Chapter 844 Let’s start again

But Chen Zong and the middle-aged man outside the door saw this scene, and both of them decisively chose to come in.

Because the two of them found that what Fatty said was too similar to what they had experienced. Maybe Fatty and them were like-minded friends.

But when Wang Ye saw the fat man's look, he rolled his eyes impatiently.

"Stop bragging here. How can there be such a terrifying thing in this world? If you are talking nonsense, I will pull out your tongue."

As soon as Wang Ye said these words, Fatty shut his mouth. Seeing Fatty's look, Zhang Qiling and Wu Tianzhen also realized that this guy was really deceiving them.

"Although I am lying to you, I also want to keep you in mind. After all, it is true and it is inseparable from the curse. As long as we take good precautions, our survival will definitely not be a problem."

The fat man kept mumbling these words.

But no one responded to him. Wang Ye returned to the antique shop. There was an endless stream of people coming and going outside, but no one stopped.

This antique shop has been open here for two days, but the business has been so cold. This is something Wang Ye can't understand.

Could it be that because all the things he sells here are genuine, no one comes to visit them?

Thinking of this, Wang Ye's expression became extremely complicated.

When the fat man saw Wang Ye's appearance, he couldn't help but speak.

"Why is the business of this store still so deserted? Did you have any problems in management?"

When the fat man said this, it was as if he was stepping on Wang Ye's tail. Wang Ye jumped up and stared at the fat man and said particularly impatiently.

"What does this have to do with you? It's your turn to be nosy here."

Seeing Wang Ye's look, the fat man didn't continue talking.

But Chen Zong and the middle-aged man came over with eager faces. The two of them looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but say.

"If you feel that there is little business in the store, we can find a way..."

Before they could finish speaking, Wang Ye had already driven them out with a sweeper.

Except for the fat man who stayed, everyone else was driven away by Wang Ye.

Seeing those people acting like gatekeepers at the door, Wang Ye only had contempt in his eyes.

And here, Wang Ye also looked up at Zhang Qiling, just with a look. Zhang Qiling knew what Wang Ye meant in the past. The two of them walked to the warehouse, seemingly to sort out the goods.

But in fact they were discussing this time.

"What do you think is going on?"

Wang Ye posed the question to Zhang Qiling. He didn't see any signs of spell formation on the fat man, and he didn't even notice anything was wrong.

So this is very likely to be a well-premeditated scam by the fat man.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiling looked at Wang Ye and said it very seriously.

"I think everything they said is true. There is no reason to lie to us, and they will not trick us into the tomb."

And he also saw some weird things in the fat man's backpack.

Those things were collected by Fatty in the black market, but most black markets only started at night, almost early in the morning.

But the black market that Fatty experienced was almost dawn.

They have even seen Yin soldiers, let alone such a veritable ghost market.

The black market is also called the ghost market, and the items sold are items that cannot be kept. Apart from this, everything bought in that place will be extremely cheap, because buyers will try their best to keep the price as low as possible.

So it was normal for Fatty to get benefits there, and after Fatty came in, Zhang Qiling also asked Fatty in detail about the details of his stay in the ghost market.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiling was stunned by what the fat man said to him.

The fat man entered the ghost market in the early morning. He thought he could get a lot of things by walking around inside, but he didn't expect that the ghost market seemed to be endless.

When he was about to go back, after having a fight with someone, he looked back and found that a new ghost market had appeared in front of him.

He had never seen this ghost market before. When he chatted with those people, their attitude towards the fat man was also particularly weird.

Like a mental patient, one moment he was talking and laughing with him, the other moment he had a straight face.

But the fat man didn't notice at that time.

Because all his attention was focused on the things they were selling, he immediately ran over when he saw a few valuable things and asked about the price.

While those people were making deals with the fat man, they also talked and laughed with the fat man. In the end, the fat man bought a lot of things, but at dawn.

When Fatty was checking whether there was anything wrong with these things, he also saw blood stains on one of them.

He grabbed the passers-by on the road and prepared to get rid of this thing quickly. He didn't want to keep such an unlucky thing on his body.

As a result, a series of problems occurred.

As for whether what the fat man said later was true or false, Wang Ye didn't bother to investigate.

He looked at Zhang Qiling. If Zhang Qiling believed that this matter was real, then they might need to go to the ghost market next.

Seeing that Wang Ye decided to set off, Zhang Qiling froze on the spot and looked at Wang Ye who also said nervously.

"Actually, there is absolutely no need for you to do this. This storm..."

Before Zhang Qiling finished speaking, Wang Ye shook his head.

"This has nothing to do with you. You just need to remember this matter. Sooner or later it will involve us. If they can find me, it means it is fate."

There was only calm on Wang Ye's face.

Zhang Qiling couldn't say a word when he saw Wang Ye's look.

He could only nod in agreement. Before Zhang Qiling could react, Wang Ye patted his shoulder again and said.

"After entering the ghost market, if you see anything strange there, be sure not to say anything about it. Don't even make fun or get separated. Keep your conversations with those people to a minimum."

Wang Ye warned patiently, because no one knew the people in the ghost market, their identities and their true appearance.

If you talk too much, you will also give the other party an excuse.

When taking these factors into consideration, Wang Ye had no other option but to ask Zhang Qiling to remember them.

Zhang Qiling nodded and patted his chest.

When night fell, they packed their things and headed decisively to the place the fat man had mentioned, just as Wang Ye had arranged.

After Fatty found out that they really didn't fight to save him, he couldn't help but cover his face and cry.

He took Wang Ye's hand and said extremely seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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