Chapter 1129 What is useful

"Actually, thanks to your understanding."

The professor's tone was full of excitement. When Wang Ye heard the professor's words, he just shook his head casually. He looked at the professor and said calmly.

"How can this be considered understanding?"

As Wang Ye spoke, he drove the car to the door of the professor's house. When the professor got out of the car, he looked at Wang Ye with a bit of a smile in his eyes.

"Just wait a moment. I'll go in and take out the things. I believe you all can't wait any longer, right?"

There was a bit of excitement in the professor's tone. Wang Ye just smiled when he saw the professor's look and didn't say much else.

Seeing Wang Ye's calm expression, the professor couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Not everyone can be as young and promising as you. No matter what happens, you can remain calm. That's really amazing."

The professor's praise was too baffling, but when he said it, he didn't expect Wang Ye to nod and admit it seriously.

"I think so too."

The professor had never seen anyone as shameless as Wang Ye. He froze on the spot and shook his head with a smile. At this moment, the professor walked in and drove out his private jet.

But Wang Ye looked at the professor's actions and couldn't help but waved to him. The professor parked his private plane on the lawn in front of him.

Wang Ye saw the professor's actions and couldn't help but talk to the professor.

"I have a special idea, I didn't know you..."

Wang Ye hasn't finished speaking yet.

The professor's face had become a little ugly. The professor stared at Wang Ye. He was sitting in the driver's seat. Wang Ye was still unwilling to get up. Could he be playing tricks on him?
  When he thought of this, the professor couldn't help but sigh slightly. He stared at Wang Ye. Although his eyes showed impatience, he did not deliberately argue with Wang Ye.

"Tell me, what's your idea?"

As the professor said this, he looked at the scenery outside the car window. It was obvious that he did not want to pay too much attention to Wang Ye. His whole attitude was very perfunctory.

When Wang Ye saw the professor's look, he just smiled casually and didn't care too much about the professor. Instead, he looked at the professor and Wang Ye spoke to him extremely seriously.

"I have taken the driver's license test before, and I can also fly this plane. Why don't you leave it to me?"

But after Wang Ye said these words, the professor's eyes widened immediately. The professor's tone was full of shock and surprise. He looked at Wang Ye and said with a puzzled face.

"Leave it to you, can you really do it? You don't know the destination."

When these series of words were spoken, Wang Ye only had calmness in his eyes. He looked at the professor and couldn't help but sigh.

"You can doubt anything, but you can only doubt my driving skills and this airplane. Basically no one can catch up with me on this airplane because I have stayed in some places before."

Wang Ye said it very cryptically.

When he said this, the professor laughed. The professor thought for a while, nodded decisively, and gave this opportunity to Wang Ye without hesitation.

Seeing the look on the professor's face, Wang Ye couldn't help but talk to the professor.

"Don't worry, I won't let you have any accidents or dangers, because I am also on this plane."

Wang Ye's sworn guarantee was not recognized by the professor. Instead, the professor looked at Wang Ye and said worriedly.

"Actually, I don't have many requirements. I hope I just want you to drive well and arrive at the destination smoothly. In fact, there are no multi-cause problems."

The professor's tone was full of nervousness. Wang Ye couldn't help but smile when he saw the professor like this. At this moment, Wang Ye was sitting in the driver's seat. Under the professor's gaze, Wang Ye didn't even have a seat belt.

Wang Ye took off like this, and the professor was completely stunned. He looked at Wang Ye and said anxiously.

"Wait a moment, or let me go down first!"

The professor was standing at the door of the passenger seat. He looked at Wang Ye's face filled with helplessness.

Hearing what the professor said, Wang Ye slapped his head. Only then did he react. He looked at the professor and said with a half-smile.

"Look at my memory, I actually forgot that you are still standing in this place. I just tried it casually. I will land first. By the way, where is the landing button?"

When Wang Ye said a series of words, the professor felt uncomfortable. The professor stayed where he was and looked at Wang Ye with a puzzled face.

"Didn't you say you passed that certificate?"

The professor's tone was full of curiosity. Seeing the professor's curious look, Wang Ye thought about it and couldn't help but sigh with him.

"I passed the exam, but sometimes I forget. Why don't you remind me? Don't be so stingy. Just tell me. It's not serious."

It doesn't matter if something happens or not.

