Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 981 Unknown Wolf Destruction

Chapter 981 Unknown Wolf Destruction

After a rather tangled hesitation, Xiao Ling replied, "My uncle Beimingzi is currently living in seclusion in Tianzong and cultivating. Everything is fine. Mr. Gai, you will definitely not miss out."

"The real trouble in this matter is...Mr. Gai should have a sufficient understanding of Tianzong's philosophy. Uncle Master may not be willing to interfere in this matter."

"Ever since my master Chi Songzi passed away and the new master, Uncle Xiaomeng, went into seclusion, my impression is that Master Beimingzi has never stepped out of the bamboo forest where he lived in seclusion or interfered with any foreign affairs."

"At that time, even if you successfully take Tianming to Taiyi Mountain, you will probably get a rejection."

Xiao Ling explained this not-so-heartwarming reality in a heavy tone.

Heaven and earth are unkind, this is the Taoist thought.

Perhaps in ordinary people's cognitive concepts, if a child is dying, he must help cure it if he can, but Bei Mingzi... He may not care about life, old age, illness and death at the foot of the mountain, especially Bei Mingzi who has ignored everything now. .

Life and death are the normal state. In this huge world, countless people die prematurely. Can we save one, can we save ten, can we save hundreds, thousands, ten thousand... or even more?

There is no virtue in virtue, so there is virtue.

For the people of Tianzong, being overly obsessed with the so-called life and death is undoubtedly deviating from the Tao they pursue.

"..." Gai Nie fell into silence. After a moment, he repeated his previous words in a low tone, "Always... give it a try."

"Yes... there is always some hope..." Xiao Ling's eyes became a little uncertain as she thought of something, and sighed quietly.


On a remote road at the intersection of the three counties of Empire, Yang County, Chen County and Sishui County.

The Moon God led the four young masters, Siming, and Ehuang Nvying, and they were still walking on the road.

Living in the open air for a long time has not damaged the beauty of the girls. Their clothes are still so neat and gorgeous, their hair is still so smooth and natural, not to mention their creamy white skin, which is not affected at all.

Only the faint hint of fatigue between the eyebrows proved that even for the Yin Yang family who were outstanding in light skills, it was not a good choice to rush on their legs.

Looking up at the sun behind him that had completely disappeared under the horizon, leaving only a few residual rays of light, the Moon God turned his head and ordered, "Find a suitable place to stay and rest."

This is a world of martial arts, and no matter how beautiful the girl is, she is not a fairy. Rushing on the road cannot be done day and night. You have to eat when you need to eat, and sleep when you need to sleep. Especially when they are traveling with Qinggong like this, they must ensure enough rest.

These days, this is usually the arrangement every night, unless there happens to be a relatively large town nearby.

Just after Ehuang and the others gave their reaction, Yueshen suddenly turned around tensely and looked behind him.

The reaction of the four daughters of Ehuang was also very fast, and they turned around after the Moon God. Facing the setting sun, they saw a man on a horse, his face hidden in the shadows, quietly looking down at them. , and at the same time, the horses are still moving forward perfunctorily step by step.

After their eyes adjusted to the sudden change in light, the face of the horseman was clearly visible to everyone.

A face that has never changed at all for ten years.

"Hey! So it's you!" Gu Xun looked at the girls from the Yin Yang family and couldn't help but feel happy, "Are you guys on... an outing? Did you run a little far?"

Gu Xun had noticed someone in front of him before, but he didn't expect it to be someone from the Yin Yang family - not to mention that they were all together. After leaving Shangjun, he began a journey roughly southeast, but the specific route was determined by the horse and the horse. Not only did he get rid of the spies who had been following him all year round and confirmed his whereabouts in real time, he also entered a state of drifting out of contact, and there was no more contact at all. Any information collected by Quicksand.

He really didn't know the movements of Luna and the others.

Of course, these ladies used Qinggong to travel in person. If they deliberately concealed their whereabouts, the probability that Liusha's spies could follow them was not high.

Seeing that the person who suddenly appeared was Gu Xun, the girls reacted differently.

Luna frowned slightly, then smoothed it out, pretending to be nonchalant.

After Ehuang glared at Gu Xun with a bad attitude, he hugged his sister and looked at the scenery on the roadside.

Nvying smiled gently at Gu Xun, then lowered her head, unwilling to keep looking at Gu Xun.

A trace of fear flashed in Da Siming's eyes, and he did not dare to look at Gu Xun at all.

Shao Siming's behavior was both normal and abnormal - she looked at Gu Xun calmly and normally, just like ordinary people looking at each other. She didn't make any extra small movements, but her eyes never had any emotional ups and downs. There were a few waves in his eyes at first.

"National Master...do you have anything to do with us?" Luna asked in a soft and calm voice.

"Uh..." Gu Xun raised his hand and made a gesture, then clarified, "Obviously, we just met by chance."

"I'm not looking for you."

There was no ups and downs in Luna God's expression. He didn't know whether he believed it or not. He just stepped aside slightly and waved his hand forward, "In that case, let's just say goodbye."

"The Imperial Master is riding a horse, please take the first step."

Gu Xun would definitely not let her leave with a word. He grinned, grabbed the reins, leaned forward and spoke calmly, "Don't be in a hurry. It's boring to travel alone. We can chat all day long together. Anyway, my horse can’t run now.”

When Luna heard this, although she had no intention of paying attention to the horse's problems, she couldn't help but glance at the black horse under Gu Xun - it had a tall frame and pure coat. It looked like a good horse at first glance. Unfortunately, it seemed that it had not been taken care of well recently. His head was drooped, his hair was dull, and he looked a bit skinny.

Gu Xun saw the Moon God's eyes looking at his horse, and he reached out and patted the horse's neck, "These past few days, I just thought about the grass in the wild for it to eat, and didn't go into the city much. As a result, I was a little malnourished... Looking back, I still... You have to go to the city and feed yourself with some high-quality concentrate to replenish your body."

Luna's eyelids trembled, and she replied as calmly as possible, "I don't care about these..."

"Okay, let's talk about something important." Gu Xun laughed and said cheerfully, "Are you guys planning to... go to the machine city?"

Luna didn't try to deny it—forcibly denying it was just to cover up, but she didn't admit it directly. Instead, she asked, "Does the Imperial Master plan to get involved in the anti-Qin conference?"

"Well..." Gu Xun pretended to ponder for a while and then replied, "Don't count..."

"I have no intention of getting involved in the anti-Qin conference. I went to the city for other reasons."

He had already arranged the anti-Qin meeting.

In order to weaken the influence of the Jianghu as much as possible, he deliberately sent a wolf to kill them early, intending to give these Jianghu shrimps who love to join in the fun a hard job.

(End of this chapter)

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