Chapter 370 Locusts
  Behind the stone gate, there were really many people wearing Taoist robes and dressed like Taoist priests.

And there are a lot of them, standing quietly on the cliffs on both sides, motionless and infiltrating.

The canyons on both sides behind the stone gate are as neat as a knife and an axe.

There are many holes of different sizes on both sides.

These cave entrances are different from the Swift caves that Wang Ye saw before, and are much smaller.

The big one is just over a foot, and the small one is about the size of a bowl.

But there are more.

Outside the cave entrance, there are many shallow grottoes.

The cave is full of life-size people wearing Taoist robes and carrying Taoist temples.

Wang Ye took a closer look and immediately noticed something was wrong.

These people are actually made of thatch.

Wang Ye frowned.

These things are really weird.

Not only was he wearing the clothes of a Taoist priest, but his head was also covered with a hood made of cloth.

Then the hood was painted with strange facial features and red cheeks using various paints.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like paper figures offering sacrifices to the dead.

The sinister wind gusts, extremely strange.

The key is that those fabric heads have begun to become tattered after being exposed to wind and sun for an unknown amount of time.

The thatch inside was exposed.

Just looking at it makes people feel horrified and chilled all over.

A faint golden light flashed in Wang Ye's eyes.

Soon it was discovered that there were thousands of similar thatched people within a few kilometers on both sides of the cliff.

Moreover, all thatched people carry a very obvious evil spirit.

"what are these?"

Wang Ye also frowned.

Then I remembered a scary and weird thing in the original world line.

Golden-armored Maoxian?

At this moment, Shirley Yang already said oh.

"This thing is most likely the Thatch Fairy, a statue of some kind of god worshiped by people in the past."

"It's the Locust God."

Wang Ye was very sure now.

"Locust God?"

Obviously, among the few people, neither Fatty Wang, Hu Bayi nor Mo Meier have heard of this word.

But Professor Sun and Shirley Yang had obviously heard it.

"I think what Wang Ye said is very possible. In ancient my country, there were indeed many places that worshiped the locust god."

Professor Sun nodded and said.

Fatty Wang was unconvinced.

"Aren't locusts pests? In ancient times, there were often locust plagues. Why do people still worship locusts as gods?"

Professor Sun adjusted his glasses and said.

"You only know one thing but not the other. Locust plagues were frequent in ancient times, and locusts caused huge disasters to people in many places."

"But the locust plague is very different from other disasters. It is difficult to predict and control. After the locust plague occurs, there is no particularly good way."

"The common people in ancient times had no way to deal with locusts and could only pin their hopes on illusory gods."

"So in many places, there are temples dedicated to the locust god. It is said that one of them is a statue of the god made of thatch."

After hearing Professor Sun's explanation, Fatty Wang was still unconvinced, but he couldn't say anything. He could only groan twice and then ask, sister.

"Sister, have you ever had this kind of statue here before? Does anyone worship this kind of thing?"

Mo Meier looked confused.

"No, I have never heard of the Thatch Fairy or the Locust God before."

Fatty Wang became proud again when he heard this. "Let me just say, things like thatched grass fairy, locust god and the like are definitely not reliable."

"And the place where the locust plague occurred should be the Central Plains, especially the Yellow River Flood Area." Hu Bayi thought for a while and said.

"When I was on a mission before, I visited some places in the Central Plains and saw some temples dedicated to locusts."

"There are indeed statues made of thatch inside, but they are somewhat different from the dead ones in front. They still have certain characteristics of insects."

"Of course, all the locust temples I saw have been destroyed. Now no one trusts the locust god."

Hu Bayi is well-informed and the questions he raises are indeed very reasonable.

In history, most places where locust plagues occurred were in the north.

Especially the Yellow River Basin, the Yellow River Flood Area in the middle and lower reaches, the Shanshan-Shaanxi region in the northwest, etc.

There are very few years when locust plagues occur in the south, especially in the Wuxia area.

This place does not have the conditions for large-scale locust breeding.

Wang Ye nodded.

At this time, Wang Ye had completely recalled some details of the original world line.

This is indeed a place dedicated to the locust god.

And it’s a very special kind of locust.

"Do you still remember the relief murals we saw at Baibu Bird Path?"

Wang Ye suddenly interjected.

In the team, Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi are both smart and clever, and Professor Sun is also cunning.

As soon as Wang Ye finished saying this, the three people nodded almost at the same time and made a sound.

Because all three of them recalled the scene they saw on the cliff beside Baibu Bird Road.

Before Wuyang Wangzhi controlled the floods, the Wuxia area suffered from various disasters. In addition to floods, fires and earthquakes, there were also locust plagues.

"Sound-guiding locusts. The locust plague in Wuxia area is a species called sound-guiding locusts. They like to breed in dark and moist caves."

As Wang Ye spoke, he pointed to the densely packed caves on the cliffs on both sides of the Shinto ahead.

Just after Wang Ye finished speaking, Shirley Yang's expression changed.

None of these people had heard of locusts.

But Shirley Yang was very knowledgeable and had heard of this kind of locust.

The locusts are different from the Asian migratory locusts that generally cause locust plagues, such as the East Asian migratory locusts.

This locust is much larger.

And the armor on his body is very hard and has a golden color.

The ability to fly long distances is usually similar to that of ordinary migratory locusts.

Fly at a lower altitude.

The flight speed is faster than ordinary migratory locusts.

The wings on its body vibrate at a special frequency when flying, making a strange and soul-stirring sound.

In large-scale locust plagues in history, this kind of golden-yellow giant locust with a strange sound and a slightly faster flying speed often appeared at the front of the migratory locust swarm.

So it is also called the sound-guiding locust.

The probability of this kind of locust appearing is not high.

Because the living habits of this kind of locust are somewhat different from those of migratory locusts in locust plagues.

This thing often breeds not in the fields on river beaches, but in caves, especially some humid caves.

There are relatively few such caves in the Central Plains, so the probability of locusts appearing is not high.

But this kind of locust also has a characteristic that makes people change their colors when they hear it.

The sound-guiding locust is large and its armor is very hard.

There are also sharp giant teeth on the edges of the body and thighs.

When this thing hits a human or animal, it will cause a bloody gash.

The key is that locusts don't just eat grass.

In a desperate situation, they will even eat the flesh and blood of humans and animals.

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(End of this chapter)

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