Chapter 1081 Mutual Trust
  Wang Ye froze on the spot, looked at the blind bear, and said with confusion on his face.

"This isn't quite right. What's going on? Why did this blind bear come here?"

Wang Ye's tone was full of confusion. When the fat man heard Wang Ye's words ringing in his ears, he hesitated.

"I don't know either."

As the fat man said this, he avoided Wang Ye's gaze. Wang Ye did not pay attention to the fat man, so he did not know that the fat man was responsible for this matter.

At this moment, Wang Ye looked at the environment here, and his face became extremely ugly. Staring at the people around him, Wang Ye couldn't help but ask them a question.

"Do you know what this is going on?"

Hearing Wang Ye's question ringing in their ears, everyone shook their heads. They looked at Wang Ye and said with an innocent face.

"We don't know what happened to this blind bear. 1 seems to be crazy. Who provoked him?"

But at this moment, when Wu Tianzhen saw the blind bear covering his head, he couldn't help but look at the fat man and said with some confusion.

"Did you throw the stone at him?"

When these words came out, Fatty's face became extremely flustered. He looked at Wu Tianzhen and said extremely anxiously.

"Don't talk nonsense here, I have never done such a thing."

The fat man's tone was full of eagerness.

Seeing the fat man like this, Wang Ye didn't say anything for a long time. These things in front of him made Wang Ye feel extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing Wang Ye's ugly expression, Wu Tianzhen hurriedly patted Wang Ye on the shoulder and said.

"Calm down first. At least we have found this blind bear now, which means we won't be far away from finding the entrance."

When his comfort rang in Wang Ye's ears, Wang Ye just smiled casually and didn't say much else.

Because Wang Ye knew in his heart that what was in front of him was more difficult and even more dangerous than he imagined.

The blind bear didn't know what was going on, and suddenly screamed. Wang Ye saw the way he rushed towards him, and his eyes showed a bit of impatience.

He looked at the fat man next to him, and then he guessed and said to him.

"If I guess correctly, it should be you who did it, right?"

When Wang Ye's words rang in his ears, Fatty was completely confused. Fatty hurriedly shook his head in denial.

"Don't talk nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with me."

But when Wang Ye heard the fat man's words, his face was indifferent. Instead, he stared at the fat man and said with a smile.

"Did you do this? I don't want to pursue it. Anyway, I just know that if you don't admit it, you will be in danger when you go in, and I won't let you go easily."

Wang Ye's words rang in his ears, and Fatty really had no choice but to admit it. But looking at Wang Ye, Fatty said to him with an innocent face.

"I really didn't mean it. If I knew I would throw it on him, I definitely wouldn't throw it like this."

As the fat man said this, he sighed softly. Seeing the fat man's appearance, Wang Ye's eyes showed no other emotions except sharpness.

At this moment, Wang Ye didn't say anything else to him. Instead, he looked at the blind bear, took out the shotgun from his bag, and prepared to give him a fatal blow.

In fact, when Fatty saw Wang Ye like that, he felt very uncomfortable because he knew that he had brought Wang Ye down.

But at this moment, the fat man looked at Wang Ye and couldn't bear to speak to him.

"How about we follow him back? I feel that by following this blind bear, we should be able to see where his lair is, which will make it easier to solve the problem."

There was a bit of excitement in the fat man's tone. When Wang Ye heard the fat man's words ringing in his ears, he frowned for a moment and thought carefully about whether he could do what the fat man said.

Seeing Wang Ye like this, the fat man had a smile on his face.

Here, the fat man also saw that the bear was no longer crazy. Wang Ye was relieved for a moment when he saw that the bear had returned to normal. Unfortunately, the bear was still wandering outside and did not go back.

If they stand up now and resume action.

He might accidentally get into trouble with this blind bear. Thinking of this, Wang Ye's face became a little ugly. The fat man saw Wang Ye's hesitant look and couldn't help but talk to him.

"Stop thinking here, let's leave quickly."

When the fat man's words rang in his ears, Wang Ye didn't pay much attention. Instead, he looked in the direction the blind bear left.

Just as Wang Ye guessed, when this blind bear left here, he almost went directly to other places.

Wang Ye didn't go back to his cave at all. He looked at the environment here with complicated eyes flashing. When he looked down, he didn't expect that he was stepping on a footprint.

This footprint was really that of a blind bear. Wang Ye was startled, but he kept calm. Then, he held the shotgun in his hand and thought about what to do next.
  While Wang Ye was thinking about these things, Fatty looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but urge him.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?"

