Chapter 556 You deserve to die
  After passing through the corridor, we didn't go back dozens of steps. It suddenly became clear that the road had become narrower. Because the roads were dug out of the rock walls, they couldn't be very wide and were barely enough for two people to walk side by side.

With the help of the light of the torch, after walking along the mountain wall for a while, the lighting conditions in the cave began to change. It was no longer a pure dim firelight, but gradually became more normal natural light. As the lighting intensified, , a rumbling sound also began to appear in everyone's ears.

This time it was suddenly enlightened. A gap appeared at the top of the cave. The rushing water rushed in along with the light and flowed into the clear pool at the bottom. The splashing water floated in the air, reflecting thousands of rays of light and beautiful scenery. It's beautiful, but the noise of the water is a bit uninteresting. If you don't communicate loudly, you probably won't be able to hear what the other person is saying.

Along with the sudden increase in water flow, there are more dense and huge sets of gears, either half exposed on the surface of the water or buried deep under the water, running endlessly like a perpetual motion machine.

Even if the path of Gu Xun and the others stopped for a while, there was no passage ahead, only another high platform on the other side of the waterfall, and a mechanical suspension bridge that could be opened and lowered from there.

And just when Gu Xun and the others arrived here, the mechanical suspension bridge was lowered at the right time. The squeaking sound of the mechanical operation was masked by the impact of the water flow, which was faint and difficult to distinguish. As the suspension bridge completely fell, it enveloped Under the black ink cloak with white edges, the six-fingered black man appeared on the opposite side.

Everyone crossed the suspension bridge and arrived at the other side. Master Ban and Jing Ke, two members of the Mohist family, naturally said hello first, "Big Master."

The six-fingered black man nodded slightly, then turned his dark eyes and looked at Gu Xun:

"The Mo family has been busy with affairs recently, and I have no time to invite you in person, sir, so I asked Master Ban to do it for me."

"It's nothing, you're welcome," Gu Xun responded with a smile.

The six-fingered black man nodded again, and then told Master Ban and Jing Ke, "You should go about your own business first."

The two of them had no objections and left immediately. The five people turned into three people in an instant.

The six-fingered black man took the lead in turning around and leading the way inward. Gu Xun and Yan Lingji immediately followed. Within a few steps, the three of them completely passed through this cave space and came back to the outside world. They were in a mountain canyon, looking around. It is full of misty floating clouds and long, narrow and winding corridors, rising and falling one after another, looming and looming.

The six-fingered black man led the way and introduced:

"Most of the important buildings in the government city are located in the mountains, and the exposed ones are mainly the corridors surrounding the mountains that connect various places and the residential houses located in the flat areas behind the mountains. The entrances and exits of each passage have independent switches. Once there is If the enemy invades, it can be closed immediately.”

"Now is the transition between the old and the new. A large number of Mohist disciples will be pouring into the city. However, they are already evacuating in batches. In a few days, Master Ban and I will also leave. Sir, he came at the right time."

Gu Xun couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "That's really good. If Master Ban had been two days late in finding me, I would probably have left Shouchun."

"Haha, it seems that Mr. Gu really deserves a visit to the machine city." The six-fingered black man also chuckled and agreed.

"This time, sir, you don't plan to stay in Shouchun for a long time. Is there something urgent?"

"It's not urgent. King Qi is about to join the Qin Dynasty. I want to go back and join in the fun. Besides, Shouchun is not much fun. It's boring to stay here."

The six-fingered black man nodded and agreed, "Shou Chun... is really not interesting. Although various forces are fighting overtly and secretly, and there are undercurrents, in the final analysis it is just an internal struggle among the nobles of Chu State, which is dark and boring."

While the two were chatting, they walked through the corridor carved out of the mountain wall. The howling cold mountain wind penetrated it. Fortunately, the few people present were not afraid of the cold. "Speaking of Shouchun's power, I just have something to ask you." Gu Xun remembered something at this time and hurriedly asked, "What is the connection between the Yin Yang family and the Chu State? Last time in Handan, Guo Shang died The soldiers would actually help them?"

The Six-Fingered Black Man shook his head, "I don't know much about this matter."

"It is certainly true that the Yin Yang family is closely related to the Chu State, but so far I have not been able to find out which family it is."

"Is it difficult to investigate?" Gu Xun put his hands behind his back, shook his head and asked again.

"Theoretically speaking, it's not difficult. The most likely person who can mobilize the dead soldiers is Qu Zhaojing, the third branch of the royal family. However, I have not been able to find any close connection between these three families and the Yin Yang family in private."

"Is this so..."

The six-fingered black man turned his head to look at Gu Xun, and found that the other person also had a confused look on his face. He knew that he probably knew something unknown.

"Did the relationship between the Yin Yang family and the Chu State emerge only after Huang Xie's death, or did it already exist?" Unable to find a clue at the moment, Gu Xun could only continue to ask some related questions to see if he could find an idea.

"This has been in place for a long time." The Six-Fingered Black Man confirmed the latter, "But the transfer of the soldiers who died in the national mourning must have been possible only after the death of Lord Chun Shen."

"When Lord Chun Shen was alive, no one could go beyond him to privately mobilize the soldiers who died in the national war, and it was impossible for him to help the Yin Yang family."

"According to this, the relationship between Huang Xie and the Yin Yang family is not good...then Li Yuan should be the most suspicious, right?"

The Six-Fingered Black Man did not deny this speculation, but just replied, "I have arranged for people to investigate, but... I haven't found anything wrong so far."

Tsk, this answer... Gu Xun frowned and looked up at the clear sky outside the corridor, thinking... He didn't find it, maybe it didn't exist, or maybe it was hidden deep.

Seeing him pondering, the Six-fingered Black Man gave some conjectures of his own, "In my personal opinion, the probability is not very high. At least before Chun Shenjun passed away, it was unlikely that Li Yuan would be connected with the Yin Yang family."

"What do you say?" Gu Xun looked at the Six-fingered Black Man curiously.

"Before the death of the former King of Chu, although Li Yuan was the brother of Queen Li Yan, he always followed Chun Shenjun's lead in doing things. You must know that the power of the Yin and Yang family was still stubbornly rooted in the Chu State despite Chun Shenjun's efforts to suppress it. There must be secret protection from local forces, but it was difficult for Li Yuan to make such a big...'little move' without telling Chun Shenjun."

Gu Xun felt that the basis of this guess was not very reasonable, and retorted, "If he couldn't do small tricks, how could Li Yuan have tricked Huang Xie to death?"

"Uh..." The Six-fingered Black Man couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he heard Gu Xun's argument, "That's just Lord Chun Shen's own destruction."

A bunch of hangers-on reminded him to be careful of Li Yuan, but he didn't listen to any of them, and went into the palace alone. He deserved his death.

To put it simply, it's not that his opponent is too awesome, it's that he himself is too piggy!
  (End of this chapter)

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