Chapter 1065 Firm attitude
  At this moment, the blind man was getting further and further away from his master. The blind man couldn't help but talk to Wang Ye.

"What on earth are you doing? Put your hands down quickly. My master is right in front. I want to bring him out."

The blind man's tone was full of nervousness. Wang Ye shook his head when he saw the blind man like this and said extremely seriously.

This is not your master. Your master has left this place long ago. He also wrote a note for you. Have you forgotten it? "

When Wang Ye said the words, although the blind man's face became a little ugly, he still couldn't control his actions when he heard the familiar voice ringing in his ears.

To see the blind man like that, Wang Ye knew in his heart that no one could persuade him, and the only thing Wang Ye could do was to hold his hand as much as possible.

At this moment, Wang Ye looked at the blind man and couldn't help but speak.

"Really calm down, this kind of thing is no joke."

Wang Ye's eyes showed some vigilance and seriousness, but when Wang Ye said his words, the blind man showed no concern.

"Then can you let me go over and ask him a few questions first? I really want to know during this period of time."

The blind man's impatient look made Wang Ye fall into a long silence.

"Just calm down. This is really not your master. What's more, after you pass, the questions you ask are meaningless at all."

The seriousness in Wang Ye's tone is not fake. There are too many things that can be explained in one sentence, and there are also many things that the blind man wants to know.

He hid a lot of things and didn't talk to his master properly because he was kicked out by his master at that time.

He never met his master again.

And this incident became the only regret in his heart. Wang Ye's face became a little complicated when he saw the blind man's reluctant face.

"If you really want to talk to him, then I will give you this opportunity, but you must remember that you can only go down and ask him three questions."

After Wang Ye said these words, he pushed the blind man down. The blind man nodded without hesitation and had no objection.

Although the blind man couldn't see anything, he could feel a pair of big hands lifting him up. These big hands were as familiar and warm as ever, and the blind man shed tears.

"Why are you here? Have you always stayed in this place?"

The blind man asked carefully, and when he spoke these words, his master laughed.

"Didn't I say you can only ask three questions?"

When his master's words came out, the blind man showed a bit of helplessness on his face, and then he added hurriedly.

"One last question, how to solve the curse here?"

Hearing the blind man's question ringing in his ears, his master also held his belly and burst into laughter. Wang Ye glanced inside, worry showing on his face.

When the fat man saw this scene, he took Wang Ye's hand again and said a little helplessly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. The two of them must have had a good conversation. When I fought with those gamblers, nothing happened."

There was a bit of seriousness in Fatty's tone. Seeing Fatty like this, Wang Ye nodded. These things were indeed undeniable.

At this moment, the blind man heard his master speak slowly and answer his questions.

"The first question is, I have nowhere else to go but here. I stay here all the time. The third question is, I want to break the curse."

When his master answered the first two questions, there was still a hint of smile in his tone, but when he came to the second part, he fell silent for an instant.

Before the blind man could react, the words his master spoke were full of severity.

"We have to ask the villagers to return the things they took away. Just let them put them in the same place. Then these curses will be lifted one by one."

The hatred in his tone was not fake. If a blind man had eyes, he would definitely see the anger and unwillingness in his eyes. This kind of thing would hit him too hard.

When Wang Ye saw such a scene, his eyes also showed complexity. Only the fat man standing next to him kept pushing his hand and looked at Wang Ye and said with extreme confusion.

"Do you think the things they are communicating now are true or false? Why do I feel a little confused?"

There was a bit of complexity in Fatty's eyes, but Wang Ye just smiled when he heard Fatty's question ringing in his ears.

After all, no one knows whether this guy has really lived that long. If he has really stayed in the desperate place for so many years, does that mean that most of the things in this desperate place are not illusions?

When he thought of this, Fatty's face showed a bit of excitement. Looking at Wang Ye, Fatty couldn't help but want to talk to him.

"I seem to understand a little bit what this place is about. Maybe everything I see now is a shadow."

They are just some pictures stored in the past. They are not what really happened at all, so the questions the blind man is asking now are meaningless.

