Chapter 19 Level : Sabertooth Viperfish

Fatty Wang Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang began to put the scattered bamboo rafts together. When the three were not paying attention, Wang Ye quietly approached the body of the green-scaled python.

Wang Ye took a closer look and saw a knife with a scabbard lying next to the body of the giant green-scaled python!

Wang Ye was deeply attracted by this knife just at a glance.

Wang Ye picked up the knife. It was heavy, weighing more than dozens of kilograms!

However, Wang Ye could pick it up easily.

Then, a wave of cold air came up.

[Obtain the fake Daxia Dragon Bird Sword! 】

Daxia Longque Knife:

Jin Shu said:
  He also made five weapons, especially elite ones. Once it is completed and presented, some of the craftsmen will die: if the armor fails to penetrate, the archer will be beheaded; if it does, the armorer will be beheaded. He also made a hundred-level steel sword and made it into a large dragon-queen ring. He named it "Daxia Longque" and inscribed on its back: "An ancient sharp weapon from Zhanlu of Wu and Chu. Daxia Dragonque is famous as the capital of the gods. It can carry you far away, It can be soft and gentle. It is like a wind-swept grass, commanding the nine districts." It is very treasured in the world.

After Wang Ye got the knife, he got all the information about the knife, and he couldn't help but feel shocked!
  It turned out to be the Daxia Dragon Bird Sword!

This sword is truly a peerless sword!
  I didn't expect to get such a knife in this place!

However, another message came from the system that this Daxia Dragon Bird Sword was not real, but was produced by the system.

Although it is not the Daxia Dragon Bird Sword in history, it is still very powerful.

Fatty has a sword and air gun, Hu Bayi has a sapper shovel, and Shirley Yang has a pistol.

He has nothing but his own abilities.

Now there is a Daxia Dragon Bird Sword, which can be regarded as a self-defense weapon.

Wang Ye pulled out the Daxia Dragon Bird and felt a blast of cold air hit his face.

This knife is smooth and crystal clear, shaped like a cold moon, and the cold air is overwhelming!

Wang Ye raised his hand and slashed the dead green-scaled python next to him.


The giant green-scaled python was cut in half with one knife!

Just like cutting tofu, effortless!

This is Daxia Longque!

Indestructible and extremely sharp!
  My luck is really good this time.

Such a top-notch weapon actually exploded.

Wang Ye put the Daxia Dragon Bird Knife into the system warehouse with satisfaction, and then returned to the ship.

Just in time to meet Shirley Yang's eyes.

Wang Ye nodded slightly and showed a sunny smile.

Shirley Yang, on the other hand, felt a little embarrassed when Wang Ye looked at him and averted his eyes slightly.

At this moment, there was a sound like metal blades rubbing against each other in the distance.

"Lao Hu, why did this green-scaled python break into two pieces? I'm going to use its gallbladder to make soup."

"Eat, eat, eat, just know how to eat, be careful to poison you."

Wang Ye took a look and saw that Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were trying to row the bamboo raft next to the body of the giant green-scaled python.

"Don't go there! Danger!"

The hairs on Wang Ye's body stood up and he shouted.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were both stunned.

"Cousin, why are you scared? This giant blue-scaled python is already dead. Let me tell you, the python meat tastes good, and this snake skin..."

Before Fatty Wang finished speaking, Wang Ye shouted again:
  "There's danger underwater! Get out of here!"

The sound of the friction of iron plates in the distance was getting louder and denser. In the direction of the green-scaled python's body, the water seemed to be boiling, as if some animal in the water was fighting desperately.

Because the searchlight was knocked out, nothing could be seen in the distance.

But using the tactical spotlight on the mountaineering helmet, you can see that the nearby river water has turned dark red, completely dyed red by a large amount of blood.

The two of them reacted quickly.

Holding on to the bamboo pole, he rowed the bamboo raft downstream as hard as he could.

Wang Ye and Shirley Yang also took out their engineering shovels and used them as paddles to paddle quickly.

The sound like the friction of blades just now became more violent, and it was almost ten times noisier than the construction site.

This time all the people on the bamboo raft heard it.

"what is that?"

Hu Bayi just asked.

Hu Bayi pointed the signal gun in the direction and fired a flare. The water surface in the distance was illuminated as brightly as snow by the white lantern-like flare.

I could see countless palm-sized fish with golden scales wrapping around the huge green-scaled python. The fish had two rows of razor-sharp teeth like saws, and they could tear off a strip of skin and flesh from the python in one bite.

The number of fish was very large, numbering in the thousands. They rolled around the green-scaled python and bit it. The more blood flowed, the more excited the fish became, biting like crazy.

What a pity for a giant green-scaled python. A good tiger can't resist a pack of wolves. It was surrounded by those fish. In less than half a minute, it was eaten up by the devil-like fish, not even the bones were left.

The water was filled with the blood and meat residue of the green-scaled python, and the entire cave was filled with a fishy smell.

Hu Bayi, Shirley, Yang and Fatty Wang were stunned.

"What the hell is this?"

Fatty Wang murmured, his face turned pale and sweat was running down his forehead.

The two people next to him were no better. They were both wiping sweat desperately.

Obviously, if Wang Ye hadn't reminded him in time just now, several people would have tried their best to cut the bamboo rafts apart.

Now I'm afraid that the entire bamboo raft will be affected by underwater ghosts.

Judging from the appearance of the giant blue-scaled python, as long as a few people fell into the water, they would now be skeletons sinking to the bottom of the water.

Wang Ye looked behind, frowned and said:

"Sabertooth Viper!"

Hearing this, Shirley Yang's face suddenly changed color, and she couldn't help shouting: "Pull quickly, this is a saber-toothed viperfish, a saber-toothed viperfish! They go crazy when they see blood!"

Even without Shirley Yang's words, neither Hu Bayi nor Fatty Wang dared to take a break.

The huge python like a green dragon seems to be nothing more than a turkey dinner in the eyes of this group of "sabertooth viperfish", with no room for resistance. Moreover, the number of these fish is so huge that it is absolutely difficult to resist. .

I had to risk my life and row the bamboo raft to the exit. After all, these "sabertooth viperfish" have no legs.

The fat man's face turned green with fright when he saw the bloody scenes.

He rounded his arms and used the engineer shovel to paddle in the water: "Old Hu, cousin, run, run, my fucking fear is piranhas. I didn't look at the almanac when I went out today, so why should I be afraid of something coming?"

Several people tried their best to increase the speed of the bamboo raft.

Hu Bayi paddled the water with an engineering shovel and said to the fat man: "Like you, I am most afraid of this kind of fish. If we can escape today, we will make a big wish to the Buddha that we will never see him again in this life." No more fish to eat.”

The fat man said: "That's right, that's right. The first thing I'm afraid of is eating fish, and the second thing I'm afraid of seeing is blood, especially since I can't see my own blood while riding a horse..."

Wang Ye stood at the end of the bamboo raft, using an engineer shovel as an oar to paddle, while carefully watching the school of saber-toothed viperfish rushing over.

There were more sword-toothed viperfish than Wang Ye had imagined.

Wang Ye remembered that in the original adventure of the Iron Triangle, there were only about a thousand saber-toothed viper fish at the bottom of Zhelong Mountain.

But the saber-toothed viper fish in front of us were densely packed, and there were probably tens of thousands of them.

(End of this chapter)

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