Chapter 1070 Peace of mind
  The most important thing is that they still have the kind of luck in their hearts, knowing that such disasters have happened one after another, so many things have happened, and the fat man still remembers all those things that were so devastating to the new life until now.

At this moment, the fat man stared at these people, then shook his head and said seriously.

"Sure enough, some people must cut off their children and grandchildren. Only in the future will they realize the horror of this."

After the fat man said these words, he turned around and left without paying attention to them. Everyone could only follow the fat man. They looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the fat man walked forward. After a few steps, he looked back and stared at them.

"I just hope that retribution can make some sense. After all, you are the ones who did the wrong things, not those children. Please don't let this retribution fall on them."

The fat man said these words seriously. When everyone heard the fat man's words ringing in their ears, Shun Wen gritted his teeth in anger.

"How can you curse us, you beast? We have already handed over all our things. If you want to doubt us, we really have nothing to do."

They were angry, but they didn't dare to be too angry because they had a guilty conscience. Fatty could see this at a glance and didn't pay much attention to them.

At this moment, they were staring at the fat man with sharp eyes. At this moment, Wang Ye also patted the fat man on the shoulder and walked forward.

After they had walked a short distance, the fat man also saw the collapse in front of him. He frowned, stared at the people behind him, and said with confusion on his face.

"Logically speaking, shouldn't you be responsible for handling these things? Why did this place collapse again?"

What the fat man didn't expect was that as soon as he said these words, one of them ran over wailing, and then started crying and howling at the place.

After listening to what he said, the fat man realized that a new collapse had occurred in this place, and this time it was his ancestral grave.

For a moment, the fat man couldn't help but laugh, but he didn't laugh particularly hard. Instead, he stared at this scene quietly, with a bit of schadenfreude on his face.

"Where should we go now?"

The fat man looked at Wang Ye and asked with some confusion, because he was not sure about his own decision, so he needed Wang Ye to tell him.

And although Fatty knew the situation here, he didn't know how to operate it specifically.

Wang Ye heard the fat man's words ringing in his ears, and immediately turned his attention to the blind man. The blind man must know how to deal with it.

As he expected, because it was the blind man who asked this question, the blind man now knew where to go after taking a few steps here.

Seeing the blind man walking towards the familiar bamboo forest, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly. They hurriedly stepped forward, took the blind man's hand and said anxiously.

"Can you pay it back in a few days? We have such a big problem now and we still need to repair it."

There was a bit of nervousness and caution in their tone. After all, this ancestral grave was more important than their lives, because it was directly related to their Feng Shui fortune.

However, when the blind man heard their words ringing in his ears, he smiled extremely perfunctorily, stared at these guys, and said with a nonchalant expression.

"What does this have to do with me?"

The blind man shook off their hands as he spoke. At this moment, Wang Ye followed the blind man. Seeing the Feng Shui here, Wang Ye's eyes also showed a bit of complexity. He couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"The dragon veins have been destroyed. If you are still stubborn now, your losses will become greater and greater. Anyway, these are your own choices."

From the initial retribution to the fact that things have become so serious now, they have all come out of it step by step. Wang Ye is too lazy to persuade them too much, he just hopes that they can understand these things.

Seeing Wang Ye like this, the fat man also laughed. The fat man took Wang Ye's hand and said seriously.

"Don't worry about these guys. They are hopeless anyway, and they won't listen to you even if you try to talk to them. Idiots like this deserve to stay in this place for the rest of their lives and suffer at the same time."

The fat man's tone was full of indifference. When Wang Ye saw the fat man like this, he just smiled perfunctorily and didn't pay much attention to him.

But what Wang Ye never expected was that Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen stood beside him, staring at these people and saying with gloating on their faces.

"Retribution will really come soon. Now it's just thunder, just two o'clock. Don't really think..."

Before they finished speaking, the villagers became furious. They rushed forward with the things in their hands. Wang Ye saw their angry looks, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Is it useful to be so angry? Besides, no one will take you seriously."

Wang Ye was telling the truth. When everyone heard Wang Ye's words, their faces became extremely ugly. At this moment, the fat man even held Wang Ye's hand and urged Wang Ye to follow him forward.