Apart from these, most of the reasons why they are becoming happier and happier when staying here must be due to the illusion here.

And the little bit of elements that are present here.

Thinking of this, Fatty's face revealed a sudden realization. Fatty looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but smile and talk to him.

"I think I know what this is about."

The fat man patted his thigh as he spoke. When Wang Ye saw the fat man's happy look, there was only indifference in his eyes.

In the final analysis, this guy just behaves like this because he is greedy.

But Wang Ye ignored the fat man and looked in the direction of the blind man. After the blind man got these three answers from his master.

There was still reluctance in his eyes.

"Then will you stay here forever?"

When this question came out of his mouth, the blind man didn't even think about it. His master looked at him and said mercilessly.

"The fourth question is outside the scope of my answer."

After saying these words, the blind man smiled bitterly, but the problem of the ancestral curse was still solved, so he still had to leave here now.

But looking at his master, the blind man held his hand and kept feeling the warmth his big hands had brought, even though the blind man knew that everything in front of him might be fake.

Or maybe it will all disappear in the near future.

The blind man was feeling sad because of this incident. When Wang Ye saw the blind man's appearance, his eyes showed some complexity.

The blind man was really pitiful. He finally saw his master, but what he saw was all fantasy.

However, Wang Ye and Fatty looked at each other, and both of them chose to keep it secret and would not tell the blind man the cruel truth. The blind man was already miserable enough, so why should he bear these unreasonable disasters.

And here, before leaving, the blind man patted his master on the shoulder and smiled with him.

"If I have the chance, I will definitely come back to see you."

After the blind man said these words, he turned back and looked in the direction of Wang Ye and the others, with complicated eyes. Wang Ye saw that he didn't say a word, so he followed him away.

I also knew in my heart that the evil person I had been this time was indeed a bit too much.

But Wang Ye had done it perfectly, because he didn't tell the blind man the truth. He looked at the blind man and suddenly added something.

"If you want to come over next time, I can come with you."

When Wang Ye said these words, he received an indifferent smile from the blind man.     “No need, I will come by myself.”

If it weren't for Wang Ye's words, why would the conversation between him and his master only stay at this level?

When he thought of these things, the blind man only had complaints on his face. He looked at Wang Ye and didn't even want to talk to him anymore.

Seeing the blind man's appearance, Wang Ye also showed a bit of innocence in his eyes.

He didn't know that his words would expose the blind man to these things. Seeing that the blind man was still complaining about Wang Ye, the fat man suddenly clenched his fists and pushed Wang Ye away.

At this moment, the fat man originally wanted to explain to the blind man what was going on here. The whole thing was because the blind man had misunderstood Wang Ye.

But before the fat man could say anything, the blind man's face showed impatience.

"Let's go quickly. Don't stay here anymore. I have no other questions to ask about our three questions."

The blind man rolled his eyes. He really didn't know anything about this desperate place. Even though the fat man's words were so magical, the blind man didn't listen.

Wang Ye saw the eagerness on the fat man's face and patted him on the shoulder again, asking him to follow him and leave.

At this moment, rushing can't solve the problem. Even if you quarrel with the fat man and tell the blind man the reason and truth of all this, that will explain nothing.

What he got in the end was the blind man's sadness. It was better to let the blind man be angry alone. After he figured out these things, he would definitely not be like this again.

Wang Ye understood this in his heart. Looking at the blind man at this moment, Wang Ye's eyes showed a bit of smile.

But fortunately, the blind man couldn't see anything. Otherwise, if he saw Wang Ye smiling at him, he would definitely be angry with Wang Ye now, because this guy must be provoking him.

Otherwise, how could he show such an expression.

But in fact, even if a blind man cannot see anything, he only needs to think of the excessive things Wang Ye did.

Including the last answer his master gave him, he still couldn't help but feel angry. It was all Wang Ye's fault.

Thinking of this, the blind man's face showed a bit of impatience.

Wang Ye tried to talk to the blind man, but unexpectedly, this guy still avoided him again and again.

