Chapter 925 Goodbye Mengtian
  Ying Zheng's eagle-like sharp eyes exuded a cold light as he stared at Gu Xun closely.

Gu Xun just smiled lightly.

After the wordless silence lasted for a long time between the two, Ying Zheng finally spoke, his voice low and cold:

"The Imperial Master... looks more and more like Gai Nie."

Gu Xun smiled sarcastically and denied, "I don't think so."

"I'm not as unrealistic as he is, and I will never drown myself in fantasy like him."

"It's just... there are some things I can't stand, I just can't stand it!"

After all, Gu Xun is a modern man. Although he kills people, he can't really ignore life.

No one likes to see millions of corpses lying around and bleeding everywhere.

If we were standing in the 21st century two thousand years later, Gu Xun could hold his mobile phone and brag impassionedly about the far-reaching influence of the first unified centralized feudal dynasty on the land of China, and praise the great achievements of the first emperor. I lamented the significance of the same car and the same track and wrote the same text, and longed for the majesty and magnificence of the Great Wall.

It's a pity that he is standing here now, in the Qin Empire in the third century BC.

All sacrifices, values, achievements, merits... are meaningless. The most important thing is the living lives.

Seeing Gu Xun, who was confronting him tit for tat and showing no intention of giving in, Ying Zheng's eyes gradually lowered, and the cold light in his eyes disappeared.

He doesn't understand what Gu Xun is doing now, just like he didn't understand what Gai Nie did before.

Gu Xun could see that Ying Zheng didn't understand, but he understood him very well.

The feudal emperor was the first emperor born just after the end of slavery. It was even more unreliable to expect the emperor to be sympathetic to the sufferings of the people than to expect the capitalists to be kind.

Gu Xun has no intention to accuse Ying Zheng or anyone else from the moral high ground.

His soul does not belong to this era, but it is impossible for others to transcend the era like him.

If you don't like it, just try to change it in your own way.

The smile on Gu Xun's lips did not diminish, and he broke the deadlock and said, "Does your Majesty have anything else to give you?"

Ying Zheng blinked when he heard this, and after soothing the fatigue in his eyes, he stopped continuing the topic and said slowly, "The Imperial Master should know that I brought Meng Tian back, right?"

"Yeah!" Gu Xun nodded, "I know a little bit."

"So..." Ying Zheng continued to ask in an increasingly calm tone, "Does the Imperial Master have any suggestions regarding the empire's actions against Shushan?"

In the end, Ying Zheng did not forget to emphasize, "I only want suggestions, not opinions."

Gu Xun couldn't help but grin when he heard this, and then he was going to reply to Ying Zheng casually, "Remember to bring more people, that tree is very big."

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. After thinking about it carefully, he replied seriously, "If your Majesty has no objection, I plan to accompany General Meng to Sichuan. How about this trip?"

The imperceptible cold smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face again, "I can do anything for myself."

In the past few years, apart from matters related to Fusu, this was the first time that Gu Xun took the initiative to take work from himself.


On the border of the empire, Shangjun, Yinshan Mountain (this Yinshan Mountain is not that Yinshan Mountain, it is far away).

This was once a border area that was frequently harassed by wolves, but the situation has improved a lot since the Zhao State General Li Mu's battle in the north more than ten years ago, which tore the wolves apart and severely damaged their vitality.

Today, although the wolf tribe has barely regained its breath, it has begun to harass the Central Plains again, but the times are not too frequent and the scale is not large, so the situation here is relatively stable.

The environment is very desolate, and there are not many people living there, but there is still something left.

Between the mountains and valleys, two figures, one large and one small, stood with different shapes, and a person was vaguely visible lying on the ground.

Judging from its twisted and enchanting posture, it is unlikely to be alive.

Gai Nie had a cold face, flicked his wrist, shook off the blood on Yuan Hong's blade, and then slowly sheathed the sword.

Tianming followed beside him, not afraid when he saw the dead. After all, he was a child who had seen the Demon God of War.

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore!
  "Uncle, who is this?" Tianming asked curiously.

Gai Nie's face was dull, and his eyes swept over the corpse lying on the ground. When he passed the faint purple-black lines on the other person's neck, he paused for a moment, then withdrew his gaze and looked at Tianming.

He did not answer Tianming's question, but said vaguely, "Bad guy... let's go."

Tian Ming scratched his head. Although he was still very curious, due to his understanding of the uncle, he still had the sense to stop asking questions and hurriedly caught up with him.

"Uncle, how come you don't feel anything about the martial arts you taught me last time?" After catching up, Tianming asked again with a smile.

"..." Gai Nie's eyes wandered for a moment, and he replied after being silent for a long time, "Martial arts training is not something that can be accomplished overnight. You need to persevere."

He didn't know how to answer Tianming, so he had to use this kind of words to prevaricate.

