Chapter 1203 Ridiculous
  "We are not quarreling, we just had some disputes, and our opinions are not unified, so we are arguing here now."

As they talked, they looked at Wang Ye and smiled. They looked very serious, but in fact, Wang Ye saw through their true colors at a glance. Wang Ye shook his head and looked at them with melancholy expressions on their faces.

"You people."

Before Wang Ye finished speaking, their faces became extremely ugly. They frowned and looked at Wang Ye with puzzled expressions on his face.

"Don't you believe what we are saying?"

When their questions came out, Wang Ye shook his head, but at this time Wu Tianzhen also let out a scream. Yi Yinzhen glared at Li Xiang and looked at Wang Ye with an anxious expression on his face.

"Look at that fat man."

When he said the words, Wang Ye froze on the spot. Wang Ye frowned. When Wang Ye looked back, Wang Ye also noticed that the fat man was hung up. Wang Ye hurried over.

But when Wang Ye rushed over, the fat man was also struggling. The fat man stared at his legs and looked at the termite in front of him. His eyes were full of impatience. No one thought that this termite would actually attack him. Silk thread.

And it seems that they want to bring him up. To be honest, the reason why this kind of termite is called a termite is because it is a combination of termites and spiders. Wang Ye and Fatty have witnessed the miracles of these things before.

At such a moment, Wang Ye also knew what these things meant. Wang Ye hurriedly came over and looked at the fat man and said with a look on his face.

"Hold on a little longer, and I'll be able to save you right now."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, the fat man nodded hurriedly. There was a bit of excitement on the fat man's face. He looked at Wang Ye and said happily.

"I believe you can save my dog's life."

When he said the words, Wang Ye also laughed. Wang Ye threw the dart in his hand without hesitation. When Wang Ye threw the dart, the fat man sighed helplessly.

The fat man looked at Wang Ye and said with an irritated face.

"You threw it wrong this time."

As the fat man spoke, he threw the dart back. Wang Ye saw the wound on the fat man's face, and he realized it at this time. Wang Ye looked at the fat man and said with caution.

"I'm really sorry. I just slipped in accidentally."

There was a bit of nervousness in Wang Ye's eyes. When Wang Ye said his words, the fat man just shook his head. The fat man looked at Wang Ye and said urgently.

"Please rescue me quickly. I really don't want to be hung here. This is really scary."

There was a bit of melancholy in the fat man's eyes. As the fat man spoke, Wang Ye nodded. At this moment, Wang Ye walked over without hesitation.

Seeing the melancholy look on Fat Wang Ye's face, Wang Ye held the dart in his hand, and then threw it onto the silk thread without hesitation.

At this time, the fat man was also hit. The fat man frowned, but he also fell down. The fat man froze on the spot and looked at Wang Ye and said with excitement.

"I was rescued."

There was a bit of excitement in Fatty's tone. Seeing Fatty's happy look, Wang Ye nodded, but Wang Ye looked at Fatty and said with confusion.

"But I don't understand why this thing is targeting you?"

Wang Ye's question rang in his ears, and Fatty's face became a little ugly. Fatty frowned, not knowing how to answer Wang Ye's question.

Seeing the fat man's silent expression, Wang Ye stared at him and said with a strange expression on his face.

"What exactly would make you?"

Before Wang Ye finished speaking, the fat man shook his head. The fat man looked at Wang Ye and said nervously.

"Stop talking about this matter.
  I suspected that if we continued to discuss it, he might understand what we were saying, and then he dragged me up again. We'd better leave this place. "

The fat man had a bit of panic on his face, but when the fat man said his words, Wu Tianzhen suddenly laughed. Wu Tianzhen came over, stared at the fat man and said with confusion on his face.

"Let me see what this is on your face. Why is there a piece of meat residue on your face? Are you eating it here?"

There was a bit of curiosity in Wu Tianzhen's eyes. When Wu Tianzhen said the words, the fat man froze on the spot. The fat man frowned, not knowing what to say. Wang Ye saw the panic on the fat man's face and shook his head for a moment. .

He seemed to understand in an instant how he had returned to normal.

Wang Ye sighed softly and didn't say a word. Seeing Wang Ye like this, the fat man hurriedly took his hand. The fat man looked at it with a panic on his face and said.

"You should listen to my explanation."

There was a bit of nervousness in Fatty's tone, and Wang Ye laughed after Fatty's words came out.

