Chapter 1391 Linglong Sound

When he said this, Wang Ye sighed and looked very tired. Seeing his look, the fat man suddenly said.

"If you find it troublesome to explain all this, then don't say anything. Just be quiet first and listen to me."

As the fat man spoke, he held Wang Ye's hand. He tried to make Wang Ye listen to what he said, but Wang Ye ignored him.

There was only indifference on Wang Ye's face, and he acted very indifferent.

When the fat man saw Wang Ye's appearance, he felt a little depressed for a moment, and he lowered his voice and said.

"Everything that happened in that dream was really very real. I feel like I made a great contribution this time."

At this point, Wang Ye chuckled suddenly. The fat man's nagging look made him very impatient. Although it was safe here for the time being.

Wang Ye also knows that when danger approaches, fate will not joke and will not give people a chance to relax.

Look at the fat man in front of you.

Wang Ye said with a cold and mocking expression.

"Why do you dream about these? That's because Zhang Qiling and I have been discussing these. He and I have already discovered everything you said."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, the fat man's face turned extremely ugly.

Looking at Wang Ye in front of him, the fat man couldn't believe it. He shook his head and said with a strange expression.

"This must all be a misunderstanding. Look, you are joking with me again. Do you think I will believe this kind of joke? Don't do it next time."

The fat man covered his ears. Although he knew this was true, he still found it difficult to accept because Wang Ye pulled him off the altar and pushed him awake.

The fat man felt agitated.

Wang Ye glanced at him. Wang Ye shook his head and said with a dissatisfied expression.

"These are all true, don't think I'm joking."

After Wang Ye said the words, the fat man could only nod, but his expression was still a bit depressed, and he hung his head and said nothing.

But as time went by, Fatty finally calmed down and listened to what Wang Ye said, but it was still very difficult to actually listen.

The fat man looked at the murals on the wall, his face was full of helplessness, but among these murals, the fat man fell to the ground because of his head.

Fatty also saw a little bit of Weiser's light flickering above.

There was a bit of excitement on his face, and he waved to Wang Ye excitedly, but he didn't expect that when his words came out, Wang Ye ignored him.

Wang Ye didn't even stop, but walked past him with a calm expression.

Seeing Wang Ye's look, Fatty felt disappointed, but he didn't talk nonsense to him. He just looked at the mural in front of him, on which Fatty saw tiny rays of light.

Other than that.

Even if these lights are not dazzling, they still give Fatty another hint, that is, the pattern in front of him may be a passage leading to another place.

Maybe by scratching this pattern, he could go to another place. When this idea came out of nowhere, Fatty was also shocked.

But the fat man didn't panic. He took out his knife calmly and walked to the other side. Wang Ye had already finished studying the things there.

In addition, before taking action, Fatty also came to Wu Tianzhen. Fortunately, Wu Tianzhen drew a file, not a notebook, otherwise.

The fat man wanted to see the contents of his paintings, which might arouse suspicion, and Wu Tianzhen would also be dissatisfied with him.

But now that he had read the contents of the file, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Tianzhen's painting skills were still good, but some things still had to happen.

Looking at these patterns in front of him, Fatty felt a little pity.

Because the paintings on it are very exquisite. In addition, even if the text on it is cumbersome, it can be seen that they are serious.

The fat man shook his head, with a look of exhaustion on his face as he sighed softly and felt regretful.

The fat man never expected that before he could scratch the thing in front of him with the knife in his hand, he heard Wang Ye roar angrily.

The fat man frowned. Although his eyes fell on Wang Ye, with fear on his face, he was more innocent. Wang Ye glanced at him.

Wang Ye pointed in the direction of the corner with dissatisfaction and said.

"I know you don't like others to belittle you, but you can't destroy the focus of this place, right? Why is the pattern on it missing? Did you erase it?"

As Wang Ye spoke, he clenched his fists and rushed over in a menacing manner. The fat man was a little scared when he saw him like that.

But when he looked in the direction Wang Ye pointed, he seemed to understand something. He was indeed lying in that place just now, but...

He didn't touch that place, but why did the pattern there disappear? Does all this really have anything to do with him?
  The fat man was a little flustered, but before he finished explaining, Wang Ye was holding the knife in his hand.

Wang Ye came over, and the fat man thought he was going to take action. Unexpectedly, Wang Ye looked at the dagger in front of him, then put the dagger directly on the wall, and then stabbed it inside hard.

At this moment, the fat man suddenly laughed. He looked at Wang Ye and said excitedly.

"You also discovered the problem here."

The fat man was very happy. After listening to the fat man's words, Wang Ye nodded, and then sighed and said.

"To put it bluntly, if it was me who had frequent dreams and fainted just now, I want you and Zhang Qiling to continue to explore the truth here and study all of this."

I'm afraid the progress won't be as fast as it is now, Wang Ye added in his heart, but he didn't show it or convey it.

The moment he just held the dagger in his hand and opened the wallpaper in front of him.

Wang Ye's face also became a little ugly.

Because what appeared in front of him was the place he saw just now.

In addition, Fatty looked at the light inside. Fatty's face was full of excitement and excitement, and his eyes widened.

When Wang Ye saw him like that, Wang Ye hurriedly grabbed his collar and pulled him off from behind.

But after finishing all these things, Wang Ye saw the wallpaper falling off little by little.

In addition, the light in front of them also became bigger and bigger, and the darkness here was lit up. Chen Si noticed the shadow under his feet, and Chen Si suddenly turned around.

"what happened?"

Chen Si's question rang in his ears. Before Wang Ye had time to answer, he didn't expect that Chen Si stood up, as if he was fascinated.

Chen Si came over with excitement on his face.

Seeing Chen Si's appearance, Wang Ye had a strange expression on his face.

