Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 21 Everything is difficult at the beginning

Chapter 21 Everything is difficult at the beginning
  On the opening day of the medical clinic, Gu Xun had a rare change of clothes.

He was originally wearing the same knight uniform as the Rainbow Cat Young Hero, but this outfit was definitely not suitable for a doctor, so he changed into a light-colored loose robe.

In Gu Xun's opinion, this dress is closer to a white coat.

In fact, doctors in this era don’t have any clothing requirements. You can dress however you want. As long as you don’t exceed the dress code, no one will care about you wearing a dragon robe. Of course, if you wear something too special, no one will probably come to see you. of.

For example, the chivalrous robe Gu Xun wore before may make others mistakenly think that he is better at trauma, especially sword trauma...

Gu Xun woke up relatively early today. After washing up and getting dressed, almost at the end of Mao hour (nearly seven o'clock), Frightened Salamander also got up, but the child was still sleeping soundly in bed.

Jing salamander helped Gu Xun tidy up his clothes in the room.

Don't get me wrong, the two of them don't sleep in the same room, uh... technically they sleep in the same room, but not the same bed.

The bedrooms in this courtyard are very large, divided into an inner room and an outer room. Jing Salamander and the child sleep in the inner room, and Gu Xun sleeps in the outer room.

Living in the city, with their configuration of a man, a woman and a child, they must pretend to be husband and wife.

In order to pretend to be more like him, Gu Xun did not tidy up his bedroom separately. Instead, after obtaining Jingyu's consent, he lived with her in two rooms inside and outside the same house.

How do you say that?

Oh, having the same room but not being able to get in... No, this is the same room but not having the same bed, and there's no such thing as being able to get in or out.

After helping Gu Xun tidy up his clothes, Jing salamander took a few steps back, raised his head slightly, and stared at Gu Xun with bright eyes, "Medical clinic, is it necessary to open so early?"

It’s not that Jingyu had any problem with Gu Xun getting up early. In fact, he didn’t get up too early. It’s just that people in the city, especially those in big cities like Xinzheng, have a slower pace of life. It’s still relatively early. .

She just found it strange that Gu Xun was actually very lazy. He could lie down and never stand, but he was willing to get up early.

You know, in Jingluo's view, whether it is a medical clinic or a doctor, they are just a disguise to hide in the city. Although he is really good at medicine, for this job, he should not say that he is perfunctory. Not very positive either.

"Haha, it's the first day of opening today. Get up early and it won't be like this in the future." Gu Xun smiled and explained briefly.

He is indeed very lazy, but he still has to be more diligent when he first opens the business and make his name known, because he really wants to make money.

The status of doctors in this era, especially those with superb medical skills, was not too low. The world in Qin Dynasty deviated from the normal history known to Gu Xun, but in this regard, it was even worse.

After all, in the pre-Qin period, literate people were rare, and medical books were also books, so doctors were mostly scholars and intellectuals, a rare species.

Like the highly skilled medical people in the anime, the medical fairy Duan Murong, and Xunzi.

The former is located in the Jinghu Medical Village and has to come to the doctor's office and abide by the rules. Not to mention the latter, even if the princes and kings from all over the world want to see Mr. Xunzi for medical treatment, they have to look at his mood.

The most important thing is that doctors cannot be forced. Duan Murong is very weak, and the masters of the Mo family cannot guard her all the time. If she is a powerful person, she can send her subordinates to kidnap her, but in doing so, she will have to bear the risk. a risk. After being kidnapped, there is a risk that someone might stab you to death with a needle due to their strong temper and anger.

You can take a gamble on this matter, but the higher your status, the less likely you are to risk your life.

Therefore, no matter how powerful a person is, he will treat doctors with excellent medical skills with great courtesy.

There is nothing to say about Gu Xun's medical skills. Except for delivering babies, he is still not very sure. In other aspects, he can guarantee that no one in Xinzheng City knows better than him!

As long as his reputation spreads, the high-ranking officials in the new Zheng City will treat him as a distinguished guest, and he will naturally earn a lot of money.

Of course, even if you make money as a doctor, you won't actually make much money, especially in the face of the current famine of 260,000 gold in Gu Xun, so he has to explore other ways.

But Ruth took it step by step. The first thing she had to do was to become a well-known doctor in the city.

After Gu Xun packed up, he walked to the lobby of the medical center at the front.

The structure of the medical clinic is not complicated. There is a counter to the right after entering the door. Gu Xun is sitting behind the counter. Behind him is a medicine cabinet and a bookcase. Later, he will buy some books to put on them. He can read them in his free time and learn about the world. The humanistic thoughts and historical conditions of this era and so on.

Opposite the counter, on the left hand side of the medical center, are several small cubicles with good partitions. Some diseases are not suitable for diagnosis and treatment in public, so these cubicles must be used.

By the way, Gu Xun himself is only responsible for prescribing prescriptions and not providing medicinal materials. People who see a doctor have to go to the drug store to buy medicine. His medicine cabinet contains finished medicines for some conditions that are suitable or must be treated on the spot. , for example, for more serious external trauma, there are also some more special drugs, targeting some more special diseases.

Most of the original medicinal materials need to be processed, sliced ​​and shredded, etc. Gu Xun is really not interested in doing this. The price of buying the processed medicine directly is almost the same as that in the drug store, and there is no profit, so he simply doesn't buy it.

The very beginning of an entrepreneurial journey is often the most difficult, and even the highly skilled Gu Xun is not immune.

One morning, a little more than two hours, there was no one there except the owner of a nearby shop who came to visit the new neighbor.

Most people still believe in the old man with a big beard when it comes to the profession of doctor, so most of the guests gave up after catching a glimpse of Gu Xun's tender face from a distance outside the door.

Until dinner time, only three people came to see the doctor, and they were not here for serious medical treatment.

The three middle-aged women, seeing Gu Xun's handsome appearance, came in to admire the pretty boy, and asked him to take a look at them. They found that they were all not sick, but Gu Xun still gave them all medicine to remove the irritation. ...the medicine for the evil fire in the heart.

Gu Xun did not feel discouraged. This was his first time starting a business, so everything was naturally difficult at the beginning, not to mention that it was much better than the situation he had just traveled to the animal world, but it was a bit boring.

After noon, Gu Xun closed the store and walked around alone, planning to find a place to eat.

He has been quite busy these days, so he always looks for restaurants nearby to eat, and the food is mediocre.

But the main reason is that the skill of the cooks is not very good, and the richness of ingredients and cooking methods are somewhat close to modern times, at least not like the historical Warring States Period, where there were only stews and no seasonings.

Today Gu Xun plans to find a better restaurant, eat some delicious food, and treat himself. Recently, he has been busy, traveling, killing people, flying, starting a business, and never had a good meal!
  (End of this chapter)

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