this, the flying giant beast said, "Thank you for informing me."

As soon as it heard it, it knew that the giant tortoise was a free beast, so it didn't doubt these words at all.

After all, there is no competition between the giant beasts. Everyone makes a living by devouring the mist in the abyss, and there is no conflict of interest between them.

Therefore, the relationship between them is very harmonious and they help each other.

Seeing that the flying giant beast believed him, the giant turtle spoke again: "The five giant beasts here except me are all enslaved. I want to liberate them. I wonder if you are willing to help."

The flying behemoth asked curiously: "How do you rescue them? Do you have a way to kill the meteor god who enslaved them?"

Compared with the size of the giant beast, the Meteor God is really small and insignificant.

This makes it difficult for giant beasts like them to kill the Meteor God.

Because the opponent is so small, even a single bacterium that falls on them is not as good as it is. I don’t know how to exert force even if I try hard.

It was precisely because they were unable to kill the Meteor God who was much smaller than themselves that they were enslaved by the Meteor God who exploited his loopholes.

Otherwise, with the strength of their sixth- and seventh-level divine bodies, how could they be afraid of these low-strength meteor gods.

When the giant turtle heard the flying giant beast's doubts, he explained: "I can't kill those meteor gods, but the meteor gods who made a contract with me can still kill them."

"Oh?" the flying giant beast asked curiously: "Why did the Meteor God who made a contract with you rebel against his own people and stand on our side?"

"He's different," the giant turtle replied.

The flying giant beast immediately asked: "What's the difference?"

The giant turtle explained: "He is not the meteor god from the eternal paradise, but a god-level powerhouse who came here from the material plane."

"He only cultivated his divine body after he came here."

"So he also hates those fallen gods who once oppressed him."

After hearing this, the flying giant beast suddenly realized: "So that's the case, that's worthy of trust."

"But..." The flying behemoth asked again in confusion: "You said this person has just cultivated a divine body, so how can he fight against those meteor gods who have already possessed high-level divine bodies?"

The giant turtle said: "Because his cultivation method is very strange, and his cultivation speed is unimaginable."

"How do you say that?" The flying giant beast was confused.

The giant turtle explained: "He cultivates by absorbing mental energy. As long as the mental energy is enough, he can continue to improve his strength."

"I once watched with my own eyes as he cultivated a fourth-level divine body from scratch in a very short period of time. It was very miraculous."

The flying giant beast was surprised when he heard this: "There is such a person in the world?!"

"If I hadn't seen everything with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it." The giant turtle continued.

After saying that, the giant turtle added: "It is precisely because he needs anima and has unlimited potential that I made a contract with him."

"The condition I negotiated with him was that every time he found an enslaved giant beast, he had to find a way to restore that person's freedom."

"Of course, he can absorb all the anima stored in the enslaved beast."

"This is the first condition. The other condition is that after he becomes a high-level god, he must find a way to prevent the god of Eternal Paradise from continuing to exile living beings to the abyss, and to restore purity to the abyss."

Hearing this, the flying giant beast repeatedly agreed: "Okay, he can agree to such conditions, and he is indeed worthy of our help." Then, it promised: "Don't worry, I will help you rescue that person later. Five enslaved beasts.”

"This is best." The giant turtle felt relieved, "By the way, the person I made the contract with is called Lin Yu. He has something else to ask you."

"What's going on?" the flying giant beast asked.

The giant turtle said: "He wants you to take him to the sky to see if he can find a way to the eternal paradise after the event is completed."

Upon hearing this, the flying giant beast immediately agreed: "This matter is easy to handle, just leave it to me."

"However, I'm just afraid that he will be disappointed after taking a spin in the sky."

"Because as far as I know, there is no way to the eternal paradise in heaven."

The giant turtle said: "That's not necessarily true. We are huge and may overlook certain details. Maybe there are passages in some places in the sky that only allow them to enter and exit."

"This cannot be ruled out." The flying giant beast responded: "Okay, let's do this for now. When this matter is over, I will take him to the sky to have a look."

"Well, I'll contact you later. Neither he nor I have figured out a specific plan yet. We'll discuss it with you later based on the situation," the giant turtle said.

On the other side, while the giant turtle was talking to the flying giant beast, the Abyss Emperor had already driven the giant tiger to the foot of the giant mountain of the abyss.

This mountain is so huge that you can't even see the top of it when you look up.

Because the top of the mountain was completely submerged in fog.

It is precisely because of this that the flying behemoth chose this as its foothold.

In this way, when it is resting, it can be hidden in the mist and will not be seen by the meteor gods passing below.

Of course, this can only escape the sight of the Meteor God. It is still very easy for other giant beasts to discover its existence.

Every behemoth that happens to pass by this abyss mountain can sense the flying behemoth on the top of the mountain.

It is precisely because of this that the Abyss Overlord knew of its existence by accident.

The Abyss Emperor controlled the giant tiger to stop, then sent a ray of soul into the giant tiger's sea of ​​consciousness, and then sent a message to the flying giant beast above: "I am the free giant beast, and I know you are up there."

The flying giant beast is on the top of the tall abyss mountain. It can fly away quickly when it detects danger, so even if an enslaved giant beast comes to the foot of the mountain, it will not be directly scared away.

It is precisely because of knowing this that the Abyss Overlord allowed the Abyss Emperor to directly drive the giant tiger to the foot of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, after hearing the message from the Abyss Emperor, the flying giant beast asked the giant turtle: "A giant beast has arrived at the foot of the mountain. What do you want to do?"

After hearing this, the giant turtle discussed with Lin Yu, and then replied: "You trick all the enslaved giant beasts to the foot of the mountain, and we will act on your own again."

"Okay." The flying giant beast agreed immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he sent a message to the Abyss Emperor and said: "You have six giant beasts in total. Why are you the only one here? Are the other giant beasts also unenslaved?"

Upon hearing this, the Abyss Emperor hurriedly replied: "No, we are all free beasts."

"Then why don't they come over? What are they afraid of?" the flying giant beast asked.

Upon hearing this, the Abyss Emperor asked tentatively: "Then I call them all over?"

"Let them come quickly." The flying giant beast urged.

When the Abyss Emperor heard this, he was ecstatic, and immediately sent a message to the Abyss Overlord, telling him that he had successfully stabilized the flying giant beast and could let all the giant beasts come over.

(End of this chapter)

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