He originally wanted to reprimand Chen Si, but unexpectedly, Chen Si didn't listen to him at all and just kept walking inside. The fat man soon got up and walked around.

"Oh my God, this is so perfect, isn't it? These things are mind-blowing."

The fat man said while placing his hands on the yellow light in front of him.

See the fat man like that.

Wang Ye's face was full of helplessness. Although Zhang Qiling remained awake, seeing Wu Tianzhen being attracted to these things, Zhang Qiling knew that the matter was serious.

Zhang Qiling sighed softly, took Wu Tianzhen's hand, and then lowered his voice and said.     "Calm down."

When Zhang Qiling finished speaking, Wu Tianzhen glanced at him, but didn't care. He just looked at the light in front of him, his face full of stubbornness.

He was deeply attracted by all of this, and nothing else.

Wang Ye also heard exquisite sounds ringing in his ears. It was a unique musical instrument. They used this instrument to complete sacrifices a long time ago.

Wang Ye remembered clearly that this was an important point. In the past, an old man once told him that once he heard such a sound, he should run away immediately, no matter where he was.

Because the appearance of this kind of sound represents everything in the world. Once they hear it, if they cannot leave it in a waking moment.

Then, what awaits them next will definitely be a disaster. In addition to these, they will also be charmed by music.

Everything he did was out of control.

The reason why the senior at that time knew so much about this kind of thing was because he had witnessed the truth, but he was lucky enough to escape because he was deaf.

But now when the voice sounds.

Wang Ye didn't think about running away, his face was just plain.

He acted very calmly, because for him, running away was useless.

But the more he behaves like this, the more troublesome and even headache-inducing the things before him become.

Because the moment the voice sounded, not only the fat man walked over, but also Chen Si, who had always been very restrained, stood up.

The same is true for Zhang Qiling, and Wu Tianzhen is no exception. The emotions and states displayed by both of them are extremely weird.

Wang Ye glanced at the two of them, and they both said.

"Stand where you are, don't move."

There was a bit of sternness on his face, and these words were almost roared. The two people heard them, even if they were standing still.

Their eyes were still looking in the direction in front of them, their eyes full of longing to see them.

Wang Ye immediately clenched his fists, then took their hands and said.


But these two words were of little use, because Chen Si, who was walking in front, was not prepared to be calm, and he was unable to be calm.

The fat man was the most excited, especially when he heard the exquisite sound and saw the graceful figure in the place in front of him.

The fat man couldn't help but get excited. He bared his teeth and claws, and kept waving his hands and feet. His face was filled with excitement and excitement.

Seeing the fat man's happy look, Wang Ye rushed over and then took two balls of cotton in his hands. He had blocked his own ears, but the fat man's ears were not blocked yet.

But when he grabbed the fat man, he didn't expect that the guy started to resist fiercely. Not only did he throw him away, but he also turned around and roared at him.

The way he grinned was terrifying.

Wang Ye looked at the fat man in front of him. Although he could see subtle ups and downs of emotions on his face,...

But he acted very calmly. In addition, he firmly held the fat man's shoulders to the ground. At this moment, the fat man could not break free.

The fat man's face was filled with pain, and his eyes were blood red at this moment.

Wang Ye stuffed the two balls of cotton in his hands into his ears.

After doing this series of things, although Fatty calmed down a little, the environment in front of him still had an impact on him.

In such a dark yellow environment, even though Fatty had his ears covered, he still couldn't help but want to walk over, as if that was a warm area.

While the fat man was thinking in his heart, there was a bit of excitement and excitement on his face.

Wang Ye saw the fat man's appearance, thought about it, and suddenly knocked him unconscious, but.

The fat man was not completely knocked unconscious. He believed in his own skills and abilities, but at this moment, he was unable to achieve his previous abilities.

Seeing the fat man standing up with an excited look on his face, Wang Ye's face became extremely ugly.

He directly took out the rope and tied the fat man up. Although the fat man struggled violently, his struggles were all in vain.

Only Chen Si's ears were not blocked by cotton, but he seemed to see the problem. He stood there with a strange light shining in his eyes.

When Wang Ye saw Chen Si's appearance, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, because he could feel relieved, so he simply walked over, but the result was unexpected.

Before he could take action, Chen Si in front of him roared angrily, and then Jiang He broke away.

Chen Si's face was full of pain. He covered his ears, and then rolled around on the ground with a heavy face.

I saw that Chen Si did not struggle too violently.

Wang Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, then stepped forward, quickly put cotton in Chen Si's ears, and completed this series of things.

Wang Ye's eyes were on the others.

Although Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen were calm, they still couldn't help but walk in that direction when they heard that sound.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wang Ye hurriedly stepped forward.

Wang Ye had a look of helplessness on his face, and he put cotton in the ears of two people at the same time.

Although the two of them calmed down, their expressions became extremely complicated when they looked at the surrounding environment.

Then, under Wang Ye's gaze, both Wu Tianzhen and Zhang Qiling stood in the middle and began to wander around in a daze.

It seemed that the two of them were already immersed in it. Looking at the scene in front of them, Wang Ye looked a little more melancholy.

He sighed softly and spoke to the two of them with a tired look on his face.

".Can you two calm down a little?"

Wang Ye's question rang in his ears.

When the two people in front of them heard this, there was only indifference on their faces.

Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen looked at each other.

They both suddenly spoke.

"Why don't we walk forward together? That place looks like..."

Neither of them had finished speaking.

Wang Ye saw the two of them walking forward, and then tied them up with a rope. He didn't want to do such a thing at first, but now.

These things were forced by the two of them, and Wang Ye was helpless.

Seeing Wang Ye's look, both of them looked a little tired.

Although I am struggling, my sanity is still there.

(End of this chapter)

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