Seeing the fat man like this, Wang Ye nodded without any objection.

And here, Wang Ye stared at the fat man and couldn't help but talk to him.

"Remember to follow the blind man and don't lose any of these things. It seems to me that this basket is not very stable."

The seriousness in Wang Ye's tone was not fake. The fat man nodded decisively when he heard Wang Ye's words. But in fact, when Wang Ye said this, he was also giving these people a chance.

It was still too late to rein in the situation. If they were unwilling to stop, then Wang Ye could only watch them suffer retribution. At this moment, everyone tried their best.

But fortunately, some people still stood up and watched Wang Ye hand over all his belongings. When other villagers saw such a scene, they suddenly became confused and shouted.

"Are you crazy?"

Their words were full of helplessness, but their eyes flashed with guilt. When Wang Ye saw their looks, he couldn't help but taunt them.

"Could it be that you feel that other people shouldn't hand over their things, and should keep these things just like you, no matter what kind of troubles and disasters you will face next."

When Wang Ye said these words, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly, and here Wang Ye stared at them and couldn't help but laugh at them.

"If you think there is something wrong with what I said, you can feel free to..."

Before Wang Ye finished speaking, everyone's expressions had become extremely complicated. At this moment, everyone frowned and looked at Wang Ye and said with a little helplessness.

"Of course we don't mean that. We just feel that these guys are still obsessed with it and it's inappropriate to hide these things privately."

As they said this, they stepped forward, and then scolded the people who handed over the things. However, when those people heard their scolding, their faces became extremely dark.

At this time, everyone was harboring evil intentions, and no one knew what each other was thinking, but Wang Ye and Fatty could see through their inner thoughts at a glance.

After all, what these guys were thinking about was nothing more than those precious things. Wang Ye stared at them with complicated eyes flashing.

At this moment, Wang Ye couldn't help but sigh slightly. Staring at these guys, he sighed again.

"Forget it, let's move on and don't pay attention to them anymore." After Wang Ye finished speaking, the fat man nodded decisively. The fat man followed the blind man. The blind man had walked a long way, and the fat man hurriedly Follow up.

At this moment, the fat man saw the blind man's non-stop pace and spoke to him hurriedly.

"Wait for me first."

But when the blind man heard what the fat man said, he didn't pay much attention to him. Instead, he kept walking forward. Not too far away, everyone saw a waterway appearing in front of them, and the blind man waded directly through it.

Wang Ye saw the blind man like this and hurriedly stepped forward to carry the blind man on his back.

The blind man couldn't help but smile, and here, Wang Ye asked the blind man to show him the way. Wang Ye was willing to let him go. The blind man thought for a while, pointed in a direction, and let Wang Ye take him there.

The villagers behind him were still hesitant and didn't know what to choose in this matter, but Fatty no longer wanted to talk too much nonsense to them. There was a bit of a smile in Fatty's eyes.

Because he knows that after today is over, there will be a big storm soon, and a certain person will have to pay the price for their selfishness.

Thinking of this, Fatty couldn't help but laugh. After all, Fatty still clearly remembered the pathetic looks of these guys.

At this moment, the fat man looked at the environment here with a sharp look in his eyes. To be honest, the environment here was not bad, and he didn't know where he would arrive.

The fat man thought in his heart that fortunately, it didn't take long and finally arrived at the destination. The fat man's eyes widened and he smiled slightly happily.

The fat man's eyes flashed with a bit of complexity. At this moment, everyone looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but speak to Wang Ye and the others.

"If those things are not taken out, what will the next retribution be like?"

As they talked, they cautiously tested them, but when Wang Ye heard their questions ringing in his ears, he found them extremely ridiculous and stared at these guys without thinking.

"You ask me how I know, not to mention what this retribution will look like. How should I answer you? I have never experienced it personally. You can answer me after you experience it personally."

Wang Ye's tone was full of casualness and formality. Seeing Wang Ye like this, everyone's expressions instantly became extremely ugly.

They were so angry that they gritted their teeth. They had never seen anyone as arrogant as Wang Ye. Seeing their angry looks, Wang Ye couldn't help but spread his hands and said.