What he taught Tianming was actually the Guigu sect's inner strength technique - Guigu Breathing and Inhalation Technique. It was not advanced, but could only be considered subtle. After all, Guigu martial arts was not known for its internal strength.

Logically speaking, even a person with average qualifications should be able to feel a little angry after more than half a month has passed, but at dawn... he can only feel that he is hungry.

This is something that is really incomprehensible to a certain genius who only spent two days getting started.

Could it be that the sleeping curse seal is also to blame?
  Do the Yin Yang family's spells still have such strange effects?

At the same time, outside the imperial capital of Xianyang, Imperial General Meng Tian finally returned to the center of power of the empire, escorted by hundreds of direct bodyguards from the Meng clan.

Two days later, the sitting room of the Imperial Prefecture.

Gu Xun and Meng Tian sat at the banquet, drinking and chatting.

Meng Tian was the first to raise his glass and say hello, "Meng Tian, ​​let's toast to the Imperial Master first. Thank you very much for the Imperial Master's care in recent years. I will deeply appreciate it."

Gu Xun raised his glass in response and said with a smile, "General Meng, there is no need to be so polite. I also want to thank you for taking care of Fusu in Beidi over the past few years."

After so many years, Meng Tian is no longer as high-spirited and unruly as he was when he was young. Although his hair and eyebrows are still as flamboyant and thick as ever, all the greenness on his face has been washed away, leaving only stability.

Faced with Gu Xun's response, Meng Tian naturally did not dare to take credit, "The Imperial Master's words are serious. It is Meng Tian's duty as a minister to assist His Highness the eldest son. Besides, with the ability of the eldest son, Meng Tian can't do anything to help." .”

Between words, although he didn't claim the credit, he didn't mean to alienate Fusu.

Everyone in the government and the public knew that Meng Tian and the eldest son Fusu were close, because Meng Tian himself had not deliberately concealed it.

The Meng family was loyal to the empire and the emperor, so naturally they should also be loyal to the emperor's son.

Meng Tian had no intention of getting close to any young master, but the First Emperor personally ordered the eldest son Fusu to be sent to the North, so he couldn't deliberately alienate him.

The emperor sent the person next to him, which in itself means a lot.

Although the risks of taking sides are high, the rewards are also high. If you don't advance in the court, you will definitely retreat. Sitting on the wall and watching is not a good choice. Since he happened to encounter such an opportunity, Meng Tian had no reason to let it go.

Ying Zheng knew that his beloved general was close to his eldest son, but he did not become suspicious and distance himself from Meng Tian.

There is a saying that Ying Zheng's suspicion, whether counting forward or backward, is relatively shallow among rulers.

In Gu Xun's words, Ying Zheng is a more emotional person.

Specifically, he is nostalgic and affectionate. Although his personality is domineering and tough, he is not mean or unkind.

Specifically in terms of performance, there are many examples. For example, he dotes on his young son. For example, Zhao Gao has made many mistakes in the past few years, but he has always ignored them. Another example is... Gu Xun and Meng Tian.

Ying Zheng always kept the life-saving grace in his heart, so he trusted Meng Tian very much. Even if Meng Tian and his son got close, he did not doubt each other. At the same time, part of the reason for his indulgence towards Gu Xun over the years was due to this.

To be honest, he was completely opposite to the emperors of the Han Dynasty.

Towards the visible people around him, Ying Zheng was not only kind-hearted, but at least rarely malicious, but towards the common people whom he could hardly see or touch, he was extremely exploitative.

As for the men of the Han Dynasty, they were very lenient towards the common people, but towards the courtiers and nobles... to say they were mean and unkind would be considered a compliment.

The book returned to its main topic. After a few casual pleasantries, Gu Xun and Meng Tian finally got to the point.

Gu Xun asked first, "Your Majesty should have informed General Meng of the upcoming mission, right?"

"Uh...that's right." Meng Tian nodded, because he already knew that Gu Xun was also traveling with him, so he didn't hide it, "Your Majesty ordered me to go to Shu to conquer an ancient tribe of Shu people hidden in the mountains, called the Shushan tribe. "

"Then...bring something back."

On the last point, Meng Tian was still vague and did not explain clearly.

Although Ying Zheng did not explain it to him in detail, capturing something as mysterious as the Fuso Sacred Tree could obviously only be related to one thing.


Regardless of whether the matter was known to both the government and the public, Meng Tian felt that he had better not leak out His Majesty the Emperor's information at will... it could be regarded as dirty information for the time being.

If Gu Xun knew it, it would be a different matter.

"Hmm..." Gu Xun nodded, and instead of trying to figure out what Meng Tian meant, he asked, "What does General Meng plan to do?"

"This..." Meng Tian was stunned for a moment.

What else can be done? Just lead the army and fight over it. How can a backward Shu tribe make waves? Is it necessary to make any special preparations before the war?

It's great to send more scouts to get familiar with the environment!