Wang Ye stared at the fat man and asked curiously.

"Logically speaking, when we entered that place, we lived and died there. After a while, you should also know the habits of these things. Why do you still want to die here?"

There was a bit of curiosity in Wang Ye's eyes. As Wang Ye spoke, the fat man didn't know how to answer. The fat man touched his belly and looked at Wang Ye with a look of helplessness on his face.

"You said it yourself, we need to tidy up a bit. If that's the case, then why can't I eat something? I'm so hungry that I'm about to faint."

The fat man clenched his fists as he spoke. There was a bit of anger on the fat man's face. Seeing the angry look on the fat man's face, Wang Ye also laughed. Wang Ye stared at the fat man and said with curiosity.

"So you can eat here. Didn't E lure them accidentally?"

Wang Ye's tone was full of impatience. As Wang Ye spoke, the fat man frowned and lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing the fat man's silent look, Wang Ye patted his shoulder and spoke again.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. If you continue to provoke these things, if something goes wrong next, I won't care about you."

Wang Ye's eyes were filled with helplessness. Seeing Wang Ye like this, the fat man nodded, but there was still a bit of caution in his eyes.

"I think I'm a little tired. Why don't we set up camp now? And according to your past habits, we can also take a short rest outside."

There was a bit of nervousness on the fat man's face. As the fat man spoke, Wang Ye nodded without any objection. Wang Ye looked at Wu Tianzhen and Zhang Qiling behind him and spoke to them without hesitation.

"Don't come to this place for the time being. As long as we stay in that place and don't provoke these things, we will basically be safe."

Wang Ye understood the character of these termites, so at this moment, Wang Ye did not hesitate to order them. After Wang Ye's words came out, everyone nodded without any objection.

But Wu Tianzhen looked at Zhang Qiling and said helplessly.

"I feel for you guy."

While the two of them were arguing, Wang Ye also covered his ears. Wang Ye took Fatty directly and walked past the two of them. Seeing the look on Wang Ye's face, the two of them suddenly laughed.

The two of them shook their heads, not knowing what to say, but after the two of them left here, their emotions calmed down slightly. Although they did not speak, they still felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.

However, the reason why they quarreled was just because they had a dispute over some things, so Wang Ye didn't get too entangled, but there was something that Wang Ye didn't know.

Wang Ye finished setting up the tent. Wang Ye looked at the fat man next to him. Wang Ye couldn't help but talk to the fat man. "If you want to eat, go to the place at the door to eat. Otherwise, if the termite comes over, our family will suffer."

When Wang Ye said the words, Fatty nodded. Fatty had no objection. Fatty ran to the door and started drinking Hu Chihai. Seeing Fatty's actions, Wang Ye laughed.

Wang Ye shook his head, not knowing what to do, but at this moment, Wu Tianzhen's face was also full of helplessness. Wu Tianzhen sighed softly and looked at Zhang Qiling and said with melancholy.

"If you really want to do this, you must take me with you."

The two of them were arguing again, and Wang Ye had no intention of listening. Wang Ye just looked at the barbecue in his hand, with a bit of melancholy in his eyes.

After finally eating, Wang Ye and Fatty came to the door. The two of them ate here with gusto, but Fatty also saw Wu Tianzhen, and the two were arguing there.

The fat man frowned and looked at Wang Ye with confusion on his face.

"Logically speaking, you have a pretty good relationship with them, right? Why don't you even know the reason for their quarrel?"

The fat man looked at Wang Ye and smiled as he spoke. The fat man's question rang in his ears. Wang Ye frowned. Zhang Jiao stared at the fat man and said impatiently.

"You ask me this question, how should I answer it? Shouldn't you think about these things yourself?"

Wang Ye's tone was a bit impatient.

Seeing Wang Ye's look, Fatty's face became a little ugly. Fatty frowned, thought about it, waved to the two of them without hesitation, and said with excitement on his face.

"Do you two want something to eat? Come over here and eat."

There was a bit of warmth in the fat man's tone, but what he said was met with blank looks from the two people. The fat man frowned and didn't say anything for a long time.

At this moment, Fatty froze on the spot, not knowing how to respond. Seeing Fatty's look, Wang Ye smiled and said to Fatty again.

"I'm talking about you."

