Chapter 146 Great Harvest, Cave Robbery?

Then he saw Wang Ye reaching out and grabbing Dapu Ghost Insect.

Instead of turning into ice slag like Peter Huang, it crushed the Dapu ghost bug to death.

But there is a problem with inhaling?

Wang Ye stopped after raising the Dapu Ghost Insect to level four.

There is no way, the national luck value is not enough.

Now Wang Ye only has more than 1,200 national fortune points.

It’s already over 1,000 just after the upgrade.

But that's enough, don't rush.

Now experience points and energy points are the key.

A Dap ghost bug can collect a lot of goods.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye looked at the glacier crystal corpse.

At this time, another light spot emerged from the mouth of the glacier crystal corpse.

Then another one, one after another, dozens of light spots were drilled out in succession.

Wang Ye had a smile on his face.

The experience gift package is here.

Thirty or forty Dap ghost insects flew out from the glacier crystal corpse in one go.

After seeing these ghost insects, everyone's expressions changed.

Peter Huang, who died tragically before, left a deep psychological shadow on these people.

Although Wang Ye killed a Dap ghost insect, the process was not smooth and it took a long time.

If these Dap ghost bugs swarmed up, everyone would be dead.

Wang Ye calmly raised the Blue Crystal Golden Toad.

"Everyone, stay calm! Don't be impatient!"

After a word, Wang Ye released the interference.

An invisible magnetic field ray energy rushed directly towards dozens of Dapu ghost insects.

Under the influence of Wang Ye's ancestral dragon bloodline, these Dapu ghost insects fly very slowly.

The range of the interference skill released by the Blue Crystal Golden Toad is one, covering all the Dapu ghost insects at once.

In an instant, the light on dozens of Dapu ghost insects dimmed.

Only four or five of them are still bright.

Wang Ye smiled slightly.

If it doesn't work once.

Then do it again.

The Blue Crystal Golden Toad releases interference again.

This time, all the lights on the Dap ghost bugs were extinguished.

Once you find a way to defeat the Dap Ghost Bug, things are simple.

Of course there is another very important reason.

Dap ghost bugs belong to the insect family.

Being suppressed so much by the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, it was impossible to use his speed and flexibility at all.

Wang Ye was forced to try out his weaknesses bit by bit.

If it had been anyone else, this job wouldn't have been possible.

Next, Wang Ye mercilessly crushed these Dapu ghost insects to death one by one with his bare hands.

There were beeps one after another.

There are hundreds of thousands more experience points and energy points.

Just outrageous.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before upgrading.

Wang Ye shook his head, there was nothing he could do about it.

However, as long as you find the Door of Disaster and enter Evil Luohai City later, there are still many opportunities to gain experience and energy.

There are even objects to absorb.

The ancestor of the white bearded fish, the giant spotted dragon, Jing Jian Agama is quite powerful.

And in the final underground Phoenix Palace, there is also the most powerful boss.

Mahakala strikes Thunder Mountain!

This extremely weird and powerful evil spirit almost took away the Iron Triangle of Fatty Shirley Yang, King Hu Bayi.

Several people were able to escape because of their bravery.

Without the halo of the protagonist, there will be no bones left in every minute.

In addition to experience points and energy points, Dapu Ghost Insect also provided Wang Ye with two Infinite Karma Fire Seeds and three Neqiong Shen Ice Seeds. These special items will definitely be of great use in the future.

In a short time, Wang Ye had cleaned up all the Dapu ghost bugs.

Everyone who was trembling with fear just now was stunned.

"Is this spraying insecticide?"

Fatty Wang asked in a daze.

No matter what, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a rumbling sound came from the upper level of the nine-story demon tower.

The expression on Chu Yi changed.

"No, the Four Sacred Mountains are not going to let us out."

Of course what he was talking about on the first day of the year was the four snow-capped mountains in a circle outside Hailuogou.

The four snow-capped mountains are covered with snow all year round, and avalanches often occur in summer.

It's September now, and it's snowing heavily.

After the small-scale avalanche was triggered by the Devil's Ghost Mother and Crystal Zizai Mountain's curse just now, a larger-scale avalanche occurred.

Originally, Hu Bayi Wang, Fatty Chu Yi and others were discussing that they could use shovels to dig out an escape passage.

Now it seems completely unworkable.

The sound of rolling avalanches above kept ringing, and it was impossible to tell when it would stop.

Moreover, the ice and snow on the upper floors of the nine-story demon tower could not bear the heavy pressure and began to collapse layer by layer.

In the blink of an eye, the cave had already reached the fifth or sixth floor.

Even the bottom layer where everyone is located has been continuously falling with snow.

"What should we do? Cousin, Lao Hu, we have to find a way to escape."

Fatty Wang had all his strength, but he couldn't think of any good solution for the moment.

After a while, even if the snow does not crush everyone to death.

Because the space is too small, there is not enough air for several people to breathe.

Among the victims of avalanches, more people are often suffocated to death than directly crushed to death.

Chu Yi and Uncle Ming didn't have any ideas at the moment.

Hu Bayi looked at the glacier crystal corpse and thought through gritted teeth.

"If we can't go up, maybe we can go down and have a look."

Wang Ye knew that he had to remind Lao Hu and Staff Yang at this time.

The situation is critical. If the two of them fail to remember and the plot goes sideways, it will be in trouble.

Hu Ba listened and patted his thigh.

"Wang Ye is right. There may be ice cracks below the nine-story demon tower. There is no hope of going up. Let's go down and find a way out."

After finishing speaking, Fatty Hu Bayi Wang and Chu Yi carefully moved the glacier crystal corpse away.

There is also a layer of ice beneath the glacier crystal corpse.

But underneath the ice, there was something really dark.

When several people took a look, there was indeed something abnormal under the glacier crystal corpse, and they all suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope.

There are many crevasses and cirques throughout the glacier.

The nine-story demon tower is very old, and maybe there are cracks and passages underneath.

On the first day of the new year, Fatty Hu Bayi and Wang Ye took turns and cleared the ice in a short time.

The black thing underneath is actually a layer of wood.

Shirley Yang frowned immediately after seeing it, "Is there another layer below the ninth layer of the nine-layer demon tower?"

Fatty Wang became more energetic now, "Whatever, let's dig it out."

Several people worked together, and soon the bottom layer of black wooden boards was dug out.

After digging it out, Hu Bayi Wang, Fatty Shirley and Yang were all shocked.

The look on Uncle Ming's face was also a little strange.

Axiang and Chuyi had never fought before, so they didn't understand much.

But the others are all veterans.

My uncle Ming Dynasty also came from a background of carrying corpses and turning over corpses, and he also knew a little bit about it.

These black wooden panels are definitely not original, but were added later.

The bottom is not a rammed earth foundation, nor is it ten thousand years of black ice, but is backfilled frozen soil.

This structure is very similar to that of a robber cave.

PS: Brothers who read this book on QQ Reading and, can you vote for recommendation, because this is very important to the author, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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