Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 698 The Moon God’s Unannounced Visit

Chapter 698 The Moon God’s Unannounced Visit
  Concubine Yan said at this time, "Actually, the key reason why the Yin Yang family has not really dealt with Shushan is not the Yu Yuan guard."

"They may indeed be difficult to deal with, but there are very few people who are qualified to receive the blessings of the Fuso tree, and their number limits their actual role."

"Is that because?" Gu Xun tilted his head and asked curiously.

"It's the Fuso Sacred Tree itself." Concubine Yan answered, "According to the records I've read, the Fuso Sacred Tree is very huge, and it's a true thousand-year-old sacred tree."

"What the Yin Yang Family needs is a complete and living Fuso Sacred Tree, but with the strength of the Yin Yang Family alone, there is no way to transport the Fuso Sacred Tree out of Shu... It is even difficult to move it even one step."

"Ah... that's true." Gu Xun couldn't help but nodded.

He had not thought of this answer before, but after recalling the Fuso sacred tree that had been moved above the mirage in his memory, he instantly felt that it was very reasonable and in line with the reality.

Next, after the two chatted casually, Concubine Yan went back to rest.


The next day, a group of people appeared outside Nanzheng City. They were in a similar state to Concubine Yan yesterday. They were all in a mess, covered in dust, and their clothes were somewhat tattered.

This is the Moon God and others who followed Concubine Yan.

According to the information they had learned, Gu Xun was in the city right now, and Concubine Yan must have joined him.

Donghuang Taiyi had actually issued an order before to capture Concubine Yan no matter the cost, but only before meeting Gu Xun.

If the interception and pursuit failed and the two of them successfully reunited, they could give up the mission and return to the Yin Yang family to resume their lives.

Of course, if you have a chance to do something, you should try your best, but if it is obvious that there is no way to survive, there is no need to commit suicide.

Although Donghuang Taiyi was annoyed and anxious, he was not interested in sending his subordinates to Gu Xun for free.

But even though they all agreed that the mission had failed, Moon God still ordered to enter the city first.

Although Mrs. Xiang and other subordinates were puzzled, they did not try to stop him.

Whether they were entering the city or not, they happened to be in the Qinling Mountains for a long time and urgently needed to rest and recover in the city.

As long as they don't cause trouble to Gu Xun and the other party doesn't kill them directly, safety is still fine.

What Luna did next was just as everyone suspected, it was just for self-cultivation and rectification.

She took everyone to find an inn to rest, and even went so far as to confirm Gu Xun's whereabouts and chose the one farthest away from where he was staying.

It was night, after everyone in the Yin Yang family took a rest, Yue Shen quietly left the inn under the cover of night and rushed towards Gu Xun.

She had no intention of snatching Concubine Yan back from Gu Xun. She knew very well that it would only cost her her life in vain.

She just went to meet Gu Xun and Yan Fei to see what their current attitudes were.

Nanzheng City is not a bustling and bustling city. After nightfall, the entire city basically falls into darkness, and the urban area is also very limited.

Luna didn't spend much effort and arrived at her destination without being noticed by anyone.

At this time, Gu Xun and the others were not sleeping, and were discussing a topic - how to travel next?

The route is certain, including Shiniu Road, Jiameng Pass, and Jiange Mountains. The way to go is theoretically certain, just use your legs.

This is a mountain road, do you still want to take a horse-drawn carriage? It's impossible to ride a horse, only to stretch your legs.

However, Gu Xun proposed another plan - waterway.

As the saying goes, a thousand miles will return in a day.

Like the Jingchu Water Town, the Bashu Land has no shortage of rivers and waterways, and even the speed of boats can be faster than that of the Jingchu Land.

Of course, for him, speed is not important, the main thing is that it is more interesting.

However, regarding this motion, Concubine Yan rolled her eyes and did not intend to answer the question at all, while Zhang Han smiled bitterly and tried to dissuade her.

"Master, it is really not feasible to sail into Shu." The water in the rivers in Jingchu Water Village is called a river, and it can carry people by boat, but can it be called a river in the land of Bashu?

They are all river valleys formed by cliffs and cliffs. Not only are the water surfaces narrow and crowded, the currents are turbulent, but there are also numerous reefs, and the bottom of the water is filled with elusive undercurrents and whirlpools.

It can be said that from sampans and small boats to giant ships, large and small ships, the currents of Bashu have ways to restrain you.

If you dare to sail a boat by water, you will die.

Gu Xun disagreed, "What are you afraid of? I will drive the boat, not you!"

He controls the boat himself, so fast currents, hidden rocks, and whirlpools that swallow the boat are no problem.

What he wanted was this excitement. If it were a wide, still stream like the Jingshui and the Weishui, he wouldn't be that interested.

Zhang Han still tried to dissuade him.

He knew that Gu Xun was very strong and could use his true energy to force the boat to move forward. Even if the boat was destroyed, he would definitely be able to save himself from the turbulence.

But it’s really not necessary!

If the boat is destroyed in the canyon, even if no one is safe, the long journey ahead will be extremely difficult.

He believed that Gu Xun would save his life, but he didn't believe that Gu Xun would carry him on his way.

"National Master, don't hurry when you are on your way. The general feels that it is better to take the land route, as there will be more places to stay for supplies and rest."

Gu Xun did not accept these conditions, and waved his hand and said dictatorially, "Okay, no need to say more."

"There are three of us. Concubine Yan is silent. She obviously supports me. You alone are in the minority and you are in the minority. Do as I say."

Zhang Han could only turn his attention to Dongjun, an important fugitive who he had tried not to contact, communicate with, or ignore, hoping that the other party could give some support to the opposition.

Concubine Yan just sneered at Gu Xun, too lazy to express her stance.

She could tell by looking at Gu Xun's expression that the other party had already made up his mind. Even if she expressed her support for Zhang Han, he would find other reasons to force her away.

She understood Gu Xun's character. He was domineering at heart. For things that seemed inconsequential to him, other people's opinions would only be adopted if they were the same as his.

Otherwise... haha, he is responsible for democracy and also for dictatorship.

Gu Xun was very satisfied with Concubine Yan's support for him and smiled at her, "That's it..."

At this time, Gu Xun noticed the Moon God who had just arrived, and secretly gave Concubine Yan a look.

Concubine Yan also vaguely sensed the arrival of the Moon God, and with the look in Gu Xun's eyes, she was basically sure, and she immediately returned her look in a vague way.

Gu Xun understood immediately and began to chase Zhang Han away, "Okay, the matter has been discussed. If it's okay, you can go back and rest."

"Last general..." Zhang Han had nothing to repay, he could only smile bitterly.

discuss? He negotiated a hammer!

What was discussed? What was discussed again?

He just felt that he was in a trap...

Gu Xun didn't care about his subordinates' thoughts, and waved his hands impatiently, "Go quickly, go quickly!"

You are a subordinate, just obey orders honestly.

The rank and file of an official is overwhelming to death, let alone the divisional officer of my country who is the same as Sangong, who is... I don’t know how many ranks higher than you.

Seeing this, Zhang Han had no choice but to accept the reality, bowed and resigned, and prayed that Gu Xun's boating skills would be as reliable as he said.

 The name Qinling probably didn’t exist in the pre-Qin period...but it doesn’t matter, don’t worry about it.

  (End of this chapter)

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