"I was really just joking with you. I never thought the rules here were like this."

As soon as Wang Ye finished speaking, he heard Fatty's voice ringing in his ears. At this moment, Fatty patted Wang Ye's shoulder with an anxious look on his face.

"I think I saw some words there."

The fat man's face was full of eagerness. At this moment, Wang Ye looked in the direction the fat man said and found that at some point, some strange fonts appeared in the sky.

However, although these words were twisted, Wang Ye could understand his meaning.

"During the Jingle period, Immortal Chen recorded that although this place was a place of bliss, it was all fantasy."

Just such a short sentence made Wang Ye laugh.

In fact, there are quite a lot of legends about Jingle Years, and Wang Ye heard a lot about them at that time.

He frowned, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes. If he guessed correctly, the desperate place they were in now was actually just a mist array set up by this immortal here at that time.

Moreover, the princess tomb they saw might also be an illusion. Wang Ye guessed in his heart, but had no evidence to confirm it.

He did not express this idea because he had no evidence. At this moment, Wang Ye looked at this line of text.

He and the fat man looked at each other, and both of them became silent. The fat man did not tell the blind man about this, because he knew that the blind man could not accept it.

At this moment, the blind man just said eagerly.

"What word, where is the word?"

As he spoke, he shook his head, and at the same time stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it. As a result, the fat man rubbed his eyes and said slightly amusedly.

"It's nothing. I made a mistake. I thought I saw something interesting, but unexpectedly, it was food."

The fat man's tone was full of excitement. Seeing the fat man's appearance, Wang Ye's eyes flashed with helplessness. He shook his head, thinking that the fat man had just lost a little weight here and nothing had happened.

That is a lucky thing. After all, the most precious thing about Fatty is the fat on his body. If Fatty is missing arms and legs, I am afraid that he will be restless because of this matter.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye's eyes showed some complexity. At this moment, the fat man looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but talk to him.

"Don't think about food next time. Food like this is not that important. It's just a temporary craving."

Wang Ye's tone was a bit serious. The fat man listened to Wang Ye's words and nodded in approval, but his eyes showed a bit of complexity.

He couldn't help but talk to Wang Ye.

"Besides these things, do you have any other ideas?"

Hearing the fat man's words ringing in his ears, Wang Ye said with extreme disgust.

"Didn't you notice that nothing was missing after I came in? I can use whatever I want when I stay in this place. Stop wishing here. Just calm down and don't think about anything. Then you can leave here. "

After saying these words, Wang Ye had disappeared from before them. When Fatty saw such a scene happening in front of his eyes, there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

He spread his hands, looked at the blind man beside him, and couldn't help but talk to him.

"It's such a pity. He left like this. What should we do next? Should we leave with him?"

The fat man smiled at the blind man as he spoke, but the blind man did not forget that the fat man and Wang Ye joined forces, making it impossible for him to continue to contact Wang Ye...

Thinking of this, the blind man's face showed a bit of impatience. He shook off the fat man's hand, and then looked reluctantly in the direction behind him.

Then, he left the fat man's side.

Seeing the blind man leaving like this, the fat man froze in place. He couldn't believe that they had all left him, but he was the only one who was still here.

For a moment, Fatty's expression became extremely complicated, and he fell into a long silence at this moment.

"No way, you're all gone, what will I do if I'm alone?"

The fat man clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with complexity, and he was speechless.

He tried his best not to think about those things, but the more he did, the more ugly the fat man's face became, as if these things were difficult to let go of anyway.

He frowned and stood here for a long time, wondering if he would stay here forever?

When Fatty felt helpless because of this matter, his expression became extremely complicated.

No one can tell him the answer, because at this moment, things seem to be getting more and more serious.

He saw that there were suddenly more gamblers in front of him. They looked at the fat man and said extremely happily.

"We are like-minded friends. At this moment, we should be at the gambling table together, not in this place."

As they said this, they held the fat man's hand and prepared to take him away. Seeing their appearance, the fat man's face became a little ugly.

He shook his head and struggled, as if he had seen a ghost, and kept struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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