Chapter 1027 Fearless
  Wang Ye heard Fatty's question ringing in his ears, and there was only deep disgust in his eyes. This guy would only do things that would drag them down, but Wang Ye didn't say anything.

When the fat man saw Wang Ye's appearance, his eyes were filled with nervousness, and then he said with a smile to Wang Ye.

"I think the biggest crow's mouth is the blind man."

At this moment, the fat man still chose to ease the atmosphere, because the blind man said that they were just cursed and would not die directly.

So the fat man was not afraid at all. Instead, he looked at Wang Ye and said with a distant look on his face.

“We’re living one day at a time now.”

There was a bit of excitement in Fatty's tone. When Wang Ye saw Fatty like this, he just shook his head and didn't say anything else to him.

The blind man took Wang Ye's hand and was eager to take Wang Ye away.

While they were still discussing there, Wang Ye looked at the fat man impatiently and said.

"It's just thunder, why should we be surprised?"

Wang Ye asked the question, and the fat man's face showed some guilt and nervousness, because he was afraid that those moths would escape.

But Wang Ye patted the fat man on the shoulder, looked at him, and said casually.

Even if those moths do escape, we must believe that we are strong enough to deal with them. "

After Wang Ye said these words, the fat man nodded, but his expression became a little complicated.

Instead, he looked at the blind man next to him. The fat man couldn't bear it and pushed him. At the same time, he complained in his heart. If the blind man hadn't come here looking for such trouble, how could they be targeted?

Thinking of this, the fat man's face was filled with weirdness.

He looked at the blind man, with only thick contempt in his eyes. The blind man and the fat man looked at each other, with helplessness flashing on their faces.

He spread his hands, then looked at Wang Ye and wanted to explain to Wang Ye that he didn't want to see such a thing happen, but Wang Ye didn't want to hear it and just hoped that they could calm down.

Wang Ye led them to walk forward. The fat man and the blind man were still tit for tat, but in fact, it was just the fat man who couldn't stand the blind man.

The blind guy didn't dare to have those tempers in front of them.

The tomb passage in front of them looked strange, but under Wang Ye's guidance, both the fat man and the blind man calmed down.

They did not continue to argue. Instead, the fat man looked at the blind man with a little more understanding. He couldn't help but patted the blind man on the shoulder and sighed helplessly.

"If I had known you had gone through so much, you should have told us. In this way, we wouldn't have to waste so much energy on tit-for-tat confrontations like this."

What the fat man said was true, but the blind man didn't bother to pay attention to what the fat man said. Instead, he sighed calmly.

Seeing the blind man's appearance, the fat man's face became a little ugly.

Looking at the blind man, the fat man couldn't help but talk to him again.

"If you really don't believe what I said, you can ask Wang Ye. None of us have that much ill will towards you, not to mention that we have encountered this situation before."

Fatty told the truth. To this day, Fatty still remembers clearly what happened to Zhao Yiwu. Although those people did not come to find him, Fatty believed that in a short while, both of them would be in a state of anxiety. And Zhao Yiwu would not suffer any loss, because everything Zhao Yiwu did was from the heart. When the blind man heard what the fat man said, he just smiled bitterly.

Wang Ye walked in front, looked back at the two of them, and urged them to follow with an annoyed look on his face.

These two guys are so good at inking, especially the fat one. Once they start talking, they will talk in a long way, and they can't stop talking to the blind man. The blind man is also stupid.

He was naive, and no matter what the fat man said to him, the blind man could listen to it, and he and the fat man kept arguing. The two of them seemed to have endless energy.

Seeing the two of them talking there, Wang Ye's eyes became more and more impatient. He had never seen anyone as leisurely as the two of them. It was obvious that entering this place was already in dire straits and was very dangerous.

But they could still be so calm, which Wang Ye never expected.

Seeing Wang Ye pushing him out, the blind man hurriedly followed, but the fat man held Wang Ye's hand.

There was a bit of helplessness on the fat man's face.

"You said you were leaving in such a hurry. I still have a lot to say to him. Look at what he has gone through. It's such a pity."

The fat man's face was full of pity. When the blind man heard these words of the fat man, Lu felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose, not knowing how to respond.

Seeing their looks, Wang Ye also had a bit of weirdness in his eyes.

The two brothers and sisters actually got together at this moment, and their inexplicable relationship improved a lot. Wang Ye himself felt very weird about this, but Wang Ye didn't say much.

At this moment, not long after Wang Ye walked forward, he heard some small sounds ringing in his ears. He looked up and looked around. It was dark, but Wang Ye held up the torch in his hand.

When he shined the torch, Wang Ye also saw something appear in front of his eyes.

Similar to a small black ball, this small ball was only as big as his fingernail, but it kept rolling out of the soil, as if something was kicking them out.

Wang Ye's face became extremely ugly when he saw this scene. This was really weird. The fat man and the blind man were still talking about each other. Wang Ye heard what they were discussing there.

He hurriedly called the two people over and told him what he had discovered at the same time. Both the fat man and the blind man were startled. They covered their chests and looked at Wang Ye, saying anxiously.

"How is this going?"

There was a bit of caution on their faces. Wang Ye heard their words but was too lazy to answer.

Instead, he stared at the small gray balls in front of him, then picked up one of the small black balls and carefully distinguished it.

"If I guess correctly, this should be weasel droppings."

The blind man looked at Wang Ye and suddenly said these words with a solemn face. In fact, he had also encountered such an institution. Looking at Wang Ye, the blind man told Wang Ye with a surprised face about the critical nature of these institutions.

Generally speaking, these feces contain certain hallucinogenic substances, so when they see these feces, it also represents a bad sign that is about to happen, or it may be other bad things.

Moreover, when Wang Ye saw the feces, there were a lot of them piled up nearby, he thought to himself that there might be a lot of hallucinogen B here since they walked into this place.

(End of this chapter)

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