Before Wang Ye said anything, the fat man shook his head. The fat man started eating by himself. Seeing the calmness on the fat man's face, Wang Ye also knew that most things would not cause too much interference to the fat man. .

Because Fatty is a heartless person. If he really changes himself because of a few words or even a look from others, then Fatty would be really ridiculous.

And it is precisely because of this that Wang Ye's attitude towards fat people and his intentions towards fat people are different.

After all, Fatty is a person who attaches great importance to love and justice. Even if he is said to run away and likes to run away when in danger, in fact, Fatty still has a little bit of moral character, compared with most people.

Fat people are still worthy of being reliable, and they are not just greedy for money like other people.

At this moment, Wang Ye stared at the fat man and talked to him with a smile.

"Now that I take a closer look, you seem to have a lot of advantages."

When Wang Ye said the words, the fat man shook his head. The fat man looked at Wang Ye and said calmly.

"I don't just have a few advantages, I have advantages all over my body."

As the fat man spoke, he shook the fat on his body. When Wang Ye saw the fat man, he was stunned for a moment. He frowned, thought for a while, and finally shook his head in confusion.

He looked at the fat man and suddenly said.

"Remember, you treat these words of mine as if I didn't say them."

Wang Ye patted the fat man on the shoulder. The seriousness in his eyes was not fake. Seeing Wang Ye's look, the fat man rolled his eyes. The fat man stared at Wang Ye and said impatiently.

"Look how good you are at spoiling people's taste."

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Ye and smiled.

Although he was complaining, in fact there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes. Wang Ye laughed when he saw Fatty's look. Fatty knew his character, so Fatty didn't have the same experience as him.

But after the two of them finished eating what they had in their hands, the fat man also frowned. The fat man looked at Wang Ye and said with confusion on his face.

"I really don't understand. What's the point in the quarrel between the two of them? They've been arguing so much that they don't even need to eat. Is it really that big of a conflict?"

There was a bit of complexity in the fat man's tone. When the fat man said what he said, Wang Ye smiled. Wang Ye ignored him. At this moment, Wang Ye came to Zhang Qiling. Wang Ye looked at Zhang Qiling and said seriously.

"Although you are relatively strong, that doesn't mean you don't need to eat."

The moment Wang Ye said the words, Zhang Qiling's face turned a little ugly.

Zhang Qiling frowned, not knowing what to say.

Seeing Zhang Qiling's silent expression, Wang Ye stared at Zhang Qiling and said without hesitation.

"There are indeed a lot of conflicts between you and Wu Tianzhen. I know this, but conflicts like this will be resolved sooner or later."

While Wang Ye was persuading, Zhang Qiling also smiled and nodded. However, Zhang Qiling looked like he didn't take him seriously at all. The more Wang Ye looked at Zhang Qiling, the more strange he felt.

While Wang Ye was thinking about it, Zhang Qiling looked at Wang Ye and said without hesitation.

"When you find out what Wu Tianzhen is going to do, you will never forgive him, and I am already half angry with him now."

Zhang Qiling shook his head and sighed as he spoke. Zhang Qiling's eyes were full of exhaustion. Wang Ye saw Zhang Qiling like this and smiled and said to him again.

"This is an exaggeration."

Wang Ye only had a careless look on his face. Seeing Wang Ye's look, Zhang Qiling shook his head and did not continue to explain to him.

Because Zhang Qiling knew in his heart that no matter how he explained to Wang Ye, Wang Ye would not understand. In addition to this, Zhang Qiling also knew that Wang Ye should not know these things.

Zhang Qiling frowned and didn't say a word. At this time, Wu Tianzhen was pushed outside by the fat man. The two of them looked at each other with a bit of complexity in their eyes.

The fat man looked at the two of them and said helplessly.

"People are iron, rice is steel, how can you not eat? Such delicious barbecue, if I hadn't taken care of the two of you here, I would have eaten it."

Before the fat man finished speaking, he saw two people eating. Seeing this scene, the fat man nodded. The fat man looked at them and said happily.

"Wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier? I have to come over to invite you."

The fat man rolled his eyes, with a bit of impatience in his eyes. Seeing the fat man's look, the two people did not answer him. They stared at the fat man with a trace of contempt in their eyes.

Fatty frowned, not daring to think about whether what he saw was real, but Fatty was always optimistic, so Fatty thought he might just be blinded.

At this moment, the fat man was not hesitating, but looked at the two of them and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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