But now, the professor's life and safety was in Wang Ye's hands. If he didn't tell Wang Ye, he could even imagine what would happen next.

Thinking of this, the professor's face became extremely ugly. When Wang Ye saw the professor's look, his eyes also showed complexity, and he couldn't help but talk to the professor.

"I think……"

Before he could say anything, Wang Ye's face showed complexity.

Before the professor could say anything, Wang Ye smiled and spoke to him.

"Have I found the landing button? Just wait, I will take you back to the hospital now."

Wang Ye said this while pretending to be in front of the professor. He actually knew how to speak, but he deliberately pretended to be in front of the professor to scare the guy.

Unexpectedly, the professor was really shocked by him. When Wang Ye saw the professor's look, he also laughed for a moment. He looked at the professor and said excitedly.

"Relax, I won't let you be in danger."

When Wang Ye said these words, he slowly landed on the roof. Unfortunately, the angle at which Wang Ye landed was too dangerous.

When the professor looked at this scene, his expression became extremely ugly. At this moment, Wang Ye encouraged the professor without hesitation when he was about to get off the car.

"Wait a moment, my landing method is not very good, please wait a moment."

When the professor heard Wang Ye's words, he almost went crazy. His face became extremely ugly and he didn't know what to say.

Seeing the professor's ugly expression, Wang Ye smiled softly and couldn't help but sigh with him.

"I haven't flown a plane for a long time. I hope you can understand me. After all, I might be a little rusty."

Wang Ye said this with a smile, but the professor could not laugh. His mood became extremely complicated, and no one knew what he was thinking.

But Wang Ye didn't care. When he saw the professor's stiff expression, he just talked to the professor casually.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Before Wang Ye finished speaking, the professor saw Wang Ye start the helicopter without hesitation. After that, the helicopter began to rise continuously.

"I hate it when others doubt me. You just questioned me, so I have to prove it to you. I want you to know that I drive this helicopter up and down, left and right, and swing it around. It’s no problem to go.”

There was a bit of excitement in Wang Ye's tone. He said this deliberately, but when the professor heard it, he almost went crazy. He stared at Wang Ye with his eyes showing, wishing he couldn't help but say.

"I beg you, please stop playing like this. I really can't afford to waste my life."

But before the professor finished speaking, Wang Ye threw the rope in his hand. The professor looked at the rope with a bit of confusion on his face.

"What's wrong?"

The professor's tone was full of curiosity. Seeing the professor's look, Wang Ye thought for a moment and couldn't help but sigh softly. He looked at the professor with a melancholy expression on his face and said. "Don't you understand what I mean? If you tie this rope around your waist, if someone accidentally falls, don't you have no safety guarantee?"

When he said this, Wang Ye looked at the professor, couldn't help but waved to him, and said.

"Come in quickly!"

Who told this guy to stand at the window all the time? It looked very dangerous, but when the professor heard Wang Ye's words, he gritted his teeth in anger. If he could have come in, he would have sat in long ago.

It's not because of this guy Wang Ye who keeps closing this door, otherwise why wouldn't his guild be able to open it.

Thinking of this, the professor's face became extremely ugly.

Wang Ye couldn't help but sigh softly when he saw the professor not speaking. He looked at the professor with a surprised expression on his face.

"You won't still doubt me now
  Right? If you really want to doubt my flying skills, then I have no choice but to prove it to you. "


Wang Ye said while stepping on the accelerator. Under the professor's gaze, the helicopter kept rising. Looking at the speed of the helicopter, the professor felt bad.

While he tied the rope around his waist, he suddenly pulled out.

At this time, the professor also discovered that there were no safety measures tied into the rope at all.

The professor's face became extremely ugly. He stared at Wang Ye and couldn't help but speak.

"What on earth did I do that you want to torture me like this? Am I really a heinous villain to you?"

When the professor's question rang in his ears, Wang Ye smiled softly. He looked at the professor and said innocently.

"You really know how to tell jokes, who is torturing you?"

Wang Ye's question rang in his ears, and the professor didn't know what to say.

The professor's face became extremely ugly, and he ignored Wang Ye with a straight face.

Seeing the professor's appearance, Wang Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't you remember that rope of yours? It's obviously tied to the railing outside. Otherwise, do you think it's tied here to me?"

When he said this, Wang Ye looked at the professor and couldn't help but sigh. He stared at the professor and said with a weird face.

