Chapter 549 Shouchun
  The capital of Chu, Shouchun City.

The Chu State changed its capital most frequently among the Seven War Kingdoms. Shouchun was already the seventh capital of the Chu State, and of course the last one. It had only been more than ten years since the last time the capital was moved to Juyang.

Of course, Chu State has a history of hundreds of years, while Han, Zhao, and Wei have only been established for about a hundred years. If we take an average, South Korea is actually the most diligent in moving. By the way, Qi State is the most honest, and Linzi It has been the capital of Qi for nearly eight hundred years.

Although when the Chu State moved its capital to Shouchun, its national power was already much weaker than before. However, because the move of the capital from Juyang to Shouchun was not due to war, the Chu State's princes and nobles did not lose any assets and still retained abundant property and numerous possessions. The population of Shouchun was greatly expanded in a very short period of time, and it soon became prosperous.

Generally speaking, the structure of Shouchun City is relatively traditional, and it is a standard square city. It is not like Qi and Zhao who divided the city into large and small areas. However, the city area of ​​Shouchun is the largest among the kings except Xianyang, which has no city walls. It is more than twelve miles long from north to south and nine miles wide from east to west. Its area is almost one and a half times the size of Linzi City. The city is also surrounded by a moat with a width of more than ten feet.

However, the large area is not the characteristic of Shouchun City. In fact, Shouchun can be said to be the most distinctive capital among the seven capitals. Even Xianyang cannot compare with it, and that is the waterway in the city.

Shouchun City diverts water from Shaopi dozens of miles south of the city and merges with Feishui River into the city. The waterways in the city are interconnected, dividing the city into small rectangular areas. This not only solves the water problem in the city, but also increases waterway transportation as a land route. supplement and easy to manage.

Such a city built on the mountains and along the river looks really spectacular.


"It's interesting. Shouchun City looks like this. It's so interesting!" Gu Xun didn't know the structure of Shouchun before he came. It was quite strange to see it at this time. He couldn't help but think that Shouchun City has the flavor of a Venetian water city, but it's too early. A lot.

Yan Lingji, on the other hand, was not surprised by this. She squeezed in beside Gu Xun and said casually, "It's just a few waterways. What's so strange about it?"

As a Baiyue native, she saw mostly jungles and rivers. If she was interested in admiring this kind of scenery, she could go to Lingnan, where the environment was more complex and harsh... but people were more likely to die there.

Gu Xun smiled disapprovingly, "Of course I have to sigh if I haven't seen it before. Unfortunately, the river is not wide enough. You can only carry a small boat at most, and you cannot drive a large boat."

"Big ship?" Yan Lingji frowned in confusion, "In the city, shopkeeper, what other big ship do you want to drive?"

"'s nothing, haha, it's nothing." Gu Xun smiled and turned over.

Can he say that the first thing he thought of after seeing this waterway was the Eight Beauties of Qinhuai? Then what popped into my mind was brothels, boats, etc... Unfortunately, there is no romantic place that does this, mainly because there is no suitable venue.

Hmm... We can go back and look around Xianyang to see if there is a suitable area. There is a lot of water there, so maybe there is one. Then we can let Zi Nu do it.

The two of them were chatting while aimlessly looking for a suitable inn to stay.

At the same time, at the gate of another city in Shouchun, a young girl in red clothes, but her beauty could be vaguely seen between her eyebrows, and a girl whose hairline had already reached the top of her head, her beard and hair were all white, Moreover, the old man, whose eyebrows and beard were so long that they drooped almost to his waist, and whose eyes were covered, left Shouchun together in a car.

The little girl asked the old man puzzledly:

"Nangong, why do you suddenly want to go to Xiacai to train?"

"Hehe!" The old man, Chu Nangong, smiled, and stroked the long -hanging beard back, "Of course it is to avoid a certain star." He winked and suddenly thought of something, and asked eagerly, "Are you talking about the national master Gu Xun who was mentioned in the last intelligence report to be coming to Shouchun?"

After asking the question, she didn't wait for Chu Nan Gong to answer, and just acquiesced and continued to ask, "But Nangong, didn't the headquarters say to wait for others to arrive to contact them, why did you run away instead?"

Chu Nan Gong did not refute, so he accepted the answer. However, he did not answer the little girl's last question. Instead, he asked:
  "You know how I got such a long beard, old man?"

"Uh... I don't know." The little girl was stunned for a moment, not knowing why the topic suddenly came to this, but when she thought about it carefully, she really didn't know how Nan Gong could grow such a long and thick beard.

"Hahaha..." Duke Nan of Chu replied with a long smile while stroking his beard, "It depends on living long enough."

"Ah!?" The little girl suddenly got such a nonsensical answer. She felt that she had heard it wrong. She couldn't react for a moment. When she reacted, she couldn't help but frown, and she was very unhappy.

The longer you live, the longer your beard grows... Then why don't you just say it's because you don't trim it, and that's it. Can I not know that beards grow little by little?
  I thought there was some special reason...

Chu Nan Gongquan pretended that he didn't see the little girl's unhappiness. He pointed at his eyes that no one could see and continued, "And the reason why the old man can live for so long is because of these tricks. He can judge the situation and avoid good luck. Fierce, that person Gu Xun is an extremely dangerous scourge, for the sake of our lives, we’d better stay away.”

As for the orders from the Yin Yang Family Headquarters, they were of no use to Chu Nan Gong. He could do what he wanted to do, and no one could force him if he didn't want to.

The little girl was still confused and confused, but since Nangong said so, she chose to believe Nangong, "Okay, Nangong."

Chu Nan Gong touched the little girl's head and smiled again, and the carriage the two of them were riding in went steadily towards Xiacai in the northwest direction.

On the other side, high in the sky to the east of Shouchun, a huge mechanical bird was flapping its wings and rapidly approaching Shouchun. Sitting on it and driving was the round figure of Master Ban.

Now it is February, the temperature has begun to rise, and the temperature in the south is generally higher, so...Master Ban still wrapped himself in three layers of cotton-padded clothes, and there were hot water bottles under the cotton-padded clothes, so that he, who was already chubby, could completely It became round and round, like a ball - no matter how warm it is, no matter how warm it is, the current temperature is still close to freezing point. He is flying high in the sky again, facing the surging cold wind without any protection. If he didn't wear thicker clothes, his old bones would have to be left in heaven.

Even so, others would almost freeze to death. Fortunately, Suzaku, the driver of the machine, was like this every winter, so he was used to it.

 People who looked at the map today were suddenly dumbfounded. They just remembered that Chu moved its capital from Ying to Juyang, and then moved it to Shouchun. Later, in the battle against Chu, Changping Lord rushed to the old capital of Chu, Ying, to supervise the battle, and rebelled against Qin in the back.

  It turns out that the location of Ying City is thousands of miles away from the city where Li Xin attacked Chu, and he can still supervise a ghost battle...

  I was dumbfounded for a long time before I remembered that the Chu State had previously moved its capital to Chendi. The poor people had to change Chendi to Chenying, also known as Yingchen. This Ying is not the other Ying, not the earlier capital of the country... …

  There was a cursor on the map, and I couldn't react for a long time.

  (End of this chapter)

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