Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1158 The Cry of the Blue Dragon

Chapter 1158 The Cry of the Blue Dragon

Just a few breaths after Tianming made that cry and burst out with inexplicable alien power to break through the Xuanwu prison, deep in the forbidden area, a low but loud unknown roar also erupted.

This roar sounds different from the roar of any beast that exists in reality. It makes people tremble in their hearts and frightened when they hear it.

If you must find a creature that might make this roar, the first thing most people would think of would most likely be...a dragon!

On the lower level of the forbidden area, the Azhi duo, who were getting closer to the core area, naturally heard the loud roar. There was even a strong wind in the passage, blowing their clothes.

Aci was so frightened that he shrank behind the other person, trembling, "Ah!!!"

"There are monsters!"

"We can't go any further!"

"Huh?" The man frowned and looked deep into the deep passage. He calmly hugged the shivering Ah Ci and gently patted his palms to comfort him.

In fact, the sound that sounded like a dragon's roar shocked him, but after all, he was a mature person, different from the child-like Ah Ci.

More importantly, he knew much more about Mohism than A Ci did.

The Mo family...and the Gongshu family, many of their machine beasts have the ability to roar, and they are generally very different from the familiar real creatures.

The only special thing is that under normal circumstances it is difficult for a machine beast to create such a big momentum.

However, just a roar was obviously not enough to make him retreat after he had worked hard to break through more than a dozen deadly traps.

Although Ah Ci was afraid of the roar of the dragon, he still moved on obediently after being comforted.

For children, emotions come and go quickly. If you want them to be truly afraid of something, you need to deepen the impression many times.

Not long after the two left here, another figure quietly appeared.

Gu Xun walked slowly and quietly to the place where Ah Ci and the others stopped just now. His eyes looked quietly into the depths of the passage, as if he could see the people who had walked away.

After staring for a moment, Gu Xun looked back in another direction - towards the waterfall pool.

"Did the familiar power... burst out from Tianming?"

"As expected, the supernatural power on Canhong did not disappear when it was recast, but... it was actually integrated into Tianming's body?"

"Because he has a special bloodline? Physical constitution? Or is it because of the sleeping curse seal?"

"Also, the green dragon under the forbidden area is moving... is it because it is stimulated by the special force above the residual rainbow?"

"Canglong Qisu..."

Gu Xun quickly went through many thoughts in his mind and sorted out the key parts.

First of all, he basically concluded that Qinglong's roar was inseparable from the special power he sensed that was exactly the same as the special power that Can Hong had erupted back then.

The two appeared one after the other, with a difference of no more than five seconds. It is definitely not a coincidence.

Secondly, he basically concluded that the source of this strange force was Tianming.

Apart from him, Gu Xun could not have imagined that there would be other people and things involved in Can Hong's special power in the city.

Of course, Can Hong was created by the Mo family after all, and there is still a certain chance that there will be other things related to it - but the probability is not high.

Finally, if the previous guess is correct, there is no conclusion yet as to why Tianming’s body contains the special power of the residual rainbow.

Even Gu Xun had no idea about these otherworldly powers. Even though he and Tianming had met so many times, he had never noticed the existence of this strange power in this child. However, Gu Xun still has some additional speculations - this time the supernatural power broke out, it is most likely that Tianming encountered an irresolvable danger, and there was no one else to save him, and his situation and emotions fell into the most extreme despair.

As for whether he broke out simply because he was in danger and wanted to save himself, or whether he was emotionally stimulated by the danger and induced to break out because of his emotions, Gu Xun didn't know.

However, judging from this, during the last trip to Loulan, Tianming should have had major problems in terms of encounters and emotions. Why didn't he show any performance at all?

The Demon God of War... suppressed his outburst?

Another bunch of speculations came to Gu Xun's mind.

Gu Xun shook his head and put aside these thoughts for the time being.

To this day, the general context of Canglong Qisu's affairs is very clear to him. Although there are a lot of details that are unclear, but... it's not important.

For this kind of thing, it is enough to know how it is, and there is no need to know why it is so.

He didn't bother to think any more.


  Along with the sound of the water surface being broken, a small figure rose into the sky, immediately attracting the attention of Gong Shuqiu and Qiantaki nearby.

Before that, Gong Shuqiu was trying to persuade Qianlong to accept the fact that Tianming was dead and had something to do with burning paper.

As the figure's momentum was exhausted and its ascending speed slowed down, his appearance was finally clearly reflected in the eyes of Gong Shuchou and Qiantaki.

Wearing a commoner with short sleeves and cropped trousers, he looked like Tian Ming.

Gong Shuqiu looked at Tianming who was "jumping up in the dying water", his mouth wide open, and he murmured in disbelief, "This... this kid..."

However, before he could fully express the shock in his heart, Tian Ming, whose momentum in the sky had slumped and gradually stopped, suddenly turned his face and glanced at him.

At this time of dawn, the usual stupidity, innocence, or ignorance in his eyes were completely gone. Instead, they were astute, wise, and rational as they had never been before.

After seeing Gong Shuqiu at a glance, Tianming immediately regarded him as a target of attack—in any case, the old guy lied about the mechanism of the Xuanwu Valve.

He can't be trusted and has little use now.

Tian Ming shook his hand in the air and was not attacking. The claw hook, which was only shallowly embedded in the mountain, suddenly fell away due to force.

Immediately afterwards, Tianming used his strength to flip back in the air, and used the claw hook to catch the side of the snake's head. He pressed the non-attack button again, and the thin lock immediately began to retract quickly again.

Tianming also took advantage of the situation and swooped towards the head of the mechanism snake at an accelerated speed.

In the end, Gong Shuqiu was surprised and confused. He was kicked directly by Tianming's flying kick and fell into the water. After only two flops, he sank smoothly to the bottom.

There was only one short scream in the whole process...or rather a scream that ended abruptly:

  With the bronze mechanism he was wearing, theoretically falling into the water would be equivalent to being completely buried in the ground.

But Gong Shuqiu, his words are not worthy of belief, but his ability to survive is very worthy of belief.

Back then, he was even able to hold on to his own life when the Demon God of War was completely destroyed by Gu Xun - this was something that even Gu Xun was shocked by.

It's hard to say that just a pool of water could kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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