"Have you never gotten this kind of driver's license? You don't even know such basic knowledge. What the hell are you doing?"

When these series of words were spoken, the professor had fallen into silence. He didn't know how to answer Wang Ye's questions.

But his mood has become more and more irritable. If it weren't for the fact that he was in high altitude and his life was controlled by Wang Ye, I am afraid that he would have lost his temper with Wang Ye.

In desperation, the professor saw Wang Ye slowly landing the helicopter, and his face showed a bit of excitement. At this moment, Wang Ye looked at the scenery on the ground.

Just when the professor thought Wang Ye was about to land, Wang Ye unexpectedly looked at the professor and said with a smile.

"Look at how I can fly sideways like this."

When Wang Ye said these words, the professor felt that he was lying on the helicopter, his face became extremely ugly, and he did not believe what he saw at all.

His hands were firmly holding the door, and although the rope was firmly tied around his waist, in fact, there was nothing tied to the other end of the rope.

For the professor, it was actually a kind of torture. The professor's face became extremely ugly and he didn't speak for a long time.

When Wang Ye saw the professor's appearance, he couldn't help but sigh slightly, and then sighed.

"I feel like you."

Before he finished speaking, the professor had a face on his face. When the professor saw Wang Ye, he drove aside.

Seeing the helicopter in front of him tilt momentarily, the professor felt that the weight of the helicopter was pressing on him, and the professor's face became extremely ugly.

He couldn't understand what kind of evil he had done. Wang Ye wanted to treat him like this. When he felt helpless because of this matter, Wang Ye looked at the professor and said with a soft smile.

"Don't keep staring at me like this. I really don't mean any harm."

The seriousness on Wang Ye's face was not fake. When the professor saw Wang Ye's look, his eyes became extremely deep. He clenched his fists and couldn't help but talk to Wang Ye.

"You are too much."

The professor's accusations rang in his ears, and Wang Ye only had a casual look in his eyes.

He looked at the professor and said calmly.

"Although it is excessive, but..."

Before the words were spoken, the professor saw a strange thing appear in front of his eyes. Wang Ye threw the parachute over. Wang Ye looked at the professor and said very seriously.

"Come on, let's simulate skydiving."

Wang Ye's words were so incomprehensible that the professor was so angry that his head was spinning. He stared at Wang Ye and yelled with an impatient expression.

"Are you mentally ill? Land quickly. I don't want to see your skills anymore. If something happens to me, I will never forgive you in this life."

The professor said this angrily. Wang Ye heard the professor's words, thought about it, and nodded decisively, but he shrugged and looked at the professor with an innocent face.

"Don't worry so much about me. I really didn't mean it. If I did, I wanted you to be like this."

Wang Ye was full of tricks. At this moment, Wang Ye also landed slowly. The moment the professor stood on the ground, his face also showed the aftermath of the disaster, and his whole person turned into a soft-footed shrimp.

He just sat on the ground. Wang Ye looked at the professor and couldn't help but smile and spoke to him.

"Do you want to try my professional abilities again?"

When Wang Ye's question rang in his ears, the professor hurriedly shook his head. The professor looked at Wang Yexian and said seriously.

"Okay, don't play with this kind of thing anymore. I now believe that you are capable of doing all this, so let's go quickly and stop playing in this place."

As the professor spoke, he tied off the rope on his body. At this moment, the professor also opened the car door and got up from the plane.

But Wang Ye couldn't help but sigh softly when he saw the professor's actions. He looked at the professor and said seriously.

"After all, we have to prepare a lot of things for this trip. How can we not bring anything with us? Don't be so anxious. Come over and cook us a meal."

As Wang Ye spoke, he pointed in the direction of the kitchen. He actually dared to instruct him to work, so that the professor's face became extremely ugly.

The professor had a grimace. He looked at Wang Ye with only anger in his eyes. When he saw the professor staring at him with an angry look, Wang Ye spread his hands again and said with an innocent face.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Can't I let you work?"

Wang Ye's question rang in his ears, and the professor didn't know how to answer.

Seeing the professor's silence, Wang Ye felt a little complicated. He stared at the professor and said seriously.

"I'll be honest."

Before he finished speaking, the professor looked at Wang Ye, smiled coldly and said.

"I'm going to make something for you now. I just hope you can eat it."

When he said this, the professor stared at everyone sitting and said with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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