Chapter 471 Changes in Jidu
  "Speaking of this, the Yin Yang family really suffered the loss of you, wasting so much money and getting nothing?" Speaking of this, Yan Lingji thought of the women of the Yin Yang family again.

"Otherwise?" Gu Xun asked with a smile, and then added, "But they are not without gain, at least... there is an unusual box at first glance."

"Hahaha..." Yan Lingji couldn't help but laugh, this was considered a gain.

Gu Xun tilted his head, his smile did not diminish, and he said nothing more.

Of course, it's a gain. The material of the box is not ordinary. Gu Xun couldn't squeeze it even with 80% of his strength, and he could twist it into a twist with ordinary iron tools.

Of course, this is just a joke. It is impossible for the woman from the Yin Yang family... or the Moon God to just take an empty box and go to Donghuang Taiyi. According to the information Luo Wang later passed to Gu Xun, she solved Guo After that, I'm afraid he still didn't leave the Kingdom of Zhao directly, but secretly contacted a large number of Zhao Kingdom's royal family, especially Pingyuan Lord Zhao Sheng's lineage. The purpose... was naturally for the copper box.

Just as Gu Xun said, there was no need to hide that he had moved the box, and if it weren't for him, the main reason why the copper box was empty would have to be found out by someone from King Zhao's royal family.

I don't know if she has any clues.

After Yan Lingji had laughed enough, she asked about the Yan Kingdom again, "I heard someone say that the Yan Kingdom is the oldest among the seven countries in the Central Plains. That's why you think there will be more people there. About Canglong Qisu’s harvest?”

"Part of it, not entirely." Gu Xun did not completely confirm Yan Lingji's statement.

The long history of the Yan Kingdom is one thing, but more importantly, the Yan Kingdom involves the origin of Gao Yue, one of the three (or four?) missing protagonists in the Qin Dynasty, and the main scope of activities of the Mohist family is also in the Yan Kingdom. , it can be regarded as the superposition of many factors.


On the other side, thousands of miles away in Jicheng, the country of Yan, ushered in a team of heavyweights.

It doesn't matter who these people are, what matters is where they come from - the envoys of the State of Qin.

This team of envoys was sent by Ying Zheng to allow the State of Yan to send Prince Yan Dan to Xianyang as a hostage.

Qin's current foreign policy is basically the same as what Fan Sui designated back then, which is to make distant friendships and attack close ones. In the strategy of "distant friendships", protons are a very important thing. For example, in the countries of Han, Zhao, Wei and Jin, Qin does not need protons because Everyone is fighting every minute. It's useless even if you send protons. When fighting is needed, no one will hesitate.

But like Qi and Yan, protons are very necessary. One side sends protons to show its sincerity that it has no intention of becoming an enemy of Qin, and the other side accepts protons to show that it will not attack the other side without reason, so that everyone can feel more at ease.

Although it is also a superficial job, many people just need this superficial job. The weak use it to deceive themselves and others, and the strong use it to pretend to appease.

King Qin Yingzheng is now officially in charge, so it is reasonable and reasonable to ask King Yan to send a proton. The only special thing is that the candidate for the proton is a bit... not very suitable. He actually wants Prince Yan Dan, the crown prince of Yan.

The ministers headed by Prince Dan's teacher Ju Wu strongly opposed this matter, hoping that King Yan could reject King Qin's request and send another royal prince to Xianyang as a hostage. King Xi of Yan also agreed. After all, he did not do it casually. So the first heir was sent to another country as a pledge.

However, the attitude of the envoys of the State of Qin was very tough. It must be Prince Dan of Yan, and the reasons given were very high-sounding - Prince Dan of Yan had been with the king of our country as hostages in Handan, and the relationship was very good. This time the king hoped that Yan The prince came to Xianyang also to catch up with old friends.

