Chapter 275 Hou Yi’s Survivors
  However, Wang Ye quickly noticed that there was a hole left in the system description.

Bronze golem drawings can also be used to create other golems.

Wood, stone, etc.


Wang Ye looked at his skills.

When it comes to playing with wood, Wang Ye has never learned Luban Shu and is not familiar with it.

But playing with rocks…

There are not many people in this world who are more powerful than him.

Wang Ye has the power of the earth dragon.

With this bloodline skill, he has the ability to control rocks.

Smelting, excavation, carving, assembling and so on are all saved.

Wang Ye had the drawings and just thought about it in his mind, and he could make a complete stone man.

As for the original twenty-odd bronze statues, they have been completely ruined.

All spiritual energy is lost.

In less than half an hour after getting the Wraith Spirit and Dragon Fire Heart.

These bronze figures began to corrode rapidly.

The whole body turned into a bright blue.

The original bronze color is basically completely invisible.

After a while, it started to fall off.

The bronze giants more than 20 meters high began to collapse one after another.

The huge head and arms hit the water, causing huge waves.

Wang Ye had returned to the stone temple altar at this time.

Looking at the crumbling bronze giants in the sea, I feel like I am looking at the withered trees one by one.

Shirley Yang also sighed.

Then she pointed to the sea.

There are also some bronze giants in many places below.

At first everyone thought it was a damaged giant.

However, Shirley Yang had better eyesight and could immediately spot something unusual.

"The helmets on the heads of those movable and complete bronze giants are all fish bone crowns."

Shirley Yang pointed at one of the bronze giants that had not completely collapsed and said.

Mentioning this, Wang Ye immediately looked underwater.

The bronze giants underwater are obviously smaller than those who can still fight.

And most of the head has fallen off.

Wang Ye originally thought that it was broken due to seawater erosion over time.

Now it seems it's not that simple.

Those bronze giants with heads missing, with helmets and boulder fire crow crowns on their heads.

"Look at the giants on the bottom of the sea. They are all fire crows."

"I guess it represents the battle in ancient times between the Hentian clan and the opposing tribe, that is, the tribe that wears the fire crow crown and is connected to the sun and the sky."

Shirley Yang quickly expressed her thoughts.

Wang Ye frowned.

Something is wrong.

If the Hentian clan wanted to build a bronze giant to commemorate the battle between their ancestors and their enemies.

Is it necessary to build such a big bronze man?
  It's understandable to make the bronze statue representing your own tribe a little bigger, but what's the point of making the enemy more than ten meters tall?
  A lot of metal?
  Just make it?
  Is there a possibility that the enemies from back then are also hunting here?
  Then a bronze giant battle took place in the stone palace.

If you think about it this way, it's actually quite exciting.

Shirley Yang's addiction to textual research came back at this time.

Start looking for various relief murals in the temple.

Soon I found many stone sculptures in the temple.

"I know! The Hentian clan is the descendant of the legendary Sheri tribe in the Central Plains!"

Shirley Young quickly discovered some useful information.

Although Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were uneducated and incompetent, they had both heard of Hou Yi shooting the sun.

The two people almost unanimously thought of Hou Yi.

Shirley Yang nodded.

"The Hentian clan is most likely a descendant of Hou Yi's tribe."

"There are many legends about the Sun Shooting Tribe, including ten suns, Chang'e flying to the moon, immortality, etc."

"But later similar legends became very rare."    "The sun also became a representative of heaven."

"I think it might be because the Sun-shooting Tribe was defeated."

"Lost the right to speak in the Central Plains civilization."

"So the later legend about shooting the sun is no longer popular. Instead, the sun has become the representative of the monarch."

Shirley Yang put it succinctly.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were both stunned.

Wang Ye partly agreed with Shirley Yang's point of view.

Because inside the stone palace, some fixed patterns can be seen on the decorations of the bronze giants.

In the early days, they were bows, arrows, and stones, and in the later stages, they were dragon patterns and so on.

It's very possible that this is indeed the case.

It's just that Wang Ye is not very interested in the origin of the Hentian clan in ancient times.

Just leave these studies of ancient culture to Shirley Yang.

As long as Staff Officer Yang is happy.

The most important thing right now is to find the exit from Guixu.

In the second half of Guixu, there are many strange and powerful things waiting in the Hentian family's tomb under Jianmu.

Moreover, Wang Ye also concluded that in the current world line, the power of the ancient gods exists in the eyes of Guixu Hai.

There will definitely be more scary things later.

The strength is also stronger.

Shirley Young's camera also remained on board the White Dragon King.

Now I can only use the most primitive method, paper and pen, to record the relief patterns I see.

And he drew the entire structure of the stone palace.

Afterwards, everyone took a short rest and continued moving forward.

The temperature of the sea water in the temple has also obviously begun to rise.

A light mist began to fill the sea.

Everyone could not turn back and could only walk deeper into the temple.

After reaching the end, continue to build a rubber lifeboat.

After continuing to paddle forward for about half an hour, a stone gate finally appeared at the end.

This time the stone gate is only over three meters high.

Although it is not low, compared with the tall temple that is dozens of meters high, it feels a bit like a mouse hole.

No matter where this door leads, it is obviously for people, not the gods in the temple.

After passing through this door, there is a house behind.

The house was empty, there was nothing.

Coming out from the back of the house is a tall patio-like building.

The top of the passage leads to the top of Guixu Haiyan.

The entire color has turned fiery red.

In the center of the patio, there is a tall hill.

After paddling a rubber boat to get in and out, we found that the entire hill was made of clam shells.

A few people also collected a lot of South China Sea moon pearls under the coral spiral waters.

Everyone knows the size of a clam shell.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the mountains of clam shells.

Not to mention anything else, how many moon pearls were produced in these clam shells?
  Do you have to calculate it in tons?

Not to mention that on Clam Shell Mountain, you can occasionally see giant clams with a diameter of more than one foot.

Just one look at it makes your eyes warm and your heart beats.

In the original world line, everyone wanted to find a place for Ruan Hei to be buried here.

But Ruan Hei is living well in this world line.

Wang Ye was trying to find an excuse to go to Shell Mountain.

There are good things in there.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Wang, Uncle Ming and Hu Bayi were already clamoring to go up and have a look.

The reason is also very simple.

Treasure hunt!

PS: Brothers who read this book on QQ Reading and, can you vote for recommendation, because this is very important to the author, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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