Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1044 I am the county magistrate

Chapter 1044 I am the county magistrate

Ah Ci, who had always been cheerful and cheerful, showed a rare angry expression at this time, his round face pulled down, his lips tightly pressed together, his small eyes widened and stared at the big hammer.

Then he swung the sword with both hands at the same time, and the huge momentum generated knocked the big hammer back for more than ten steps before he staggered to a stop.

Sledgehammer's temper was getting worse, and his brain was clearly running out of energy. After being repelled by Ah Ci, he was still full of anger and wanted to take action.

Fortunately, the snow girl had stopped in front of the big hammer at this time.

Now she was not only trying to make the sledgehammer stop, but also to prevent Ah Ci from being further stimulated.

To be fair, and without joking, Big Iron Hammer, the leader of the Mohist family, is not a weakling, at least he is considered to be at the top level in the entire arena.

But the problem is that the difference between the superior and the superior is often much greater than the difference between the superior and the inferior, and even much greater than the difference between a human and a pig.

After all, no matter how weak a person is, he can't lift his hands or carry them on his shoulders, and his hands don't have the strength to tie a chicken.

And it's hard to say how strong a strong person can be.

Just like two top academics who also got full marks in the exam, it's hard to say how big the gap between the two is.

Both Big Iron Hammer and Aci can be regarded as first-class masters, but the gap in strength... is self-evident, not to mention that Big Iron Hammer's martial arts has very obvious shortcomings and is easily targeted by others.

For Ah Ci, fighting against someone of the level of Big Hammer can only take two hundred moves at most to determine who is superior and who will die - it goes without saying who will die.

However, Ah Ci is a little fool with a highly simple brain circuit, and except for a few people who care, everyone else is dispensable to him, a kind of existence that can live or die.

If the big hammer annoys him with his persistence, just wait for him to hammer you half to death!
  "Brother Tie, give me some face and let this matter go."

"Huh?" Big Iron Hammer suddenly saw Snow Girl. He was startled for a moment, and then immediately lost his anger. He touched his almost bare head and smiled awkwardly, "Yuki Girl, are you back?"

"Ahaha... I am joking with this kid, so I have to be careful."

The snow girl shook her head slightly helplessly.

The words of Sledgehammer cannot be said to be false, but they are not very true either.

In terms of propriety, he does still have it, but it’s not too much, and it’s unclear whether it will be further reduced.

To put it bluntly, he would definitely not injure Tian Ming too seriously, but it was hard to say whether he would accidentally fail to control his strength and cause Tian Ming to be injured.

"The two children together are not even thirty years old. Brother Tie, why do you insist on intervening in their affairs?"

When the Snow Girl said this, Big Hammer, a stubborn person, may have thought that he really shouldn't be too serious, or maybe he was just trying to save Snow Girl's face, but in short, he nodded in a very good-natured manner and said, "I was overthinking it, hehe. "

When it comes to the person within the Mo family, the person that Big Iron Hammer dislikes facing the most is none other than Xue Nu.

He seemed to be born with a fear of the coldness in Xue Nu's body. Every time the other party picked out something wrong, he felt uncomfortable all over and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

This time was no exception. Without waiting for the snow girl to say anything else, she immediately changed the subject and said, "You are probably tired from the bumpy journey. Get some rest early. The forging department has some things to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to respond, he turned around, picked up the cauldron, and called on his disciples to follow him and leave in a hurry.

The farce was over.

Seeing that the 'bad guy' had left, Ah Ci put away his general Mo Xie and turned back into a silly boy with a silly smile.

Tian Ming was very relieved and made a mocking face towards the figure of the giant hammer walking away. Seeing that everything was alright, Shao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He was also worried about the big hammer causing an accident just now, but although he was close, his strength was far away, making it difficult to stop him.

At this moment, he hooked Tianming's shoulders and showed off the previous competition with a stern look on his face, "Just now, you must have watched your eldest brother and I fight against all odds, right?"

"Isn't that admirable?"

"Bang!" Tianming shook Shao Yu's shoulders with a look of disgust on his face. Just when he was about to say something bad to him, he suddenly rolled his eyes, as if he thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

He put one hand behind his back and walked slowly forward with a solemn and upright expression, leaving Shao Yu with a serious-looking back. He sighed softly and said in a low and serious voice:


"Shaoyu, I just hope you can understand one thing."

"What...what's the point?" Seeing Tianming's sudden appearance of seriousness, solemnity, dignity...and a series of other qualities that were completely incompatible with him, Shaoyu was a little dumbfounded, and his words were a little stumbling. He continued to ask.

"Bravery is not proven by others worrying about him, especially those who care about him." Tianming lowered his head slightly and continued to speak in a serious tone.

"A strong person must be able to make his relatives and friends feel safe and secure."

"Can you understand this?"

"Hiss!" Shaoyu gasped, with a look of shock and confusion on his face, scratching his forehead and said, "No way... I haven't seen you for a few days, how come you and Master Fan are on the same page?"

"Alas..." Tianming sighed again, "It's really not easy to understand."

"It may take you a long time to understand this."

"I hope you can promise me to keep these two sentences in mind, okay?"

Shao Yu looked at Tian Ming's back, a sense of absurdity constantly flooding into his heart. He somehow felt that others were shining.

After rubbing his eyes carefully, Shao Yu confirmed that it was just an illusion, but the sense of absurdity did not diminish at all.

However, after much hesitation, he did not have the nerve to deal with Tianming with a playful smile as usual. After all... there was nothing wrong with saying whether he should say it or not.

"No...problem..." With his eyelids twitching rapidly, Shaoyu gritted his teeth and agreed to Tianming's request.

Tianming continued to pace forward at this time, as if planning to leave.

Seeing this, Shaoyu turned his head and asked Qianlong who had just ran down, "Miss Qianlong, is there something wrong with this kid's brain?"

"Ho ho!" Qian Taki couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and let out a laugh like a silver bell.

While Shao Yu turned around to talk, Tian Ming actually ran back again, jumped directly on Shao Yu, and let out a series of barbell-like laughter along with Qian Taki's laughter.


"Get off here!" Compared to Tianming who was laughing heartily, Shao Yu could only hurriedly tear off the humanoid object stuck to his body.

Gai Nie, Chen He, Xue Nu, and Duan Murong stood on the second floor viewing platform, looking at the scene of the three young people playing downstairs with different expressions. There was something very special in their eyes. Close emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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