Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 929 Discussion in the Northland

Chapter 929 Discussion in the Northland
  Fusu leaned over the desk and read a letter carefully. Opposite him sat the drunkard Han Fei, who had disappeared for a long time.

Han Fei grinned and looked lazy. He slumped on the seat and waited quietly for Fusu to read the contents of the letter.

After a moment, Fusu raised his head and looked at Han Fei:

"Mr. Han Fei, it seems that the teacher's attitude is similar to that of General Meng. He also attaches great importance to the wolf tribe that has emerged again and made a comeback!"

In fact, the attitude of the people in the Central Plains toward the wolves is mostly disgust and hatred, but very little fear. The reason is naturally that the wolves have rarely really threatened the Central Plains.

The last time they rose up was also the first time they rose up. Naturally, Touman, the first chanyu of the wolf clan, integrated the originally scattered wolf clan and established the wolf clan royal court. The power once crossed the Yinshan Mountains of Henan and approached the Zhao Kingdom. The three counties of the Northland, and then... bumped into Li Mu.

There is no need to go into details about the specific process. Anyway, the end was not very good, and the attack did not create enough waves.

This time the wolves made a comeback, Meng Tian naturally notified the central court immediately, but the empire was busy with the Baiyue War and didn't care much... Even if there was no Baiyue incident at hand, they probably wouldn't care too much.

When Han Fei heard Fusu's words, his smile grew wider, his big peach eyes blinked, and he responded cheerfully, "Brother Gu's attitude towards the wolf clan was undoubtedly revealed more than ten years ago."

"If he didn't take it seriously, he wouldn't have personally assisted General Li Mu in defeating the wolf army and killing Touman Chanyu."

Fusu nodded calmly and said, "According to the teacher's instructions, we are asked to collect internal information about the Wolf Clan and Donghu as soon as possible, and analyze the relationship between Mao Dun and King Donghu, but this matter... I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle, right?”

After several years of experience, Fusu's practical ability can be said to have made great progress. Whether it is coordinating the hundreds of thousands of troops in the North or supervising the construction of the Great Wall, he can handle it in an orderly manner, but Inquiring into the inside information of the Wolf Clan and Donghu... I'm not very good at it.

More importantly, this kind of information is really difficult to obtain.

Because of language, appearance and other reasons, whether it is the wolf clan planting spies into the Central Plains, or the Central Plains planting spies into the wolf clan, it is an extremely difficult task.

It can be seen almost at a glance that you are not one of our own, and you can find out information about a hammer.

In addition, the wolf tribe generally lives from grass to grass and has no fixed place. Many times, finding a target is a luxury, let alone other things.

Han Fei straightened his face, stood up straight, and looked at Fusu with a smile, "Does the eldest son know one of my Legalist views?"

Fusu didn't say anything, but used his eyes to signal Han Fei to continue.

Han Fei unhurriedly raised the wine bottle on the table in front of him, tilted his wrist, and the clear wine slowly flowed out along the white jade spout and fell on the table, flowing freely.

Looking at the drinks flowing randomly on the table, Fusu murmured thoughtfully, "The people's hearts are like water..."

Han Fei smiled with satisfaction, "Yes, the people's hearts are like water, and their momentum is unpredictable."

"What does this have to do with the teacher's instructions?" Fusu asked doubtfully.

"Haha... Don't worry, young master." Han Fei smiled and explained unhurriedly, "Whether it's a barbarian or a Zhuxia, people's hearts are fickle, but they are no exception."

"The mergers and acquisitions between the wolf tribes never use gentle methods. They only use violence to suppress them and exploit them to the best of their ability. It can be said to be naked predatory of the weak. The wolf tribe seems to be accustomed to this kind of barbaric behavior. , but...does it really mean that no one has any complaints?" "Sir, what do you mean...split them from within?" At this point, Fusu of course understood what Han Fei meant, "Wolf The tribe has never been a king. They deeply hate the Central Plains and want to instigate rebellion...Do you have a goal, sir?"

Everyone knows that directly instigating a spy to come out is the best way to find out information. However, for foreigners, this method is difficult to work. The hostility and hatred between the two sides is almost rooted in the souls and is difficult to erase.

Han Fei suddenly proposed this method, and Fusu naturally thought that the other party had already found a suitable target.

In fact... Han Fei did pick a target that he thought was good.

"There is indeed one." Han Fei replied with a smile, "It's a small tribe, but the leader seems to be quite close to Mao Dun, so he should know a lot about it."

"When Mo Crow went to inquire about the wolf clan's intelligence, he accidentally discovered it. It seems that there can be some articles in it."

For Bai Feng, Mo Ya and others, there is a way to obtain information about the wolf clan, but it is still very troublesome and it is impossible to supply enough information stably for a long time.

Han Fei put down the wine bottle, looked at the wasted wine on the table with some distress, and then formally suggested to Fusu with a smile, "I think we should try it."

"Hmm..." Fusu nodded slightly and agreed, "Since Sir thinks there is much to be done, Fusu has no objection."

Then he added, "But Fusu believes that it is not enough to have a clever strategy, it is best to supplement it with a conspiracy."

"We in the Central Plains have always used barbarians to control barbarians. Maybe... we should also make some arrangements with other foreign races?"

Han Fei was not surprised by Fusu's proposal and nodded in response, "I have also considered the young master's proposal. From the current point of view, the most suitable one is the Yuezhi Kingdom."

"They are thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, but they are adjacent to the Wolf Clan. They have had constant disputes over the years. They made trouble when the Wolf Clan declined in the past few years. I believe they are also unwilling to see Mao Dun lead the Wolf Clan to rise again."

Fusu turned his eyes slightly, nodded and asked, "Since sir, you have already considered it, do you have a suitable person in mind to do this?"

The Yueshi have had almost no contact with the Central Plains over the years. They may not be hostile, but they definitely do not welcome people from the Central Plains. Not everyone can do it if they want to make some waves there, especially since the Yueshi have almost no access to people from the Central Plains. any support.

Han Fei narrowed his peach blossom eyes, showed a wicked smile, and gave his own advice, "Of course there is...the most suitable person for this matter is Chen Ping."

"Him?" Fusu was stunned. This man's ability is definitely sufficient, but... "Sir, is it a waste to send Chen Ping? If something goes wrong, I think... the loss would be too great."

Chen Ping, Xiao He and others are so easy to use. Fusu knows very well that if he accidentally loses any of them, he will be heartbroken to death!
  Of course, Han Fei also knew the importance of Chen Ping. If it were not for others to go, it would be difficult for him to do it, so he would not be willing to send Chen Ping, but didn't he have no choice?
  So he insisted on his opinion and said, "I understand the concerns of the young master, but the difficulty of this matter is obvious. Without a capable person, I'm afraid it won't have any effect within a few years."

"As for safety issues, we naturally need to make detailed plans to ensure that no one will get into trouble no matter what."

"Well...it depends on what Mr. Chen Ping wants." After hesitating for a moment, Fusu reluctantly agreed, but there were requirements, "This matter depends on what Mr. Chen Ping wants. If he is not willing, don't do it." Force it.”

"It's natural."

(End of this chapter)

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