Besides, Qin and Yan had been friends for generations, and the so-called pledge was just a visit to Xianyang for a few years. What did King Yan have to worry about? After saying this, King Yan really didn't dare to object. He was so afraid of Qin that he had been trying to be on good terms with Qin. What would happen if the King of Qin regarded Yan as having different intentions because of his refusal?
  Anyway, what they said makes sense. Qin Yan was on good terms with him, and his prince used to live in another place. Besides, the King of Qin still had an old relationship with him, so what danger could there be?
  Therefore, King Yan finally agreed to Qin's request and ordered Prince Dan to follow the Qin envoys to Xianyang as a hostage.

Although Ju Wu and others tried their best to oppose it, in Yan State, King Xi of Yan was right on his word and the opposition was ineffective.

As a result, as soon as the Six-fingered Black Man returned to Jidu in the Suzaku machine, he learned that his disciple, Prince Dan, one of the leaders of the Mo family, was going to be sent to Xianyang!
  Jicheng, the Mohist stronghold.

"Has it been confirmed?" The six-fingered black man, wearing an everlasting black and white cloak, confirmed to the person in front of him.

"It's confirmed." The other party nodded, "My father has already issued an order. Unless the Qin State changes its mind, there is no way to change this matter."

The word "Father" is spoken, which indicates the identity of the speaker. He is the central figure in the current changes in Jicheng, the prince of the Yan Kingdom, the leader of the Mohist family, the disciple of the giant six-fingered black man, Yan Dan, or... Ji Dan?
  He looked calm and steady. Even when he was talking about his misfortune, his expression was still peaceful. He was just a little solemn, but not panicked. Like his teacher, he was wearing a cloak, covering most of his body. It should be. It was to conceal his identity. After all, even few people in the Mo family knew that the true identity of the leader was the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom.

"That one from the Qin State... did you really have a good relationship with him back then?" The six-fingered black man tapped his six-fingered left hand on the table a few times unconsciously, knowing that this matter could not be changed. What he wanted to study now was the Qin State. Why did the party make this request?

"Uh... It's indeed good." Yan Dan nodded, "The relationship between Zhao Guo and Qin Yan was not good. He and I were quite marginalized in Handan back then, so we formed some friendship with each other. But he definitely didn’t come to me to reminisce about old times.”

The Six-Fingered Black Man didn't answer Yan Dan's last words - isn't that for sure!

"What do you think about this?" After the Six-fingered Black Man thought for a moment, he did not give any guesses. Instead, he first asked Yan Dan's opinion.

"Well... I have some ideas, but... I don't think it's mature enough." Yan Dan thought for a moment and answered ambiguously.

The idea he mentioned was actually guessing whether Ying Zheng's move was to eliminate some... hidden dangers.

When they were pledged as hostages, both he and Ying Zheng had expressed their ambitions. Although there were slight differences, they were both ambitious for the world. Now that Ying Zheng is in control of the power, he seems to be complacent. It is the time to show off his ambitions. , and his enemy is naturally the Six Kingdoms of Shandong. In this way, he who has the same ambition as him can be regarded as an unstable factor.

Maybe he wanted to get rid of himself first?
  This was a guess made by Yan Dan, but he felt that it was a bit too... I should say too unreliable. In the past two years, he had stayed anonymous in the Mo family. Basically no outsiders knew about his relationship with the Mo family, and he had no outstanding performance in government affairs. It just established a somewhat virtuous reputation among the people, and it was not easy to use outside Jicheng.

This performance can be said to be mediocre. How narrow-minded must Ying Zheng be to look for opportunities to deal with him?
   I adjusted the time and shortened the time between Ying Zheng getting rid of Lu Buwei and him beginning to dominate the world, that is, shortening the time from 238 to 231 BC, otherwise the timeline would be too long.

  By the way, the surname of the Yan royal family is Yan, so Yan Dan should be called Yan Dan, and Ji Dan is a joking name.

  The king is neither given a surname nor a family name. King Yan Xi is King Yan Xi. In any written language, it must be written as King Yan Xi. He cannot be called Yan Xi or Ji Xi. The same goes for other kings.

  For example, Ying Zheng, whose surname was Zhao Zheng, was called Qin Wangzheng, and later was called the First Emperor. Anyway, it is not appropriate to call him Ying Zheng or Zhao Zheng.

  (End of this chapter)

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