Chapter 370 Dissuasion
  Seeing his appearance, Gu Xun couldn't help but persuade him:
  "My personal suggestion is not to believe in this kind of thing. On the one hand, immortality is still a lie and there are no real examples. On the other hand...if Donghuang Taiyi has a way to make people live forever, he doesn't keep it. If I enjoy it for myself and give it to His Majesty, there may inevitably be unknown risks hidden behind it, or he may be able to gain greater benefits from it."

"Also, as a king who governs all people, being obsessed with the pursuit of immortality is not a good thing for the people."

Ying Zheng glanced at Gu Xun in surprise, "The last sentence is not something that Mr. would say."

However, Ying Zheng seemed to have remembered that Gu Xun once specifically persuaded him to send people to study crop cultivation and often rescued poor people for free, and added, "Sir, you are really... contradictory."

"'s not contradictory." Gu Xun sighed and didn't try to persuade him any further.

He could see that his words did not dissuade Ying Zheng from pursuing immortality at all.

It's also reasonable. The First could he be moved by just a few casual remarks?

But there is another question that Gu Xun must talk about:
  "The Yin Yang family is good at alchemy. Those elixirs are theoretically beneficial to the human body, but they are only three parts poisonous. The elixirs are especially serious. If your majesty takes it, it is best to find a reliable doctor to study it carefully... If you can trust it, you can You can ask Gu."

Gu Xun didn't know whether the Yin Yang family's elixirs were pure herbal pills or so-called alchemical creations mixed with toxic metals such as mercury, so he had to remind Ying Zheng.

The former is nothing, but the latter... Ying Zheng seems to have eaten this in the official history, so Liu Bang, who was three years younger than him, established the Han Dynasty after his death and served as emperor for twelve years...

"...Thank you for your concern, Mr. Gu. I will pay attention to it." Seeing Gu Xun's expression of rare seriousness, Ying Zheng also kept this in mind.

Gu Xun's concern seems to be a bit unnecessary. What Ying Zheng eats must be inspected by the hospital more than seventy or eight times to ensure its safety.

"Then Gu Xun said goodbye. If you need me, please send someone to Tianhe Medical Center to notify you." Gu Xun bowed his hands and said goodbye.


Gu Xun had eaten on the street, and when he returned to the hospital, he found Concubine Yan in a gorgeous dress standing at the door, probably waiting for him to come back.

Going forward, Gu Xun greeted, "Miss Yan Fei, why are you staying at the door instead of going in directly?"

When Gu Xun leaves the medical clinic, he usually just closes the door and leaves it unlocked. Concubine Yan can just push the door open and go in to wait. After all, this is a street with people coming and going, and the owners of the surrounding shops are all familiar with each other. It is impossible. Some people are bold enough to go in and steal things in broad daylight, but generally no one steals from medical clinics.

Even if it's locked, Concubine Yan still has plenty of ways to unlock the door.

Concubine Yan's thin eyebrows twitched and she replied with a slight smile:

"Trespassing without the owner's permission is the behavior of a bad guest. It's better not to do it."

Gu Xun walked to the door, pushed it open, waved his hand for Concubine Yan to come in, and responded with a smile, "Then you can go to the backyard and say something to the Frightened Salamander, and you will get permission, right?"

Concubine Yan smiled and said nothing.

She didn't really want to come into contact with Gu Xun's three ladies.

Except for Jing Salamander, who was kind to her, but just ignored her, the other two were more hostile than the other, especially Yan Lingji, who was born with the ability to control fire.

Speaking of which, Yan Lingji is almost hostile to all the women around Gu Xun, including Mingzhu, Zi Nu, Yan Fei... She doesn't even like Jing Salamander, but she doesn't dare to provoke him because of the difference in strength. Well... the only thing she likes may be Guren is here, and those who are weak can play with them at will.

In contrast, Guren didn't like her that much.

The two of them entered the room and sat down respectively. Gu Xun spread his hands on the counter and asked: "What is the purpose of Miss Yan Fei's visit today?"

After Concubine Yan hesitated for a moment, she replied softly: "...I have a question to ask."

"What did Master Donghuang and Doctor Gu talk about yesterday?"

"Why didn't you ask Donghuang Taiyi instead of looking for me from afar?" Gu Xun asked first.

"If the Emperor of the Eastern Emperor doesn't talk about these things, we are not qualified to ask about them."

"Ha!" Gu Xun couldn't help but laugh scornfully, "The hierarchy of your Yin Yang family is even more strict than that of the Qin Palace!"

Concubine Yan did not defend her sect, nor did she reveal her dissatisfaction with the strict rules. She replied calmly, "This is the Yin Yang family."

"Fortunately, I didn't agree to join the Yin Yang family yesterday." Gu Xun said half sighing, half answering.

Concubine Yan understood as soon as she heard that Donghuang Taiyi came to Gu Xun yesterday to win him over to join the Yin Yang family.

This was part of her original mission.

"Why did Dr. Gu refuse?"

"Why did I agree?" Gu Xun leaned back and spread his hands in the air, "Look at your headquarters. It looks bright and magnificent from the outside, but once you go in, it's eerie and lifeless. It's hard to even see a living person, dark corridors, closed rooms, strict rules... Is that a place where people should stay?"

"It's like a majestic and luxuriously decorated mausoleum. Anyone who sees it will admire it, but no one wants to lie down in it."

"This is completely incompatible with my status as a doctor."

Concubine Yan knew that this was not the real reason for Gu Xun's refusal, but she could not deny what he said. Although she had been used to it for more than ten years, compared to the outside world, the dark and gloomy headquarters was still not pleasant. .

Then she didn't try to explore the root cause of Gu Xun's refusal, and instead asked:
  "What conditions did the Headmaster give you, Doctor Gu?"

Gu Xun didn't hide anything. He pursed his lips, raised a playful smile, and confessed, "Everything."

"Donghuang Taiyi promised that, except for matters related to Canglong Qisu, everything in the Yin Yang family can belong to me, including you... and your position as deputy head, and I am not required to assume any responsibilities or obligations."

Contrary to Gu Xun's expectation, Concubine Yan didn't react very much to his answer. It seemed that she had expected everything, including the second half of the sentence, and she just asked lightly:
  "Doctor Gu not want to change such conditions?"

"The conditions are very generous, but what use does everything from the Yin Yang Family have to me?" Gu Xun asked in disinterest, "You can't beat me even if you are all tied together."

"As for other disciples, their status in the world, or their intelligence network, I have little interest."

"The only thing I'm interested in is... emptying your treasury, but Donghuang Taiyi won't agree. Doing so will interrupt the normal operation of the Yin Yang family, and it will definitely affect his plan."

Concubine Yan pointedly mentioned, "Mrs. Xiang and her sisters are rare and stunning twins."

(End of this chapter)

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