After coming back to his senses, Meng Tian realized something. It was probably that the Imperial Master had some ideas, so he asked tentatively, "I have just received the order from His Majesty the Emperor, and I haven't made any plans yet. I don't know if the Imperial Master will." Any ideas?"

"Haha, I don't have any high opinions." Gu Xun waved his hand with a smile, "I just want to ask, what kind of attitude does General Meng intend to use to deal with the Shushan tribe?"

"Uh..." Meng Tian carefully considered it in his mind and replied cautiously, "Now the world is under the rule of His Majesty the Emperor. Although these Shu people are stubborn and disobedient to the king's rule, they can still be regarded as subjects of the empire, so I I feel that there is no need to directly use thunderous means."

"His Majesty the Emperor's main goal is still like that. As long as the other party understands the situation and is willing to cooperate, I don't think there is any need to use weapons rashly."

This is basically nonsense. How can we get military honors if we don’t use troops?

In principle, the empire's military can take action, so try not to beep.

This attitude of being indecisive and unconditionally giving priority to violent solutions to solve problems is no wonder that people say it is violent.

Meng Tian said this at this time, mainly guessing that Gu Xun might not want him to kill him directly, so he made a test.

Anyway, he didn't lack for this military merit, so he treated it as a favor to Gu Xun.

Gu Xun smiled and did not comment on the tendency in Meng Tian's words. He avoided the focus of his words and reminded, "The things you want to capture are very important to the people of the Shushan tribe and cannot be lost... …Sacred objects cannot be given up even if it means death.”

"And that thing... is a little special. It's impossible to get it by stealing or other dirty tricks, so the probability of using Huairou's plan to get it is basically zero."

"Uh... what does the Imperial Master mean?" Meng Tian was a little confused.

It’s impossible to be gentle, so you still want me to directly destroy the Shushan tribe?
  "Haha, try...just compromise." After Gu Xun gave a simple answer, he took the initiative to change the subject.

There is no need to elaborate. Anyway, he has already intervened. He just needs to briefly test Meng Tian... or Ying Zheng has no intention of killing everyone unconditionally.

"How has the situation been in the past two years in the north? I heard that it is a little unstable again?"

Seeing Gu Xun change the topic, Meng Tian also wisely forgot about the previous content and replied with a smile, "Just as the national master said, the wolf tribe that was severely damaged by General Li Mu of Zhao State in the past has the intention of making a comeback."

" you have any more specific information?" Gu Xun nodded and asked again.

Meng Tian smiled bitterly, "Yes, but not much."

"In the battle in the North, all the main elite members of the wolf clan were killed and wounded. Touman died alone. King You Guli, one of the four nobles of the wolf clan, died in the battle with him. King Zuo Xian fled back to the royal court in panic. .”

"Wait a minute..." Gu Xun suddenly waved his hand, stopping Meng Tian from continuing. He frowned and asked, "What did you just say the name of the Wolf Clan's Zuoxian King was?"

"Modun... By the way, he is Touman Shanyu's son."

"Ah..." Gu Xun couldn't help but smacked his lips.

Maodun, why does this sound more familiar than Touman?
  In other words, this Maodun should be a Shanyu with a greater reputation than Touman in official history.

Calculating time, this guy is not the same guy who developed the weak Qin Xiongnu into the Han and Xiongnu empire, right?
  Hiss...why didn't you help him along the way?

After the First World War in the North, the wolf clan was almost abolished. Gu Xun never paid attention to them after that. After all, they are a race. It is almost impossible to completely destroy them. It is enough to achieve this virtue.

Gu Xun didn't hesitate for long before he relaxed his brows. It was not too late to kill him anyway.

"Go on." With a wave of his hand, Gu Xun signaled to Meng Tian that he could continue.

"..." Although he didn't know why Gu Xun was surprised, Meng Tian still accepted it. This is the style of this man.

"At that time, after the left Xian King Maodun returned to the Wolf Clan Royal Court with his remnants of troops, he began to compete with the You Xian King, Zuo Guli King, and the Chanyu family - Touman's wife - for the position of the Chanyu. .”

"Not long after that, Maodun successfully eliminated the Chanyu family, and received the support of King Youxian, King Zuoguli, and the new King Youguli, and successfully took over the position of Shanyu."

"After that, he led the wolf clan to flee westward and basically withdrew from Henan to avoid the Central Plains countries and recuperate. It was not until recent years that he returned to the Yinshan Generation (this is what everyone knows as Yinshan)."

 I forgot to mention yesterday that according to current historical data, when Qin conquered Baiyue, the total military strength of the Baiyue kingdoms was probably about 50,000, because their total population was only four to five million, and the ratio of one out of ten was already very high. .

  From the beginning to the end, this war seemed to have been fought non-stop for more than five or six years, and the manpower and material resources consumed can be imagined.

  I have improved some data in the article, please don't mind it.

  (End of this chapter)

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