Chapter 474 Feixue Pavilion

"Why do you always look at my clothes? Are you worried about money?"

After arriving at the inn, Gu Xun arranged the carriage, then opened the room, and the two of them went upstairs together. During this period, Gu Xun glanced at Yan Lingji a few more times.

The sensitive girl naturally realized that the focus of Gu Xun's eyes was on the new clothes on her body, rather than on herself as a person, so she couldn't help but tease the other person with a sweet smile.

"No." Gu Xun shook his head, "I was just thinking, if it's just this one thing, don't you have to change it?"

"Yes." Yan Lingji's eyes wandered, she tilted her head and demanded, "So you should help me buy a few more items as soon as possible."

"Ha!" Gu Xun curled his lips, "Let's look for it. Who knows if there is a second one of this thing? Firefox... It's something I haven't seen in Xinzheng, Xianyang, or Handan. Whether it's true or not is a matter of fact. The unknown.”

"Hey, it can't be just one thing. It depends on the shopkeeper if you are willing to spend money!" Yan Lingji muttered as she opened their room with the key and pulled Gu Xun in.

"I'll buy it for you no matter how much. If you can't afford it, I'll make it for you myself." Gu Xun didn't want to get entangled with her about a piece of tattered clothes, so he responded softly.

Yan Lingji smiled when she heard this. Naturally, she stopped talking about this. The clothes were just words. What she wanted was for Gu Xun to give in to him.

Although the lover will always do this, who would mind a little more?

"What are you going to do next? You're not still treating people on the street, are you?" Yan Lingji put down her room key, took off her fiery red coat, revealing the cool and close-fitting long skirt underneath, and elegantly lay on her side on the bed. He went up, tilted his head and looked at Gu Xun, and asked casually, "It's winter now, it's not appropriate to sit on the street anymore."

Gu Xun also took off his big robe at this time. The internal energy surged in his body, Feihong Qi escaped, and the room instantly became warm.

Probably because it is also close to the foreign tribes in the north, this inn in Jicheng has chairs like those in Zhao State, allowing Gu Xun to sit down comfortably, and then replied:

"It is impossible to set up a stall... As for how to practice medicine, let me study it first."

"What's so interesting about this?" laypeople asked puzzled questions.

Gu Xun just glanced at her sideways and didn't answer directly, "You're not a doctor, why do you care so much?"

"Hmph!" Yan Lingji snorted coldly at this and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

She wasn't interested in these things at first, so she just asked them casually and didn't say anything if she didn't want to.

In fact, the reason why Gu Xun said he wanted to study it was that he was worried that if he practiced medicine in Jicheng, he might have to treat hundreds of typhoid fever patients a day.

Judging from the temperature in Jicheng, this is almost inevitable. Although in theory, the people in Jicheng know that it is cold here and know how to keep warm and prevent cold, but knowing is one thing, and whether they have the ability is another.

By the same token, theoretically there will be no shortage of doctors here who can treat typhoid and colds, but having doctors does not mean that everyone can afford to see a doctor or afford medicine.

And often, the less money people have to protect themselves from the cold, and don’t have money to see a doctor or take medicine, the more likely they are to get sick. This is a vicious cycle.

For Gu Xun, if he just prescribes prescriptions without dispensing them, the patients who see the doctor may not be able to afford the medicines, which is equivalent to wasting money. And if he is like what he did in Xinzheng and Xianyang, ordinary medicinal materials are given away for free... Then he might as well just buy a large amount of medicinal materials, mix them according to the recipe, and give them to the people of the Mo family, so that they can distribute them to the poor families, and save a step. In any case, practicing medicine directly is a reckless and unwise choice, and he will not rush into it.

At this time, there was a "duangduang" knock on the door. Neither Gu Xun nor Yan Lingji showed any signs of expression, because they had long sensed that someone was approaching, and it was a person who knew no martial arts at all.

"Who is it?" Gu Xun shouted lazily.

Someone from outside immediately replied, "Two guests, it's me, the innkeeper."

Gu Xun and Yan Lingji looked at each other, but they didn't know what the innkeeper was looking for.

So Gu Xun stood up, walked out a few steps, opened the door, and asked directly, "What's the matter?"

Wensheng, the innkeeper, reached out and handed over a letter, "Sir, someone just asked me to give this to you. Please keep it."

"For me?" Gu Xun muttered and took the letter, "Okay, you're done."

After seeing off the innkeeper, Gu Xun took the letter and closed the door, sat back on the chair, and opened it with time to read.

Yan Lingji also became a little more interested. She straightened up and came over, with her head next to Gu Xun, and they read through the contents of the letter together.

The content is very simple. The main idea is that the Six-fingered Black Man invites Gu Xun to meet tomorrow evening, but this time he has chosen a relatively public place - Feixue Pavilion.

This is a family in Jidu... How should I put it, let's call it a romantic place, but its main business is singing and dancing performances, not flesh and blood business.

Zhao Wu is world-famous, unparalleled, and many of the dancers in Feixue Pavilion can dance Zhao Wu, and the best among them can be said to have acquired the essence. Of course, considering the expansion of the customer base, other countries Naturally, there are people dancing at Feixue Pavilion, but they are not as famous as Zhao Wu.

And the only thing Gu Xun knew about this place was naturally... the Snow Girl, uh... I almost forgot about Gao Jianli.

Snow Girl is also one of Gu Xun's goals when he comes to Jicheng. After all, she is called by this name. It would be inappropriate not to let her try the Ice Soul Sword. Although Gu Xun feels that she may not even be compatible with the Ice Soul Sword. God is high...

Anyway, I came here, and it’s free to give it a try. Now the Six-Fingered Black Man happened to invite me to meet there, so he just happened to take care of it.

"Feixue Pavilion...where is that place?" Yan Lingji also read the invitation letter, and the first thing that came to her mind was naturally the three words 'Feixue Pavilion'.

Turning her head, Yan Lingji pressed her red lips against the side of Gu Xun's cheek and asked with a breathy smile, "Shopkeeper, when I hear the name of this place, why is it so similar to Zilanxuan?"

Listening to the non-yinful tone of the other party, Gu Xun first clicked the letter casually, and then replied, "Well... as far as I know, Feixue Pavilion is mainly for watching people dancing, so the business in that area should be Don’t do it.”

"Really?" Yan Lingji twisted her boneless waist like a water snake and got into Gu Xun's arms. Her exposed lotus arms passed through the other person's armpits and hugged his shoulders. Her delicate face was still there. Gu Xun's eyes were less than three inches away, "Shopkeeper, your words don't sound very convincing. Are there any of you Central Plains people willing to pay money just to watch people dance?"

"Uh... maybe you can also listen to music and watch a show, I don't know." Gu Xun reached out his right hand behind Yan Lingji to support her, and answered with his left hand gesticulating in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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