Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 503 Leaving and Secret Letter

Chapter 503 Leaving and Secret Letter

At this time, the snow girl had been successfully caught by the machine Suzaku, and then flew half a circle around the cliff, making sure that no one could see it, then fluttered her wings and flew high into the sky - in fact, it was not very high, this one Although the machine bird does not respect modern physics at all in Gu Xun's opinion, it at least has a certain bottom line, that is, it cannot fly high and can barely go up a mountain if the wind is strong enough. Unlike Gu Xun's sword, It's okay to go up to the stratosphere without considering oxygen.

Gu Xun looked at the somewhat embarrassed Xue Nu beside him and grinned, "Okay, that's it for now, your matter is finally over."

When the snow girl first came up, she was a little surprised that Suzaku was so warm, but she immediately thought of Gu Xun and regained her composure. At this time, she put away the jade green flute that Gu Xun gave her to use to fight the enemy. Zhu Gu Xun bowed and said, "Thank you for taking care of me these days, Master Gu."

"Nothing, just providing a place to stay." Gu Xun waved his hand, not showing any appreciation. In the past few days, he had indeed only provided a room, and had not taken care of anything else. Xue Nu took care of all the food and drinks.

"The matter is over, it's time for me to leave." After saying this, Gu Xun said goodbye. Although he was quite curious about the city, there was no need to rush to take the plane there now.

Jing Ke clasped his fists after hearing this, "Then let's say goodbye. Mr. Gu, if we have a chance, I will treat you to a drink next time we meet again."

Xue Nu said nothing more. Several distracting thoughts that she didn't understand flashed through her mind. She bowed to Gu Xun Yingying as a farewell. The jade flute that she originally planned to return to Gu Xun after it was used up was also used by her. He stayed silently.

Naturally, Gu Xun didn't think about the flute issue. He nodded to the two of them, jumped directly off the Suzaku mechanism, and disappeared into the vast night in the blink of an eye.

Before Jing Ke and the others had time to express emotions such as separation, they were stung by the biting cold wind that poured into their bodies again. The snow girl, who was already wearing cool and sparse clothes, could do it even though she had cold energy. Despite the cold, I was still severely frozen by the sudden cold.


No matter what Yan Wangxi thought in his heart, officially, the murder of his brother Yan Chunjun was solved. The murderer was desperate and had no other way to go, so he chose to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. He was dead and wanted. The order was naturally withdrawn.

Although King Yan felt something was wrong, since he chose to close the case in order to protect his face as King of Yan, the wanted order must be removed. Otherwise, what would it be like to arrest a dead person appointed by the Yan Kingdom's court?
  Gu Xun didn't care about this anymore. The matter of the snow girl was over. Apart from remembering her as the last candidate for Ice Soul Sword Master, he had nothing else to care about.

Right now, all he needs to do is the doctor's job - sit in for a consultation.

Although a slightly systematic and general prescription has been formulated, this does not mean that those infected with typhoid fever do not need a doctor to diagnose and treat them first. After hearing, hearing and asking, there is still no less that should be done, but he only needs to rely on the results of the diagnosis. Determine the extent of the infection and then directly dispense the medicine.

Overall, the actual process has been greatly simplified. In actual operation, it would take a doctor a quarter of an hour or even half an hour to complete the diagnosis, but the time for prescribing medicine was reduced to three to five minutes. , of course, limited to typhoid fever.

Of course, the Mo family spent a lot of effort on this wave of free medical treatment, and Gu Xun did not shamelessly take all the credit. The place where the treatment was performed was the Mo family's territory, and the people responsible for distributing the medicine were also the rangers of the Mo family. The people in the city are all understanding and know who are doing charity.

It took a total of five days and all the medicinal materials were exhausted. Gu Xun stopped the consultation. During this period, he also saw some other types of patients, but he only prescribed prescriptions, so there was no need to think about free medicine.

Overall, it was quite tiring. In five days, he treated almost a thousand people, an average of 200 people a day, almost non-stop from morning to night. These people are not all the people living in Jicheng, there are also some people outside Jicheng. For these people, free medicine is a life-saving thing, so they are in a city with a total population of only tens of thousands of people. , literally received thousands of patients.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of Yan Wangxi, especially the fact that Gu Xun, a national master of the Qin State, actually hooked up with the Mo family, which made him suspicious-in the final analysis, it was the death of Yan Chunjun that made him a little frightened. Meaning, there are always various doubts. After all, how could a powerful lord be killed by a dancing girl so easily?
  Although in fact, Yan Chunjun simply died of lust, there was actually no conspiracy. The conspiracy was to save people later and had nothing to do with killing.

The somewhat lively King Yan couldn't sit still anymore and planned to formally entertain Gu Xun. Unfortunately, the target left before his invitation letter was issued.


In the tenth year of the Qin Dynasty, at the beginning of November, there was a heavy snowfall.

It happened to be the day of heavy snowfall in the twenty-four solar terms. It happened to be the first snow of this winter in Jicheng, a moderate snowstorm.

The floating snowflakes flooded the entire Jicheng City, completely turning the city into a vast expanse of white land. However, anyone who sees Jicheng City in this state will involuntarily think that this is what it should be like.

Gu Xun did not follow the common people's principle of not traveling when it snowed. He drove his beloved BMW leisurely out of Jicheng before dawn, the gurgling wheels rolling over the people on the street. The light snow left a layer of clearly visible ruts.

The snowflakes falling slowly from the air melted as soon as they actually touched the carriage. Fortunately, the carriage was waterproof and only wetted the outer layer.

In the warm and hot car that was scorched by the true energy, Yan Lingji couldn't help but lift the curtains and take a look at the snowy scene outside. After just one glance, she withdrew her gaze. No matter what, she still didn't like snow, even if it looked absolutely stunning. Beautiful pictures are absolutely rare in life for her, and she is no exception.

She only loves fire because she is the fire.

Gu Xun was completely unafraid of the wind and snow. He sat alone on the bicycle frame and leisurely looked at the snowy scenery of the sky and the earth.

He is exactly the opposite of Yan Lingji. This kind of desolate and desolate scene is his favorite.

But at this time, his attention was not entirely focused on watching the snow scene, there was another thing distracting him.

Before he left Jicheng, the Luowang branch of Jicheng, which was almost completely extinct, sent a secret letter. It was an important secret letter from Xianyang. Needless to say, the person who sent the letter was, of course, Ying Zheng.

Gu Xun was quite curious. He didn't know why Ying Zheng specially sent a secret letter at this point, but it didn't matter. He would know it once he opened it.

(End of this chapter)

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