Fatty was really eager to get those treasures, so he kept urging Wang Ye at this moment. Seeing Fatty's appearance, Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen didn't look good.

Because the two of them had already expected Fatty's character, at this moment, they looked at Fatty with a bit of disgust in their eyes.

The two of them thought for a while and shook their heads. They did not care too much about the fat man, but looked at the environment in front of them.

Wang Ye heard the fat man's words ringing in his ears, and couldn't help but speak to him.

If you are really in a hurry, I can let you go first, and you don't need to wait for me here. We don't need it.

The disdain in Wang Ye's tone made Fatty feel extremely uncomfortable. At this moment, Fatty looked at Wang Ye's anxious explanation.

"Of course I don't want to wait for you here, I just..."

Before the fat man finished speaking, Wang Ye laughed. Wang Ye stared at the fat man and said condescendingly.

"Stop talking nonsense here!"

Fatty had no choice but to shut up, but following Wang Ye and the others, Fatty felt extremely unwilling. Why could Wang Ye and the others get the guarantee?
  Even wandering around here unscrupulously, but he can't master anything.

Thinking of this, Fatty showed a bit of impatience on his face. Seeing Fatty's attitude, Wang Ye couldn't help but smile and talk to him.

"How about I show you the notes and you go find the blind bear's hole six? We'll wait for you here!"

There was a bit of excitement in Wang Ye's tone. He knew that the fat guy would not rest in peace unless he caused some trouble, so he gave the fat guy this opportunity at this moment.

Hearing Wang Ye's words ringing in his ears, the fat man nodded hurriedly.

But the fat man looked at Wang Ye and spoke to him with a cautious face.

"Can you give me that thing in your hand? I'm afraid I'll meet that blind bear, and I won't be able to handle it by myself."

As soon as the fat man said this, Wang Ye laughed immediately, looked at the shotgun in his hand, and handed it over without hesitation. Seeing Wang Ye's generous look, the fat man also laughed happily for a while.

At this moment, the fat man looked down at the notes in his hand, and at the same time, he was delving into his mind as to where exactly the blind man's territory was.

While he was thinking about it, there was also a bit of helplessness on his face. When Wang Ye saw the fat man's look, he felt funny for a moment, so he patted the fat man on the shoulder and said seriously.

"Actually, there is no rush for this kind of thing. You can take your time and think about it. Don't rush out. If you encounter a bear, it will be terrible."

When Wang Ye's words rang in his ears, the fat man's face was only perfunctory. He didn't listen at all, but looked at the environment here.

At the same time, he also looked at the notes in his hand. After reading it for a while, the fat man knew what he should do next.

The fat man's eyes also showed some excitement. Seeing the happy look on Fatty's face, Wang Ye couldn't help but talk to Fatty.

"Let me be honest, now you..."

Before Wang Ye finished speaking, Fatty frowned and looked at Wang Ye. Fatty Lu said helplessly.

"We should go in that direction now because that's the only right place."

The fat man's tone was full of eagerness. Wang Ye laughed immediately when he heard the fat man's words.

At this moment, Wang Ye nodded and looked at the fat man and said happily.

"Okay, let's do as you say. Where should we go now?"

Wang Ye looked like he was obeying the order, but in fact, Fatty could hear the yin and yang in Wang Ye's words, as if he was mocking him.

The fat man frowned and stared at Wang Ye, his eyes flickering with concern. After thinking about it, he shook his head again and shook the things out of his mind.

He was thinking in his heart that Wang Ye would definitely not do such a disgusting thing. Thinking of this, the fat man looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but smile and talk to him.

"We'll get the treasure soon."

Fatty looked at the note with only excitement on his face. When he thought that Wang Ye had given it to him so generously, Fatty couldn't help but feel happy (Zhao's).

However, when Wang Ye saw the fat man's happy look, he patted him on the shoulder and said seriously.

"As long as you are happy, actually these things are not that important."

As Wang Ye said that, he followed the fat man. The fat man walked a few steps forward. When he saw the cave, he lowered his head and looked at his notes, and then said to Wang Ye happily.

"That's the place."

Hearing Fatty's words ringing in his ears, Wang Ye nodded hurriedly and looked at the cave.

Wang Ye's face also showed some calmness. Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen just held the weapons in their hands, looked at Wang Ye and spoke.

"You can get your shotgun back. Now you must be prepared. The blind bear will come back at any time."

