hollywood melon man

Chapter 60 Fresh Ideas

Chapter 60 Fresh Ideas
  After Christmas and New Year, it was officially 1993.

The crew of "Speed" ended their short vacation and continued to devote themselves to filming.

All in-studio scenes have been filmed, and the remaining scenes have been moved to Highways 105 and 110.

Next, there is the drag racing scene, which requires stuntmen to get on top.

Keanu Reeves is obviously not Tom Cruise. Although the two are equally good-looking, it is still too difficult for Keanu Reeves to go racing in person.

And, the show’s driving force is Sandra Bullock’s Annie.

However, the interior shots of the racing scene have been almost filmed, so there is no need for the leading actors to be involved in the exterior racing scenes, just the stuntmen.

But the actors also have to go up from time to time to pose and take close-up shots.

According to Gilbert Jr.'s idea, a high-speed camera was set up on the car to follow the footage of the tires rubbing against the ground.

Scenes like this, in Hollywood more than ten years later, would be the kind that would be spoiled.

But in 1993, such a lens was a fresh idea, and it shocked photographer Duer Randolph as soon as it was proposed.

Of course, Charles Rowan still objected to the expensive high-speed camera being set up in the car for filming, but little Gilbert dressed Charles Rowan in a stripper pajama suit.

The next day, Charles Rowan came to the set holding his waist and said to little Gilbert: "Hey, little Gilbert, we can't do this anymore. Three cameras have been damaged this month."

Little Gilbert smiled half-heartedly and said, "Charles, is your waist okay?"

"Of course, I'm very fierce." Charles Rowan straightened his back and made a crunching sound.

He quickly held his waist and wailed: "Oh, I can't help it, my waist seems to be broken."

Of course, the waist was not broken, it just straightened up suddenly and flexed.

Kane Waxman smiled and said: "Charles, it seems that the stripper yesterday was so powerful that she broke your waist."

"That's right," Charles Rowan said with an afterthought look on his face: "How about you try it too?"

"No," Kane Waxman shook his head repeatedly: "I am too old to bear this excitement."

Outside of work, cracking a joke can also help lighten the mood.

Today we filmed another big scene, the scene where the bus flies over the bridge. In fact, according to Charles Rowan’s suggestion, this one also requires model shooting to be more reliable.

But little Gilbert believes that if you can take real shots, you won’t be imaginary.

He arranged two cameras directly inside the car and on the tires on the outside side, three cameras on the broken bridge, and a drone to shoot at a low altitude.

Shoot from multiple angles and locations to give the audience a big one.

Before filming began, Gilbert Jr. asked the crew to carefully check to ensure safety and that the camera would not be positioned.

"Check everything, be sure to check it carefully, I don't want any problems to occur." Little Gilbert shouted as he directed the crew.

The crew was busy working, and little Gilbert got on the bus again and said to the stunt performer: "You must be careful when driving. The speed must exceed 60 miles before the bus can fly over. You can't slow down. Do you understand?"

The stuntman made an OK gesture to express his understanding.

No matter how thorough the preparations and inspections are, there is no guarantee that problems will not arise. But preparation and inspection are necessary to eliminate the chance of problems to close to zero.

There were no accidents in this filming. After little Gilbert gave the order, the stunt driver drove the bus and flew from the jumping platform on the broken bridge according to the established route, flew to the opposite broken bridge, landed smoothly, and sped away. And go.

The camera faithfully recorded this scene. The camera under the platform, the side camera, the front and back cameras, including the drone, all faithfully recorded this amazing shot.

Sophia didn't call God anymore at this moment. After experiencing the scene where the house was blown up into the sky, she was no longer surprised by the tricks little Gilbert played.

During a break in filming, she said to little Gilbert: "Actually, you don't understand film art at all."

Little Gilbert was stunned and asked: "Why do you say that?" Sofia said: "The films you shoot are either full of horror elements, or they are full of bombs, and non-stop racing scenes, and they do not delve into the inner world of the characters at all. .”

Little Gilbert laughed dumbly, and then explained: "Sophia, what you said about exploring the inner world of the characters is the matter of independent films.

I make commercial films, and I make whatever the audience wants to see. "

Sofia was speechless. She finally understood the difference in filmmaking concepts between her and Little Gilbert.

But this does not affect her from continuing to work with little Gilbert. Anyway, the salary is not cheap and her expenses are not small, so she needs this job.

If given the chance, Sophia still hopes that she can direct films independently like Katherine Bilog and become a respected female director.

The filming of "Speed" is coming to an end. Under the arrangement of Warner Pictures and Disney, news of "Speed" finally appeared in the media.

However, even with little Gilbert in charge, Keanu Reeves still did not attract enough attention after the small hit of "The Vampire 400".

Movie fans still pay more attention to those big productions, especially "Jurassic Park", which released its first trailer.

Little Gilbert has already communicated with Disney and Warner, and "Speed" has long been scheduled to be released in the summer.

It would be a pity for such a commercial masterpiece not to be released in the summer season.

In order to avoid a collision with "Jurassic Park", little Gilbert inquired about the news in advance. Fortunately, Spielberg put the film on June 6.

According to the production schedule of "Speed", the film can be released in early May, which is more than a month before "Jurassic Park", which is relatively safe.

Additionally, while the film was being produced, Gilbert Jr. and Charles Rowan discussed publicity strategies.

"I think the film can definitely be used as a trailer for the Super Bowl halftime commercial." Gilbert Jr. proposed the idea.

Charles Rowan and Kane Waxman looked at each other, obviously shocked by the idea of ​​little Gilbert.

Seeing the two people looking stupid, little Gilbert explained: "What is the essence of a movie? It is a commodity, right?"

Seeing the two people nodding, Little Gilbert continued: "Since it is a commodity and the audience needs to buy tickets, is there any problem with advertising in the Super Bowl?

Advertisements for watches, computers, cars, and even condoms can be posted, but there is no reason why movie ads cannot be posted. "

"Little Gilbert, you..." Charles Rowan was so shocked that he couldn't speak. After a while, he said: "You are simply a genius."

"Thank you, everyone said that." Little Gilbert was not very happy when he heard the praise, but asked: "What do you think? What do you think?"

Charles Rowan and Kane Waxman looked at each other, and Charles Rowan said: "We need to communicate with the company to discuss whether it is feasible."

"Okay, tell me the result as soon as possible." Little Gilbert said.

He came up with the idea, but the final execution depends on the publicity and distribution department of the film company.

Super Bowl ads are not cheap, but they are also highly sought-after. If you are determined to place an ad, you have to act quickly.

If I remember correctly, the 1993 Super Bowl halftime show will be the pop superstar Michael Jackson.

It was this pop superstar who took the Super Bowl stage and brought the Super Bowl halftime show to the world.

On the other side of the Pacific, it is even nicknamed the North American Spring Festival Gala.

And in terms of excitement, the Super Bowl halftime show, which lasted only ten minutes, was much more interesting than the increasingly boring Spring Festival Gala decades later.

The Super Bowl obviously could not have predicted that its future Super Bowl halftime ads would be so popular. Although the current advertising prices are not cheap, they are far from sky-high.

Placing advertisements on it, in Little Gilbert's opinion, is very worthwhile.

By then, the halftime show of this Super Bowl will attract a lot of attention, and the advertising space will be worth every penny.

(End of this chapter)

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