Chapter 455 Giant Bull
  "Cousin, Lao Hu, Chief of Staff Yang, look at this new thing. There is fire in the eyes of the dragon head. I don't know if it is worth it. It is said that the heads of ancient statues were quite valuable in the past. Let me remove these dragon heads. Come down and move out…”

Before Fatty Wang finished talking, Hu Bayi became anxious.

At this time, Wang Ye, Hu Bayi, Shirley and Yang had all figured out what these six dragon heads were.

This thing is an ancient firearm.

Before artillery, that is, the Folang machine, was introduced to the mainland, officers and soldiers also had firearms.

At that time, the main ones were Fire Dragon and Fire Crow.

The fire dragon among them is shaped like this.

It contained gunpowder and rockets.

After being ignited, the gunpowder burns and drives the rocket out.

Because dozens or hundreds of rockets can be loaded inside at one time, and they are all launched at once, this thing also has a very vivid name, called a swarm of bees.

Some unscrupulous officers and soldiers would even put poison on the arrowheads of rockets, or even put feces on them.

This kind of thing was originally used on the battlefield.

Extremely powerful.

When used on the battlefield, its power is actually limited and its mobility is not strong.
  It is mainly used to defend the city and block the city gate.

If the enemy breaks through and faces the heavily armored forwards rushing in, they can shoot back in waves, and the defenders will have time to block the door again.

This thing has limited application scenarios when fighting, but if it is used to defend against tomb robbers in the tomb passage, it can really deserve the title of heartless gun.

The tomb passage is straight, with no way from heaven to earth.

The tomb robbers walked dozens or hundreds of meters of tomb passages, and finally reached the end and saw the gate of Hades. Several swarms of swarms stretched out in front of them, shooting hundreds or thousands of rockets.
  Poison arrows come out.

There is no feeling left except despair.

Hu Bayi just had time to shout, Fatty, be careful, there are rockets ahead!
  Fatty Wang was still wondering what a rocket was, when suddenly there was a smell of sulfur.

The fire started.

Countless sharp arrows swarmed out from the six dragon heads.

The sound of breaking through the sky kept coming.

Wang Ye was also anxious and immediately rushed forward with his hands stretched out.

A wall of fire appeared in front of Wang Ye.

Almost all the arrows that passed through the wall of fire were burned beyond recognition by the flames.

At the same time, he was also hit by the upward flames and lost his strength.

Even so, many rocket arrows passed through the wall of fire.

The strength remains undiminished.

Some arrows hit the brick wall of the tomb passage directly, shooting directly into the brick wall, and countless gravel fragments were scattered all over the ground.

Fortunately, Shirley Yang reacted very quickly and held up the diamond umbrella, together with the wooden board in Fatty Wang's hand, to seal the tomb passage.

Those arrows didn't hurt anyone.

Wang Ye just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard another sound of gears turning from under the dripping eaves of the gatehouse in front.

The six faucet heads just retracted, and six more faucet heads stretched out.

The corners of Wang Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

Good guy, is this the end?

The conscience of those who set up this institution has been eaten by dogs.

One wave after another is not enough, what about another one?
  To be honest, for the wave just now, if it weren't for Wang Ye, it would be difficult to completely block it with just the wooden board in Fatty Wang's hand and the diamond umbrella in Shirley Yang's hand.

This swarm of swarms was launched using gunpowder and came from the front.

The diamond umbrella can still hold up, but Fatty Wang is afraid that if he has to confess here, he will at least be injured.

What's even worse is that there is a second wave here.

Wang Ye was also a little angry.

That's too much.

Are you really afraid of being a master? Before the second round of rockets could be fired from the dragon head, Wang Ye stepped hard with his feet and activated his fox flash skill.

Suddenly it appeared under the dripping eaves of the gatehouse.

The Star-Breaking Sword in his hand slashed hard at the six newly protruded dragon heads.

There was a crashing sound.

All six dragon heads were cut off.

The fire inside suddenly appeared, and the swarm of rockets were blocked by the dragon head.
  All of a sudden they exploded at the mouth of the faucet.

It turned into six huge fire balls.

Another sound of gears came.

The six burning faucet heads began to slowly retract, and new faucet heads stretched out.

Wang Ye laughed angrily.

There is actually a swarm of these fire dragons that seems endless.

At this time, Fatty Wang Hu Bayi and others in the tomb passage behind were about to dodge back to temporarily avoid the sharp attack.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound coming from the tomb passage where everyone had come.

Like some giant beast roaring, there was a muffled thunder in the ground.

Wang Ye smashed the faucet of the swarm of bees here while looking behind him.

I found something rushing towards me at the end of the tomb passage.

He seemed to be dressed roughly.

Wang Ye frowned.

Is it a living creature?
  Not likely.

Wang Ye's energy detection skills are very sensitive to living creatures containing energy. As long as they are close to a certain distance, they can be detected and sensed without Wang Ye actively using them.

This has almost become an instinct.

But when Wang Ye walked through the tomb passage just now, he didn't feel the presence of any powerful creature.

Or a machine puppet!
  Wang Ye took a closer look and saw that what was rushing over with the rumbling sound was actually a huge white bull.

It's just that this giant bull is not alive, but a mechanical puppet made of wood, black iron, brass, etc.

The giant bull is more than two meters tall and nearly two meters wide. It just fills the entire tomb passage without any gaps.

The cow is extremely strong and has a huge head, with a pair of curved and shining horns on top.

The horns are extremely sharp, and the side facing the front is a sharp edge.

The tip is almost touching the tomb passage, like a scythe harvesting life.

Anything above the tomb passage may be cut off by the lazy waist as long as it is hit by the horns.

At the same time, the cow made a grunting sound inside its body.

There was obviously something like a mechanical spring providing power.

This kind of thing is obviously not something that ordinary people can stop.

In addition, the tomb passage was completely occupied by the machine-shaped wooden cows, and there was no place to hide. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was certain death.

The person who arranged this mechanism is definitely cruel.

There is no way to survive at all. There is a continuous swarm of rockets in front, and the sharp knives and iron-horned oxen are approaching behind. Anyone who enters this tomb passage will only die.

Wang Ye was about to use Fox Flash again to rush over to help, but he saw Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang raising the swords that Wang Ye had given them before.

The swords of the cultivators who were buried in the Songlin Ancient Coffin in Coffin Mountain were heavy and huge. More importantly, these swords were not ordinary swords, they were extremely sharp.

There is still a biting evil spirit on it.

That is, it is only slightly worse than the Star-Shattering Sword.

Wang Ye was moved in his heart and did not go back immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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