hollywood melon man

Chapter 14 The battle over editing rights

Chapter 14 The battle over editing rights

"The duration of this shot is shorter to create a tense and exciting atmosphere of horror."

"No, it should be longer so that we can see the beautiful figure of the heroine."

In the editing room, Gilbert Jr. once again argued with editor Paul Collins. The two have had many similar disputes recently.

Paul Collins is Universal Pictures' own person. He will complete the editing of the film, which undoubtedly makes Universal Pictures feel more at ease.

At first, Gilbert Jr. only made some suggestions and had no intention of quarreling with Paul Collins.

But seeing Paul Collins' editing direction gradually deviate from the main line, focusing on Gwyneth Paltrow's beautiful figure, thus ignoring the most important theme of the film, little Gilbert finally couldn't help it.

"Your editing direction is wrong. Our film is about how to escape from the mouth of a shark. Sharp editing is very important.

If you want to watch pornographic films, why not go to the San Fernando Valley to edit them? "Little Gilbert asked loudly.

Paul Collins said nonchalantly: "Young man, you only have the right to make suggestions. As for how to edit, that's my business."

"Editing is indeed your business, but what you destroyed is a wonderful movie. I cannot tolerate your behavior."

"Then just report it," Paul Collins spread his hands: "Your behavior has crossed the line. You see who the company will listen to."

In Hollywood, new directors are really not qualified to dictate editing rights, but it would be nice to have the right to make suggestions.

As for whether to listen or not, that is their business, and it is not the turn of the new director to take care of it.

But if Gilbert was older, had experienced the ups and downs of the industry, and had a certain reputation, the editor would still be able to listen to his opinions to a certain extent.

But the problem is that little Gilbert is only 21 years old, and his work experience is only as the executive director of "Captain Hook".

Being young, with no qualifications or experience, it is easy to be looked down upon.

I didn’t realize it during the filming, but when it came to the post-editing and production stages, an important position like an editor would undoubtedly have a much greater say, and could completely keep little Gilbert out of the editing work by virtue of his status.

The thing about Paul Collins was that no matter what little Gilbert suggested, he didn't listen at all and edited everything according to his own ideas.

So the film turned into Gwyneth Paltrow showing off her figure on the beach and surfing in the sea, instead of escaping from the mouth of a shark.

Such a change is something that little Gilbert cannot accept no matter what.

Paul Collins could accept the failure of "Shark Tank" because he was a senior editor with qualifications and experience.

But little Gilbert couldn't accept it because it was his first film. Once it fails, I don’t know how long it will take to get another chance to direct.

That's why little Gilbert dared to risk the world's disapproval and compete with Paul Collins for editing rights.

MD: Anyway, this movie failed, and he doesn’t know when he will get another chance, and he has no way out.

If you look forward and backward for fear of offending others, you won't be able to accomplish anything.

Why don't we just rush in and fight hard, seize the work and seize power? The worst case scenario is that if we fail, we will quit directing and I will invest in Internet companies...

Soon, news spread to Universal executives that Gilbert Jr. and Paul Collins were competing for editing rights, and the two almost got into a fight in the editing room.

The director and editor almost got into a fight over editing issues? Is this a big deal?

What does little Gilbert want to do? Letting him participate in the editing work is already a great honor. Does he want to go to heaven?

So Universal Pictures Vice President Lew Wasser called Gilbert Jr. and Paul Collins to the office to resolve the conflict.

The way to resolve the conflict is very simple, that is, let Gilbert no longer interfere in the editing work, and everything will be based on Paul Collins's editing version.

But faced with Lou Vasseur, who had the power of life and death in the film, little Gilbert did not give in at all.

He had long known that Lou Vasseur was opposed to the investment project of "Shark Beach", and it was Akio Tanii who insisted on the project.

Akio Tanii is working on Spielberg and the "Jurassic Park" project, and this is also the most important job for Universal Pictures at the moment.

"Mr. Vasseur, all the ideas for this project came from me, and I know best what the finished film should look like.

