Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1107 It’s fantasy time now

Chapter 1107 It’s fantasy time now

Mohist forbidden area.

"I keep walking the same path, and I feel like my eyesight is going to be dazzled!" Tianming put his hands on the back of his head and moved lazily forward left and right.

Hearing this complaint, Shao Yu couldn't help but nod his head repeatedly, with a look of deep understanding on his face, "Walking this exact same road, if I hadn't passed two completely different levels, I would have felt like I was going in a circle."

Although Chitaki did not complain, the slight movement of her little head clearly expressed her thoughts.

The reason for this is that except for some murals with completely incomprehensible patterns at the beginning, the passages in the forbidden area are all uneven mountain walls that have not been decorated.

Upon closer inspection, the features of each place are different, but at a glance, they are all the same dull earth and rocks.

Especially paired with the dim lights in the forbidden area, the texture is simply amazing.

After walking for a long time, the three children had developed obvious visual fatigue and felt like they were going blind.

After thinking about it, Chitaki felt that it was better for him to say something to boost morale, otherwise everyone would be unable to walk.

The question is what to say?

Chicken soup?
  She's not good at it!
  Then there is only...

"Okay, Tianming Shaoyu, cheer up. The light in the forbidden area is not good and the environment is dim. It is inevitable that your eyes will be tired."

"That's what I said..." Tianming sighed softly, his eyebrows drooping downward, lifeless.

"Well... then let me tell you something about the forbidden area." Qianlong was not surprised by Tianming's reaction. He smiled lightly and brought up an interesting topic.

The two boys were really excited and immediately approached her.

Tianming urged impatiently, "Qiantaki, what else do you know!?"

Qiantaki pursed her lips and replied with a clever smile, "Actually, the forbidden area is not only a place of trial, but also a place where treasures are hidden."

"In some places in the forbidden area, it is said that there are many precious items kept by the Mohists."

"Precious items?" Shao Yu touched his chin with interest on his face.

But Tianming's eyes were blank, his eyes were wandering, and he fell into some kind of conjecture, "Treasure..."

"Come back to your senses!" Shao Yu couldn't stand it and slapped him to wake him up.

When Tian Ming woke up, he didn't care about Shao Yu's actions, and asked Qianlong eagerly, "What kind of treasures are they? Are there any magic weapons like uncle's Yuan Hong in them?"

The latter sentence is what Tianming is most concerned about. Of course, he would also be interested in other types of treasures.

As an ambitious young man who considers himself to be the successor of the Sword Master, who aspires to become a generation of heroes and takes over the mantle of the Sword Master from his uncle, Tianming has long been salivating over the various famous swords in the hands of famous swordsmen like Gai Nie.

The problem is that although he is determined to inherit his uncle's name, the Yuanhong Sword is obviously not very convenient for him to inherit - the uncle is only a middle-aged man, so the sword can still be used for twenty or thirty years, and he can't afford to wait!
  Tianming, who had been thinking about getting a famous sword of his own but had no way to do it, felt that he had encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

A sect as grand as the Mo family wouldn't even have a high-grade sword among its treasures, right?
  Qiantaki didn't quite understand Tianming's urgent mood, and could only think that the young man had a preference for swords.

"Uh...I don't know about this, maybe...maybe...there is?" Chitaki used a series of uncertain words, mainly for the purpose of highlighting.

This is not because she doesn't know the contents of the so-called treasure, but because she just made it up.

Snow Girl Duan Murong and others never told her these contents!
  Not to mention whether this thing exists or not, it just does exist. Snow Girl and the others are not young girls or middle-aged and elderly women who like to chat and gossip. How could they say this to a child?
  But to boost morale, you have to either give them something in kind or make a big pie.

Within the forbidden area, except for sand and soil, there was really nothing that could be used as a material reward, so the former had to give up.

As for the latter, chicken soup is a high-quality choice that is cheap, affordable and not technically difficult, but she doesn't know much about it at such a young age.

Then we can only make it simpler, more direct and violent.

Let me give each of you a carrot that is out of reach!

So far, the results are outstanding. Tianming obviously has the fighting spirit to move forward, and Shaoyu is no longer as lax as before.

Tianming was a little disappointed with Qiantaki's answer, but the always optimistic young man still grinned and looked silly and happy.

After all, what the goddess said was uncertainty, not nothing.

If you don’t say death, then there is still drama!
  Young Hero Tianming has always been willing to believe in his own luck, although his luck has always been... hard to describe.

Let's just say that he lost his father and mother when he was young. He was lonely and wandering. He was an innocent orphan who could be called a hard-working man in troubled times. .

It’s hard to say, but he is deeply loved by his father’s generation. He has the national master Gu Xun secretly taking care of him, and the sword master Gai Nie personally assists him. The Moh family also cares about him. Although his life has not been good for so many years, he will eventually grow up safely. Big, he didn't die early like countless people who died of hunger on the roadside.

Basically in a state of being...satisfactory, but not entirely satisfactory.

Uh... In this way, this trip to the forbidden land seems to be in line with his life pattern.

He wanted a famous sword, and finally he was able to get a sword. Although it was not famous, it was still quite famous. More importantly, he also gave away a bunch of messy swords.

When Shao Yu saw Tian Ming's overjoyed expression, he couldn't help but smile and hit him, "There is a treasure here, and it belongs to the Mo family. Do you still want to keep it for yourself?"

"Uh..." Tianming was happily imagining how cool his sword would look in the future, but Shaoyu's words threw a bucket of cold water on his head and he was shocked.

Yes, these things all have owners!

Although Tian Ming Shaoxia often uses some unsavory tricks that street gangsters like to use, and it is common to act rogue, but stealing other people's treasures... is not good!
  The most important thing is that he feels that such an operation is too difficult and can easily be discovered by the Mo family.

"Ah this... this..." Tian Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, trying to think of some reasonable way to occupy... oh no, to obtain the treasure he dreamed of.

"I think...I think if we go through all kinds of hardships and go through so many dangerous traps to get these treasures, the Mo family will be very generous and give them to us, right?"

"Qiantaki, what do you think?" Tianming looked at the goddess, trying to find some recognition, and added a little reason, "They must be holding things in a place like this... how should I put it, treasures... ...The treasure...is destined...those who are destined will get it!"

"Yes, the idea is that those who are destined will get what they want, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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