hollywood melon man

Chapter 92 Battle against Animal Protection

Chapter 92 Battle against Animal Protection
  There was no politeness, no pleasantries, no humility. As soon as the debate began, little Gilbert was besieged by seven experts from the animal protection organization.

"Director Gilbert, I heard that during the filming of "Iron Fist", a cow was abused. Do you admit this?" Jack Wells, the chief expert of the animal protection organization, took the lead in launching an attack.

Facing Jack Wills' aggressive attitude, little Gilbert seemed not to care. He even wiped his face with a tissue as if to wipe away the spit from Jack Wills.

But in fact, little Gilbert was relatively far away from the seven experts. Unless he did it intentionally, his saliva wouldn't be able to fly so far.

It was this gesture that made Jack Wills angry when he saw it. What did he think this was? This is a battlefield. Is he here for vacation?
  In fact, this was Little Gilbert's intention, in order to anger the expert team on the opposite side, make them lose their calm thinking in anger, and then lead them step by step into the ditch.

Of course, as a debate expert, people are not easily swayed by emotions, so this is just the first step.

Facing Jack Wills' questioning, little Gilbert still maintained his gentle tone, as if the fierceness on the other side had nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Wells, I don't know where you heard the rumor, but since it is hearsay, it means it is not true.

I have already said that the bull named Black Lightning is a local meritorious bull and has won three consecutive bullfighting competitions.

We respect this fighting champion cow, so we thought of working with it in a movie.

I don’t know where your so-called abuse and harm come from? "

"We have photos here to prove it," Jack Wills said, showing several photos of Black Lightning.

It can be clearly seen that there are indeed many wounds on Black Lightning's body, some of which look quite serious.

If there was an Internet live broadcast at this time, and it also had a barrage function, it is estimated that the barrage would be filled with voices feeling distressed for Niu Niu and denouncing little Gilbert.

But little Gilbert didn’t give in at all: “These wounds you showed are exactly the proof of the Black Lightning Champion Bull.

And it can be seen from the photos that some of the wounds are obviously very old. How can we say that they were caused by abuse on the set? "

As he spoke, little Gilbert also took out a certificate: "This is a certificate issued by an authoritative veterinary expert. It has a clear judgment of the wound, the approximate time, and how it was caused."

Another expert took a look at the certificate and sneered: "Mr. Gilbert, I am an expert in animal medicine. This so-called certificate of yours is simply a forgery."

"Yes, we have evidence that it was clearly the robot built by your crew that made the cow look like this."

Another expert pounded the table and shouted loudly, trying to cause psychological pressure to little Gilbert in this way.

"Robot?" Little Gilbert was very happy. He motioned to host Abby to continue showing the photos, pointed at the big screen and said, "Are you referring to this robot?"

After several experts on the opposite side nodded and said that this was it, before the experts could speak, little Gilbert said, "Gentlemen, please use your stupid brains to think about it carefully.

It’s almost the 21st century, stop fooling the unsuspecting public with that look.

If there were a robot that could defeat a champion cow, do you think the guys at the Pentagon would let such a weapon go? "

Years of Hollywood science fiction movies have made many North American people who don't want to use their brains subconsciously believe that robots like the ones in "Terminator" and artificial intelligence are real.

But as long as you have a little understanding of the development of science and technology, you will know that robots do exist, but robots like the T-800 in "Terminator" do not exist in reality.

Audiences across the United States who watched this program followed little Gilbert's words and finally used their brains.

Yes, according to both parties, the black lightning is a champion cow. What kind of robot can beat a champion cow head-on? And caused so much damage to it?

The next direction of the debate is very interesting, as experts from animal rights organizations try their best to prove that Black Lightning is just an ordinary cow.

Little Gilbert seized on this and loudly denounced animal protection organizations on live TV, saying that they did not really care for animals.

“If you really love animals, why would you have the heart to deprive a champion cow of its honor?
  Isn’t the honor of cattle an honor? Are you discriminating against man’s best friend, the cow? "

Jack Wills, who was opposite him, had eyes wide open and his face was red with anger.

This is my word, my word, this damn bastard, actually tampering with my word...

The expressions of several other experts from animal protection organizations are also not good-looking. In the name of protecting animals, they have been arrogant and arrogant to major Hollywood production crews. Who would have imagined that one day the boomerang would hit him.

Who is this little Gilbert? His arguments are clear, but he can also confuse people. His eloquence is so good, and his words are extremely inflammatory.

He shouldn't be making movies, it's a waste, he should be in Washington, that's his stage.

There are a lot of directors, producers, and actors who are deeply affected by this show, including potential rival Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise looked at the expert group of animal protection organizations and was speechless and couldn't help but clapped his hands in celebration.

He himself was once disgraced by an animal protection organization, and he also had a grudge against this animal protection organization.

However, due to interests, CAA is now entangled with animal protection organizations.

Agent Pat Kinliss on the side couldn't help but said: "Tom, don't get excited, don't forget, this is something planned by Michael and Martin.

Little Gilbert will definitely put the blame on your head. They did good things, but we have to bear the consequences. "

Nicole Kidman hesitated: "Tom, I think it's better for us not to get involved in this matter.

Naomi said that little Gilbert was very vindictive and would not care about the normal competition, but if he was maliciously harassed, he would definitely take revenge. "

Although Tom Cruise is arrogant, he is still a smart person if someone reminds him.

After thinking for a while, he said to Pat Jinlisi: "Pat, tell Michael that I will not go to the activities of the animal protection organization.

By the way, what should we do if Michael asks? "

Pat Kinley said nonchalantly: "Tom, you are a Hollywood superstar, Michael can't even handle little Gilbert, let alone you.

As for me, I don’t have no support within CAA, and they can’t handle me either. "

Hearing this, Tom Cruise was relieved.

The debate on the live TV show continued. They used the Black Lightning cow to attack Little Gilbert, but Little Gilbert seized the opportunity and counterattacked.

After that, the expert team from the animal protection organization became more cautious and realized that little Gilbert was not that simple.

Also, although he is young, he is able to make his way in Hollywood at a young age. Of course, he is not a simple figure.

After this, the animal protection organization used a rogue trick, which was to make an issue of little Gilbert eating meat.

It was Jack Wills again, and several photos were played on the big screen. In the photos, little Gilbert transformed into a chef, grilling ribs.

Little Gilbert snorted and smiled: "Mr. Wells, I eat meat. Is it not illegal to eat meat? I'm not eating protected animals."

"Of course it's not illegal," Jack Wills seemed to have found a new point of attack and regained his composure: "But you ate meat, and you ate animal meat."

"So? Mr. Wells never eats meat, right?" Little Gilbert began to create a trap.

Jack Wills didn't notice, and several other experts didn't think anything was wrong. They readily admitted that he was a vegetarian.

Who knows, little Gilbert suddenly slapped the table and made several snapping noises, which startled the expert team opposite.

"So, you are usually vegetarian? Do you still have any conscience?"

The audience in front of the TV was still wondering what the connection between vegetarianism and conscience was, but Robert Iger, Jeff Robinoff, and Doug Walter all laughed.

Obviously, they had known little Gilbert's countermeasures for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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