"What are you doing? What did I do wrong?"

Wang Ye's tone was full of indifference. Seeing Wang Ye like this, everyone's eyes became extremely sharp. They couldn't say that kind of accusation at this moment.

But it is absolutely impossible to ask them to hand over the things. After all, they have always abided by one sentence, that is, these things were obtained by them, so they cannot return them under any circumstances.

What's more, these things were given to them by the people inside, so it was only natural for them to hold them.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces showed a bit of smiles. Wang Ye saw their postures and showed disdain in his eyes.

And here, Wang Ye couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"You people are just too stubborn. Many things are not as simple as you think. But I don't want to talk to you about this nonsense now. It's all your own choices anyway."

After Wang Ye finished speaking, he watched the fat man and the blind man walk into a small tunnel. The blind man stood in the tunnel and spoke to the fat man.

"This is the place, just put your things in."

Hearing the blind man's words ringing in his ears, the fat man nodded hurriedly. Wang Ye glanced at those people and found that they all had a bit of nervousness and caution on their faces.

Seeing their appearance, Wang Ye suddenly laughed. He really had a guilty conscience. Otherwise, how could these people be like this?
  Presumably, they discovered these desperate places in this place, Wang Ye guessed in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

At this moment, Wang Ye shook his head, looked at the tunnel in front of him, and suddenly sighed.

"If you must hold something that does not belong to you, what you get may be lost forever. There is still a chance, but if you don't want to cherish it, there is nothing God can do about it."

After saying these words, Wang Ye suddenly carried the blind man on his back. He took the blind man and the fat man away carelessly, singing a song.

Everyone frowned, wondering if Wang Ye was mocking them. Their expressions became extremely strange, but here, Wang Ye and Fatty just said with a smile.

"Let them be."

When Wang Ye said these words, Fatty nodded decisively. Fatty looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but sigh.

"We shouldn't doubt them. After all, they have already handed over their things, so no matter what kind of things we encounter or what kind of trouble happens to them, we don't have to pay too much attention to them."

Because this kind of thing has nothing to do with retribution, Fatty thought in his heart, Wang Ye nodded hurriedly, everyone is not a fool, how could they not understand what they meant?
  Especially the look shown by the fat man made everyone feel complicated.

At this moment, everyone sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

And here, the fat man also moved forward. Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen had been rescued a long time ago. The two of them followed behind and chatted there.

Wang Ye walked in front, while Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen walked behind the villagers, with a group of people in the middle.

Wang Ye thought about these villagers in his heart and deliberately did such a thing. I am afraid that he was afraid that the retribution would suddenly come, but in fact, some things were impossible to guard against.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye's eyes showed a bit of helplessness. Staring at these people, Wang Ye couldn't help but sympathize with them...
  It's so pitiful that they still persist in their stubbornness until this moment. They must pay a heavy price to realize that these things do not belong to them and cannot be taken away.

But what Wang Ye never expected was that this kind of thing would come so suddenly.

In the next second, a big tree fell down, and here, these villagers were scratched. Wang Ye was shocked when he saw such a scene happening in front of his eyes.

Almost all the skin and flesh on their bodies had been scraped off alive. Seeing such a scene happening in front of his eyes, the fat man's face showed complexity.

At this moment, no one in the fat man could believe that something like a curse had really come. The faces of the villagers became extremely ugly, and the villagers who handed over all the things were unscathed.

After this incident, they believed more and more what the fat man said, and their faces became extremely ugly.

Looking at the fat man, he was trembling again, took out the things in his hands, and then hurriedly spoke to the fat man.

"We still have some at home, why don't you carry us down first."

Their faces were full of nervousness and caution, and they no longer dared to stay in this place any longer, as if in response to a certain sentence, when people are unlucky, their teeth will get clogged when they drink water.

When they thought of this sentence, everyone's faces became extremely ugly. If they had known that something like this would happen, they might as well have handed over the things earlier.

Because these things don't belong to them in the first place, but they are just too greedy, and Dan doesn't think there will be such retribution.

(End of this chapter)

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