Fatty heard their words ringing in his ears. When he looked down, he realized that he didn't have any weapons. He couldn't help but talk to Wang Ye.

"Where are my weapons?"

The fat man's tone was a little cautious, he was afraid that Wang Ye would not give him his weapon, but when Wang Ye heard his words ringing in his ears, he spread his hands and spoke to him with an innocent face.

"We only brought so much this time, so you have to be more careful now. I believe it won't be a problem for you to fight that blind bear in hand-to-hand combat."

When Wang Ye said these words, Fatty was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that Wang Ye actually cheated him like this.

He thought for a while, sighed for the last time, and instead of arguing too much with Wang Ye, he took out a big knife from his backpack.

He was ready to deal with it at all times. The fat man clenched his fists and was waiting in his heart for the blind bear to appear. But what the fat man never expected was that the blind bear hadn't arrived yet.

At this moment, Wang Ye had accidentally ignited the gun in his hand.

When the sound of gunshots rang in his ears, Fatty felt bad. This sound could directly attract Blind Bear over.

The fat man was thinking in his mind, and was about to take Wang Ye to quickly enter that place and occupy the cave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Ye suddenly pressed the fat man's shoulders and asked him to squat down. The next second, the fat man saw the blind bear running out of the cave.

The fat man's face became extremely ugly. At this moment, Wang Ye was escaping from trial with him in a panic. Wang Ye looked at the fat man explaining to him with an embarrassed face.

"I'm really sorry, I never thought this would happen."

There was a hint of helplessness in Wang Ye's tone. When the fat man heard Wang Ye's words, he really didn't bother to argue with him.

It's just that Fatty's mood became extremely complicated.

Because he never thought that Wang Ye would do such a thing.

The blind bear has long known their location. No matter how they hide, the blind bear can still capture them accurately.

When Wang Ye saw how tall Blind Xiong was, he hurriedly took the shotgun in his hand and shot at him, hitting Blind Xiong's arm. Wang Ye's eyes also showed complexity.

The blind bear suddenly fell to the ground in pain. Wang Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the blind bear like this.

He didn't say anything more, but looked at the fat man beside him and said.

"The problem has been solved, hurry up and follow me."

However, when the fat man heard Wang Ye's words, he spoke to him anxiously.

"How can this be solved? Isn't this blind bear still lying on the ground? What if we go there and get caught by him?"

The fat man's words rang in his ears. Wang Ye saw his nervous look and spoke to him helplessly for a moment.

Could you please stop being such a coward? What does this blind bear have to be afraid of? "

Hearing Wang Ye's words rang in his ears, Fatty no longer knew how to respond. But when he looked at the blind bear, his intuition told him that this matter was not that simple.

The fat man thought for a while and decisively swung his big knife. At this moment, the big knife struck the blind bear's flesh, but he found that the blind bear did no harm at all.

At this time, the fat man suddenly realized what he was doing. He grabbed Wang Ye's hand and dragged him back anxiously.

‘Don’t go crazy here, this blind bear is not injured at all. He has been pretending to be injured here all along. "

Wang Ye heard the fat man's words ringing in his ears and hurried in the direction of Xiong Xiazi. At first glance, he really didn't see any blood on the ground. Wang Ye's face became a little ugly when he asked.

At this moment, Wang Ye hurriedly followed Fatty, and the two of them left together.

The two of them walked very fast, but Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen looked at the blind bear, and Lu said happily.

"What are the two of them going crazy about? How could this blind bear not be dead?"

It was just that while the two of them were talking about each other, Wang Ye saw that they were not arrogant and urged them to come over impatiently. The two of them were powerless.
  You can only follow Wang Ye.

But what they didn't expect was that as soon as they left, the blind bear jumped up.

Seemingly realizing that there was something wrong with his plan, Blind Bear directly chased them and started yelling.

When the fat man saw such a scene, he let out a shrill scream. He had known these things for a long time, and they must be exactly what he thought.

When Wang Ye saw the fat man's appearance, he said to him with excitement.

"Oh my god, isn't this exciting?"

Wang Ye's gesture made Fatty frown. Fatty looked at Wang Ye and said with some confusion.

"What's so exciting about this? Haven't you seen that death has already come to us?"

The fat man's tone was full of innocence.

But when Wang Ye heard it, he smiled extremely perfunctorily and said.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. If this blind bear is actually invulnerable, then I will seize this opportunity to fight with him."

There was a bit of excitement in Wang Ye's tone. Hearing Wang Ye's words rang in his ears, the fat man's face became a little ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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