Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1148 My Imperial Master’s Father

Chapter 1148 My Imperial Master’s Father
  In fact, she had no intention of offending him. After all, it was not him who forced Tianming to go into the water. At most, it was a temptation. The most important factor was Tianming's own wish.

This question was just subconsciously said out of frustration.

After hearing the explanation and feeling calmer, Chitaki had no intention of talking any more.

At this time, Gong Shuqiu took the initiative to comfort her and said, "Your Highness, don't worry too much. That kid still has a chance. Everything is still uncertain."

It would not be good to blindly instill the concept of Tianming's death into Qiantaki. If the little girl suddenly collapses emotionally right now, it would be better not to suffer a grudge against the public.

So he had to talk back and forth and keep the little princess's expectations at a healthy level in the middle, so as to reach a high level of not being flattered or humiliated.

The little girl frowned and didn't react much to Gong Shuqiu's words.

Gongshuqiu hopes to use his words to coax the little girl in front of him, but Qiantaki is not a child whose emotions are easily influenced by others.

After thinking about it for a while, the words about Gongshuqiu became nonsense to her and made no sense.

But she noticed a problem, "If Tianming is likely to fail, why aren't you worried?"

According to Gong Shuqiu, the only way to leave was by water. If Tianming failed, the two of them would have no choice but to stay here and wait to die.

"Uh..." He was suddenly asked this question that Gong Shuqiu had been deliberately ignoring, which made him a little confused. After hesitating for two or three seconds, he chose to answer truthfully, "If that kid fails, I have one last trick. "

"Do you have any other ideas?" Upon hearing this, Chitaki's heart was really on fire.

If you really have no choice, you can just coax Tianming into taking the risk, but you actually had other ideas but hid it - you even lied to me several times!

"Your Highness, calm down, calm down and listen to me." Gong Shuqiu hurriedly explained with a smile, "I said it was a last resort, but in fact I just waited for others to come and save us."

"The poison Master Wei Zhuang used will not kill anyone for a while. We still have at least a day and a night to wait for someone to save us."

Qiantaki was startled when she heard this. Gongshuqiu's words reminded her of a question she had thought of before but had forgotten because of his interruption - how did Gongshuqiu know that she was among the people trapped in the Dragon Throat Agency at that time?
  Although Gong Shuqiu did not directly say that the purpose of closing the agency was to save her, it is not difficult to guess this.

It's good that this old man doesn't make others worse, but you still expect him to help others?
  is it possible?
  There must be a sufficient reason for him to close the agency - her identity as the daughter of a national master is undoubtedly the most likely reason.

"You mean, does anyone know we're here?"

"Of course!" Gongshuqiu looked at Qianlong with some surprise, "The Imperial Master is also in the forbidden area at this time. He came in with the old man. After a long time, he will definitely notice that something is wrong!"

What surprised Gongshu Qiu was that he always thought Qianlong knew that Gu Xunren was here.

It is understandable that he thinks this way. Both father and daughter have come to the forbidden area, and Gu Xun knows Qiantaki's movements, so it stands to reason that Qiantaki should also know the whereabouts of his father!

"By the way, he was the one who reminded me to turn off the Dragon Throat Mechanism. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even known that Your Highness was there and wouldn't have taken the initiative to turn off the mechanism!"

Very good, the previous question has been solved by the way.

Chitaki rubbed his eyes, his anger subsided slightly, but his tone was still dissatisfied, "My father is here, why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

"This...I thought you knew." Gongshuqiu was really innocent this time and replied aggrievedly, "Besides, water from afar can't quench the thirst of the nearer. The Imperial Master seemed to have something to deal with, and no one was seen after he came in. He can’t help with the current problem right now, and he has nothing to say!”

"Waiting for rescue is, after all, the last resort, and there are certain risks. Naturally, I will give priority to more direct methods."

"Huh...huh..." Qiantaki took a few deep breaths, feeling irritated and displeased, but he couldn't vent his anger on Gongshu Chou.

There was nothing wrong with what the old man said, and it seemed reasonable from his point of view.

But... for Qiantaki, Tianming was taking a risk in vain.

If I had known that daddy was here, I would have just stayed and waited with peace of mind! As a considerate person, Chitaki has unlimited trust in his old father.

As long as Dad is here, all problems can be solved!

But now that it's dawn, it seems... I can only pray that he can meet his father by chance?
  After knowing that Gu Xun was here, Qiantaki's mood quickly calmed down. He was no longer as restless as before, but he was still a little sad...


Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...


Two footsteps with a similar rhythm but completely different characteristics echoed in the narrow and long passage.

Obviously, these were the footsteps of two different people, one was crisp and loud, the other was dull and thick.

The owner corresponding to the footsteps is also thin and chubby.

Under the weak firelight on the walls on both sides, it was clearly visible that the round figure was A Ci, and the windmill stuck behind him was still slowly turning.

Although he was bloated and tall, Aci shrank and hid behind another person, walking slowly on tiptoes:

"It's so spooky here, the baby is scared!"

"Let's leave quickly."

Facts have proved that no matter how strong you are, you can still be afraid of ghosts, especially children.

The man walking in front said nothing, but stretched out his hand to touch Ah Ci's head for comfort.

It could be seen that Ah Ci was very close to him and trusted him. Although he was very afraid of the current environment, he still plucked up a little courage after being comforted.

Although he was still cowering behind him, he did not continue to beg to leave.

The passage they were in was located at the rear of the Mohist forbidden area and connected to the exit, but it was not directly connected to the main entrance road that Tianming and others took.

If the location is accurately determined, this section of the passage is on the next floor where Tianming and others are walking.

This area contains more precious treasures held by the Mo family.

However, this area is different from the upper level. There are basically no large-scale testing institutions. The treasures here are also for collection and are not used to reward the destined ones.

Of course, this does not mean that this area is a safe and secure paradise.

In fact, on the contrary, this is the most dangerous area of ​​the forbidden area, and it is also an area that is truly forbidden to enter.

Even the giants of the Mo family are not allowed to come in at will.

Ah Ci and the two had not gone very far when they came in. They had already experienced four or five rounds of extremely dangerous trigger-type mechanisms.

The activation speed of these mechanisms is extremely fast, and their positions are cunning. They are tightly designed and interlocked. One layer is inside another, and the moves are directed at the vital point. They strictly abide by the principle that human life must be taken.

If you are hit, you will basically not even have the chance to be injured, and you will most likely be killed on the spot.

Even though Ah Ci and the two of them are among the top experts in the world, it is quite difficult for them to avoid these traps, and the danger is evident.

(End of this chapter)

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