Taoism moves mountains

Chapter 200 The green python eats the water wasp, the piranha eats the green python

Chapter 200 The green python eats the water wasp, the piranha eats the green python

No matter why those calluses fell, it is not a good thing after all.

Min Gushao, Chen Yuan and others also had the same idea.

They already had serious expressions on their faces, raising their heads to pay attention to the cocoons that could be smashed down at any time, as well as the water wasps that had gathered into groups.


Thousands of water wasps began to flap their wings and fly over.

Although the bamboo raft is still moving along the river, the water wasps are following behind like car exhaust.

Those who flew faster were burned to death by Jiang Yang with torches.


Chen Yugan reminded.

I saw a cocoon smashed down from the top of Jiang Yang's head.

Jiang Yang had always maintained a high degree of vigilance. He looked in all directions and noticed something falling from above. He moved sideways to the left and at the same time struck out the fallen cocoon. The bamboo rafts cannot be hit, otherwise they will be scattered by a huge force. Then they will fall into the water and need to deal with more ferocious piranhas.

However, Jiang Yang's touch on the callus made him feel uneasy.

With the combined efforts of everyone, they constantly used torches to deal with the attacking water wasps, and many of them were burned to death.

The cocoons that fell randomly did not hit them, but they did hit the water.

Just when they felt they could handle it, dense numbers of water squirrels appeared underwater.

Not surprisingly, the water wasps that were cultivated from the cocoons that fell into the water are now awake.

Sure enough, it is an amphibian that can survive in water and in the air!

The water wasp swam so fast in the water that it caught up with the bamboo raft and even flew out of the water.

Faced with such a terrifying number of water wasps, Jiang Yang's color changed instantly, and Hua Ling'er's face even faded.

House seemingly endless rain!

Even more worrying things continued to happen. The cocoons on the ceiling of the cave behind fell down one after another, and the chains on the ground jingled as the chains were pulled. Dozens of hundreds of cocoons shook and swayed, as if they were all going to fall down.

At this moment, the angry-eyed phoenix in the bamboo basket suddenly began to crow in a low voice.


This sound made Jiang Yang even more alert. This was the tacit understanding he had cultivated all along. As long as the Angry-Eyed Phoenix Chicken was restless, there would be enemies around it that could threaten it.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Jiang Yang quickly and cautiously looked around and saw something huge appearing on the bank of the river more than 20 meters downstream.

When he took a closer look, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Be careful behind you!" Jiang Yang reminded without hesitation.

Chen Yuguan and Min Guxiao quickly turned their heads, and what caught their eyes was a terrifying-looking green-scaled giant python, looking up at them from a rock not far away.

This giant python is huge, as thick as an ordinary bucket, like a blue dragon without claws, and the scales around its body are shining with a cold and sinister light.

Giant pythons have always been greedy for a shady environment. The cave here is not only humid, but also very shady, which is extremely suitable for it to survive.

"Get down!" Mingu whistle shouted hurriedly.

Now he no longer cares about the water wasps flying in the air. He can think of an effective way to deal with the giant green-scaled python, lying on the bamboo raft, hoping to get closer to the water and let the temperature of the water lower their temperature as much as possible. It is best to interact with dead objects. Same.

It is common sense that snakes will not eat dead things that are not warm, and the same should be true for pythons.

Jiang Yang and others quickly lay down on the bamboo raft and held their breath.

Not sure if this method worked, the bamboo raft slowly floated past the blue-scaled python, but the python did not attack them.

When the Water Hog Legion flew over, the giant python took action instead, opened its mouth wide at the Water Hog Bees, and swallowed a bunch of Water Hog Bees in one go.

The water wasps did not fight back. Their sucker-like mouths quickly sucked onto the python scales, but in vain.

The green python rolled around on the rocks on the shore, and the water wasp was crushed to death. Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment when he saw this situation, and then he understood.

This giant python was not awakened by them, but probably by the water wasp.

Fat maggot-like "water wasps" are extremely nutritious and are often the favorite snack of water snakes and anacondas.

Jiang Yang could figure it out, and so could Min Gushao.

After they floated a certain distance with the flowing water, the whistle quickly sat up and said: "Paddle away quickly. After those water wasps are eaten by the green python, it will definitely turn its attention back."

In this narrow cave, water wasps and green pythons are both troublesome, so staying away is the best policy.

There are also piranhas in the water peeping at the arrival of flesh and blood.

Unexpectedly, the predicament of the front and rear siege was solved like this. Fortunately, Jiang Yang paddled quickly to make the bamboo raft move forward faster.

"Isn't the green python also the work of King Xian? It was used to guard the tomb." Chen Yuguan suddenly asked.

"No, I feel that its aura is similar to that of the white ape in Bottle Mountain. It cannot be an existence that has lived for more than two thousand years." Jiang Yang answered firmly, because just now they passed by the green python easily. If the giant python was the kind of top-notch little monster that could definitely sense the life breath of Jiang Yang and others, how could he let them go so easily?

"Is such a huge python as strong as a white ape?" Chen Yugan asked in disbelief.

"Big doesn't necessarily mean powerful." Jiang Yang explained simply.

The demonized monster is as intelligent as a human being and knows how to use strategies and weapons.

Jiang Yang can guarantee that the white ape in Bottle Mountain can fight equally with the giant python just now. Even if one side wins, it will kill one thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred losses.

"Let's leave this cave quickly, maybe the green python will catch up." Red mushrooms are still afraid, whether it is piranhas, water wasps, or green-scaled giant pythons, they are not good enemies.

It's okay to face one, but if you face three at the same time, no one can guarantee that you can escape unscathed.

I don’t know if Russula Liang has awakened Crow Mouth. As soon as she finished speaking, a huge creature appeared in the water behind her.

It's the giant green-scaled python!
  Perhaps because Jiang Yang and others were exercising vigorously while paddling, their body heat and breath spread even more in the cave, attracting the green-scaled python that was devouring the water wasp.

Water wasps are just "snacks", and dinner is the blue-scaled python's favorite.

Therefore, the giant blue-scaled python abandoned the few remaining water wasps and quickly followed the heat in the air to chase them.

Jiang Yang also heard the noise, turned around and saw the figure of the giant green-scaled python in the darkness.

He immediately turned towards the bamboo pole and said to Hua Ling: "Hua Ling, shine the light behind you."

Soon enough, the giant green-scaled python was already within ten meters.

Hua Ling'er shined a flashlight behind her and almost screamed in surprise when she saw the giant green-scaled python.

Jiang Yang had already taken out the iron bow and attached a sharp armor-piercing arrow.

Draw your bow and aim!

Even on the swaying bamboo raft, Jiang Yang could still aim his bow smoothly.

"call out!"

Aim and shoot!

The armor-piercing arrow left the string and instantly hit the green python one inch below the neck. It pierced the green python's scales with great force and penetrated in. The python's blood spurted out instantly.

The green python's whole body twisted and rolled in pain, knocking down a lot of loose stones on the mountain wall.

The blood flowing out of the green python spread rapidly in the water.

Humans may not be able to smell this faint smell of blood, but for piranhas in the water, just the faint smell of blood is enough to drive them crazy.

Countless small black shadows suddenly appeared in the water, speckled with spots, gathering quickly, and then they all rushed towards the green python.

Piranhas are going crazy!

They were like boiling water, rolling around, attacking crazily, biting the green python crazily!

(End of this chapter)

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