Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1123 The Way of Chivalry

Chapter 1123 The Way of Chivalry

The breeze blows through the long and narrow passage, bringing fresh air and the faint sound of wind.

Tianming and the other two people are still marching tenaciously in the Mohist forbidden area, which is said to have life and death.

Since they entered the forbidden area, they have been walking in this passage that changes from time to time, but generally always moves forward.

But this time, they finally encountered a really big change.

This straight passage branched off into two branches.

Two huge human-shaped statues stand at the fork in the road, each pointing diagonally towards one road, which seems to represent allowing visitors to make their own choices.

Tianming first ran to the left and carefully looked at the big statue up and down, then went around to the right and repeated the previous step.

Then he came to the conclusion:
  "These two stone men look different!"

Shao Yu stood a little further back with his arms folded, he couldn't help rolling his eyes and said with a smile, "Isn't this nonsense!"

"You can tell it at a glance, and you have to say, idiot!"

Tianming straightened his back and retorted unconvinced, "You can tell at a glance why didn't you say anything, huh!?"

Shao Yu glanced at him with caring eyes and said in a strange tone, "Ha! Because I really can't imagine that something like this that can be seen clearly at a glance needs to be reminded by others."

"What do you mean!" Tianming suddenly became upset and shouted that he was going to compete with Shaoyu.

Unfortunately, Shaoxia was a little taller than others, so he was pinned down by Shaoyu's hand. He could only wave his limbs helplessly and furiously, but he couldn't reach anyone at all.

Chitaki shouted at this time, "You guys, stop making trouble now and come over and take a look. There are words here."

"Is there a word?" When they heard that they had discovered something else, the two people who were fooling around naturally stopped their childish behavior and moved closer to Chitaki who was squatting in front of the center of the two statues.

On the flat floor, there is a thick layer of dust. Under the dust, some lines can be vaguely seen, which should be text.

The little girl loves to be clean and doesn't want to get started directly. She wants to try to blow away the dust. Unfortunately, she only blows off the top layer of floating dust, and the specific text content is still covered up.

After Tian Ming came over, he was not so particular. He just wiped it with his hand, and immediately wiped away most of the dust. Then he rubbed back and forth again, and all the words buried under the dust were revealed.

Shaoyu leaned over and read out word for word:
  "The kingly way of chivalry..."

"Mo Wen, don't ask!"

Chitaki stood up and looked back and forth between the two passages, "It seems that these two paths are the chivalrous path and the royal path respectively."

Shao Yu also raised his head, carefully observed the two statues, and gave his own analysis, "Of the two statues, one is wearing a crown suit and a crown on his head. He is obviously a prince and prince, and should represent the royal way."

"The other one is holding a long sword and wearing armor. He is obviously a chivalrous swordsman. He should represent chivalry."

"Then which path should we choose?" After listening to Shaoyu's analysis, Qiantaki looked at his two partners and asked for their opinions.

"I choose the path of chivalry!"

"I choose the king's way!"

Tianming Shaoyu shouted out his choice in a very tacit understanding, but the tacit understanding was probably still a little lacking, and the choices were not consistent.

After the two heard each other's choice, they immediately locked eyes, raised their hands, and shouted in unison, "How do you choose the path of chivalry/the path of kingship?"

"Of course I will choose the path of chivalry/king!"


After two tacit exchanges of words, the two were silent for a moment.

Then Tianming walked up to the statue of the swordsman, stretched out his hand, and said first, "I think we have to take the chivalrous path." "Look at this swordsman... he has martial virtue at first glance. This path is definitely safer. I won't do it again." It’s the same kind of trap that we encountered before!”

Shao Yu immediately retorted and came to the platform in front of the statues of the princes, "I don't think it will work. The king's way is more reliable."

"The king's way is a majestic way. It is simple and direct, without hiding any secrets. The institutions on this path will definitely be more suitable for us."

The two, who could not convince the other, decisively chose foreign aid, and at the same time set their sights on Chitaki, hoping to gain her support to become the majority.

Chitaki looked at the friends who could not reach an agreement and showed a helpless expression:

"We don't know anything now. It would be unreasonable for you two to just guess by just one name..."

"Let's keep searching to see if there are any other clues."

The two looked at each other and nodded immediately, "Okay, just do as Chitaki said."

Then the two young men began to study the statue they liked.

Shao Yu touched the left side of the statue, looked right, and even carefully groped the wall next to the statue, but found nothing.

Having found nothing, he decided to take the risk and climb directly onto the statue to see if there was anything special about it.

At this time, Tianming was not busy looking for clues. Instead, he looked proud and came to Shaoyu's side.

Shao Yu glanced at him and said angrily, "If you don't look for clues, what will you do here?"

Tianming pretended to be surprised and asked angrily, "Didn't you see the words?"

Shao Yu was stunned, "What word?"

"Under the feet of the statue!" Tianming's tone became more artificial, and the surprise on his face never faded from the moment he appeared, "Isn't it possible? Isn't it possible?"

"With something that can be seen at a glance, no one needs to be reminded by others, right!?"

"Haha..." Shao Yu raised the corners of his mouth with a smile, as a response to Tianming.

Because there were words just in front of the statue, Shao Yu ignored this when looking for clues, allowing Tian Ming to find an opportunity to take revenge.

Seeing Tianming's deliberate act of revenge, Qiantaki couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing softly, but she quickly controlled her emotions and asked about the business, "Tianming, what did you see?"

"Uh..." When asked about this, Tianming's proud expression suddenly froze on his face. He raised his hand to scratch his head and replied hesitantly, "I don't understand that word very well. I can only recognize part of it, so... …”

Now Shao Yu got excited again and imitated Tian Ming's tone and said, "Oh, I almost forgot, the young hero Tian Ming, who is very observant, doesn't seem to be able to recognize all the characters!"

"I can't recognize all the characters, it's just...it's just that those characters are not exactly the same as the ones I learned..." Tianming immediately muttered to refute Shao Yu's statement.

Chitaki pursed her lips and smiled, instead of teasing Tianming, she walked towards the swordsman statue, "Then let me take a look with you."

Tianming immediately approached Chitaki with a smile on his face, "Hey, hey, okay!"

Seeing that they were getting down to business, Shao Yu stopped making jokes and said, "Then I'll go read the words under the statue here."

Both parties stood in a suitable position and squatted down, and at the same time read out the four lines of words engraved at the bottom of the statue...or four columns of words:

"Within five steps, a hundred people can't do anything..."

"Swinging your arms thousands of miles away, everyone bows their heads..."

"Ten years of sharpening the sword, a lonely knight's way!"

"Four seas and rivers, a king for a hundred generations!"

(End of this chapter)

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