When we were shooting in Hawaii, I also exchanged ideas with Mr. Spielberg, and he agreed with my ideas. I also gave Mr. Collins some sound advice, but he refused to listen and only edited the film according to his own ideas.

In doing so, he ruined the movie. "Little Gilbert sounded excited and criticized Paul Collins fiercely.

But for Lew Vassell, Paul Collins was the one he could trust.

Lou Vasseur could still maintain a good demeanor and said to little Gilbert with a smile: "Little Gilbert, I can understand your mood.

But Paul is a senior editor in our company, and he has produced countless good films. We believe that he will edit a good film for us. "

Little Gilbert disagreed with this statement, and his words were still very fierce: "Mr. Vasseur, if you have seen the finished film cut by Mr. Collins, you will find that what he cut is completely a pornographic film, completely different from a thriller shark film." It doesn't matter.

The shark was the biggest selling point of our movie, but Mr. Collins didn't seem to care about the shark at all. "

At this time, Paul Collins said to Little Gilbert in a mocking tone: "Little Gilbert, I have been doing this for so many years, and I know very well what the market likes to see."

Little Gilbert immediately retorted: "If you understood the market, you wouldn't be reduced to editing my films. You should be editing "Captain Hook" and in the future, "Jurassic Park."

"You..." Paul Collins almost couldn't breathe at the words of little Gilbert.

Little Gilbert was not going to let it go anymore, and continued to say to Lou Vasseur: "If Universal Pictures doesn't trust my ability, they should kick me out of the director position from the beginning of the film project, or not let this Project approval.

But now that the project has been approved, it proves that Universal Pictures still believes that this film has certain prospects.

This is a shark movie, a shark movie produced by director Spielberg. Has Mr. Vassell forgotten the box office myth created by "Jaws"? "

Gilbert Jr.'s words reminded Lew Wasser that this film was produced by Spielberg after all, and it was he who recommended Gilbert Jr. to Universal Pictures to participate in the editing work.

Combined with what Gilbert Jr. said earlier and having communicated with Spielberg, Lou Vasseur had to consider whether Spielberg really agreed with Gilbert Jr.'s statement.

Although Spielberg had little involvement in the project, the film was well into post-production.

Kicking off little Gilbert would be a disgrace to Spielberg, so there's no guarantee that Spielberg wouldn't think too much about it.

You know, many people are eyeing the "Jurassic Park" project. If Spielberg takes this project to another company, it will be a huge loss for Universal Pictures.

In front of "Jurassic Park" with an investment of US$6200 million, "Shark Tank" seems so worthless.

Therefore, Lou Vasseur felt that he should not lose the big for the small, and he had to eliminate all the factors that were not conducive to "Jurassic Park".

So Lou Vasseur said: "That's better than this. I will suggest to the senior management that you two edit separately, and finally we will make a decision based on the effect of the final film."

In fact, this was a way to appease little Gilbert and prevent him from causing trouble with Spielberg.

In Lew Wasser's view, he was surprised that a young director was able to shoot "Shark Beach", so how could he complete the post-editing work.

At that time, some comparisons will make little Gilbert give up, and Universal Pictures will release the Paul Collins cut.

As for Little Gilbert's version, it can be added when the video tape is released, and the director's cut version can also increase the selling point of the video tape.

For Gilbert Jr. and Paul Collins, this was a plan acceptable to both of them, and they agreed.

On the way out, Paul Collins taunted: "Boy, the water is very deep in this business. Be careful that you get submerged. I won't be able to see you in the future."

Little Gilbert didn't expect that this American would use metaphors to ridicule, and he was quite literate.

However, he refused to give in and choked out: "You have been working as an editor for so many years, and this is your level.

Don't worry, I'm the one heading to the top. When the time comes and I see you drowning, I might take pity on you and throw you a survival circle. "

After half a sentence, the two turned around and left, never exchanging a word again.

Within a few days, Universal Pictures sent word that Gilbert Jr. and Paul Collins would each edit a version.

The two were able to work separately without having to see the face that they both hated.

(End of this chapter)

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