Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1469 The End: Falling into Gate

Chapter 1469 The End: Falling into Gate

  The dull vibration sound, mixed with the sharp friction sound, reached the ears of the Mo family who were hurrying on their way, and continued to expand.

This means that the machine beast Potozaburo chasing behind them is approaching step by step.

In fact, the distance between Potu Saburo and them is now only about a hundred steps at most. You can clearly see the earth and rock fragments shaken down by it. It is basically as if he will be overtaken at any time.

They were able to hold on until now without being overtaken, thanks to a few extra turns while building the tunnel.

Saburo's sprint speed is faster in the city-breaking form, but his flexibility is very poor. If he wants to turn, he has to slow down first, wait for the turn, and then accelerate again.

So after it had an inelastic collision at the first corner because it didn't turn in time, it transformed into a pangolin form and chased people with its four short legs.

In this state, Saburo's forward speed will be significantly affected. At the same time, his body size will increase, and his range of movements will also increase. Of course, he will need to occupy more space.

Although the Mo family built the tunnel to be very spacious, it is still a bit cramped and will bump and rub against the surrounding walls almost all the time.

Due to the superposition of multiple factors, Saburo Poto's pursuit speed was not ideal.

But it was definitely much faster than people walking, not to mention that Gai Nie and the others could only walk quickly.

Thief Zhi felt the sense of urgency behind him, and while speeding up his pace, he couldn't help but complain:
  "To be honest, I've seen the public loser's machine beast a lot, but this is the first time I've felt such a strong pressure!"

Master Ban turned his head and glanced at Poto Saburo who was chasing after him. He judged how long it would take before he and others would be caught up, and he teased Thief Zhi:
  "You only have an injury on your arm now, but you still don't feel enough. When your leg is injured and you have to use a crutch, you will find that it can give you a stronger and more intense sense of oppression!"

Thieves Zhi heard this and replied angrily, "Old man Ban, you should think more about how to deal with that big guy behind you."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. We'll be there soon!" Master Ban urged, blowing his beard and staring.

Under the huge threat, everyone moved faster and faster. Even the wounded such as Gai Nie could only endure the chaotic aura and speed up as much as possible.

Then they turned another corner and finally understood what Master Ben's "almost there" meant.

Not far ahead, I could vaguely see two bulges on the wall of the passage. If I saw it correctly, it should be a door.

After all, it is a secret escape route, and some means will be prepared to prevent the enemy from pursuing it during the design.

Seeing the hope of escape, they walked faster... It should be considered a trot now.

After a moment, everyone crossed the door. Master Ban immediately turned around and pulled the operating lever on the wall. The bronze door began to close slowly under the action of the mechanism.

At this moment, Potozaburo, who was swinging very fast with his four short legs, stumbled around the corner and rushed towards them.

Master Ben and others were all standing quietly behind the door, waiting for the final result.

There is no need to run away in a hurry now. The door is closed in time, and they will be safe. If they let the other party take a step faster... they won't be able to escape anyway, not less than this moment.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, the bronze mechanism door closed instantly.

Potosaburo slammed into the closed door, making a roar and making an obvious convex mark.

Then there was a series of banging bangs.

"Huh..." Big Iron Hammer let out a long breath, wiped the sweat from his head, shook his head and said, "This thing is really not a joke."

Thief Zhi also raised his hand to wipe his sweat, and said without fear, "Fortunately, Mr. Ban installed a gate in the tunnel in advance, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to leave."

"Stop talking, let's go!" Master Ban waved to continue on his way, "Potu Saburo is indestructible. A door can only block it for a moment. We don't have time to chat."

As soon as Master Ben finished speaking, the banging sound on the other side of the door suddenly stopped.

This made everyone who was about to leave pause for a moment, curious as to why they were silent.   Then, there was a harsh friction sound.

Stab! Stab!
  Stab! Stab! Stab!


Master Ban's expression changed, and he quickly urged again, "Go quickly, go quickly, it's starting on the other side."

Everyone did not dare to delay any longer and hurriedly started to leave again.

Opposite the bronze gate, Potu Saburo has suddenly changed back to his previous broken city form, rolling towards the gate, with a full circle of sharp teeth continuously cutting the door body.

This mechanical door is not an ordinary door. After it is closed, the middle is held together by tooth-shaped grooves. Even the impact of Saburo Potochi can only deform the door to a certain extent, but it cannot be knocked open.

If you want to break the door open, you can only forcefully cut a gap first.

It's troublesome to say, but for Saburo, who is a weapon to break the city, it happens to be the job it is best at.


Songhai City, the lobby of the General's Mansion.

Tonight, the General's Mansion was also brightly lit.

Fusu didn't sleep and stayed in the main hall waiting for news.

At this time, Li Si quickly walked into the hall, bowed his hands to Fusu and saluted:
  "Your Highness."

Fusu put down the scroll in his hand, looked up at Li Si, and asked in a deep voice, "What, is there any news, Mr. Xiangguo?"

Li Si nodded and replied, "There is news from outside the city. General Meng's actions seem to have encountered many unexpected situations, and the progress is not going very smoothly."

"However, his golden fire cavalry has sealed off the ten-mile radius of the Mohist rebels' stronghold. No matter what, they will not let those rebels escape."

"Well..." Fusu closed his eyes, sighed with unknown meaning, nodded in response, "I understand."

Li Si was a little strange. He felt that something was wrong with Fusu's attitude.

But why is something wrong?

Even if Meng Tian misses for a moment, he can still complete the mission after the Golden Fire Cavalry has completed the blockade.

However, in fact, Fusu had already secretly marked tonight's siege and suppression operation as a failure in his heart.

Because he also received urgent news from Bai Feng and knew that a red dragon scroll was about to be delivered to Meng Tian - this was something Li Si didn't know.

As soon as the Red Dragon Scroll arrived, even if Meng Tian could reach out and catch someone, he had to put it aside and quickly carry out the secret orders on the scroll.

Li Si, who was standing below, couldn't understand Fusu's reaction, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

He didn't come here specifically to talk about such innocuous things.

"Your Highness, I have one more thing to do..."

"What's the matter?" Fusu responded seemingly casually.

He knew that Li Si must have something else to ask of him, otherwise he could just send someone to report this trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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