hollywood melon man

Chapter 94 Momus

Chapter 94 Momus

Little Gilbert's victory in the TV show debate helped many Hollywood crews a lot.

Among them is "The Shawshank Redemption."

This film was originally shot well, but the animal protection organization heard from somewhere that the crew was going to film a scene where a bird eats an insect.

So I immediately protested, saying that the crew had harmed a bug.

Forced by the power of animal protection organizations for many years, the crew of "The Shawshank Redemption" had to do their best to protect this bug.

Not only do we need to pay attention to bugs at all times to prevent them from being eaten by birds, we also have a doctor for the bugs and a resting place built specifically for the bugs to rest.
  Morgan Freeman, one of the leading actors, complained: "This bug has a better life than humans."

People from the animal rights organization knew this, so they protested again. Morgan Freeman had to apologize and donate $100,000 to the animal rights organization before they let him go.

Who would have imagined that as soon as the donation was given, little Gilbert got into a quarrel with the animal protection organization and even appeared on a TV show.

Morgan Freeman watched the whole show and saw little Gilbert's victory. He couldn't help but open a bottle of red wine to celebrate.

The next day, the animal protection organization once again sent people to supervise the crew to prevent them from causing harm to the bugs.

As a result, the people from the animal protection organization were kicked out by the producers and directors of "The Shawshank Redemption."

When did the animal protection organization suffer this grievance, they immediately threatened the crew that they would protest if they did not correct the situation.

The director was very tough: "Your mask of hypocrisy has been torn off by Director Gilbert a long time ago. We will never accept such unreasonable threats."

The producer also added: "We will consult lawyers and pursue the animal protection organization's extortion against the crew."

The people from the animal protection organization were confused by the sudden tough attitude of the crew. For a while, they had no choice but to retreat.

Morgan Freeman later became increasingly angry as he thought about it, so after the noble bug finished filming its part, he was thrown to the ground by Morgan Freeman and trampled to death with his leather shoe.

He also deliberately ran his leather shoes back and forth several times to confirm that the damn bug had turned into a puddle of mud.

Later, when the director asked where the bug had gone, Morgan Freeman calmly clapped his hands and said, "I accidentally stepped on it."

The director glanced at Morgan Freeman and instantly understood what was going on.

Not to mention Morgan Freeman, his purpose of looking for bugs is also to vent his anger.

Similar changes occurred not only in the crew of "The Shawshank Redemption" but also in other crews with animal actors.

Animal rights groups suddenly discovered that after losing the TV debate, Hollywood changed overnight.

The crew, who had been respectful to them and feared being protested by them, suddenly became tough.

The most intuitive impact of the tough attitude is that the donations received by animal protection organizations have dropped significantly.

This means that the interests of animal protection organizations have been seriously damaged.

And all these are the changes brought about by little Gilbert, and the animal protection organization hated little Gilbert.

Before little Gilbert, animal rights groups had a pretty good time.

By using the banner of protecting animals, they are blackmailing major Hollywood film crews and other industries, with no disadvantages.

But it was little Gilbert who pushed aside the bloody side of the animal protection organization and showed it to the public.

Then pull them down from their moral high ground and no longer be able to lash out at others based on their morality.

Some senior members of the animal protection organization were thinking of hiring a murderer to kill little Gilbert, who was shot eight times in the back and committed suicide.

But it is a pity that although Gilbert Jr. is only a director, he is a director who has attracted attention across the United States, and he is also a squid.

Animal protection organizations have learned how difficult squid can be.

Moreover, the big financier behind the animal protection organization is originally Squid Silk. If he does something like this, he will definitely be retaliated against.

Now that they are noisy and noisy, and cannot use physical means to eliminate them, animal protection organizations are depressed.

This revenge must be avenged, otherwise there will be no way to survive in the future.

At this time, debate expert Jack Wills made a suggestion to animal protection organizations. For the sake of the organization, he thought of a way. If he couldn't take revenge on little Gilbert, he could take revenge on Michael Ovitz!

The animal protection organizations thought the same thing. After all, it was Michael Ovitz who did this, and we were also unlucky because of you, so we had to target you.

As a result, the protestors who originally protested against the "Iron Fist" crew quickly went to the entrance of the CAA office building to protest against Michael Ovitz and Martin Bobb.

This celestial blow disgraced Michael Ovitz.

Michael Ovitz was not an easy man, so he immediately followed Gilbert's example and started a quarrel with an animal protection organization.

The animal protection organizations became angry and directly exposed Michael Ovitz's plan to protest against the mistreatment of cattle.

Not only this, Michael Ovitz teamed up with animal protection organizations to do many shady things in the past, and they were all exposed at once.

The animal protection organization felt that the reputation of our organization had been ruined anyway, so they simply stepped aside.

So, Michael Ovitz became the backer.

For a time, people across the United States repeatedly read the news in newspapers and television. Various hype reports from Disney and Warner media described the deal between Michael Ovitz and animal protection organizations as a deal between two greedy devils.

Michael Ovitz didn't expect that the boomerang would eventually hit him.

If I had known that little Gilbert was so eloquent, why would he have planned such a thing!
  Gilbert Jr. argued with an animal protection organization, which brought bad luck to the animal protection organization, and then exposed each other with CAA, which was a matter of continuous speculation for two or three months.

In the end, Michael Ovitz couldn't stand it anymore, apologized in front of the media, and then took the blame and resigned as CAA president.

His successor was Martin Bob.

However, Martin Bob's position is also unstable, because CAA is not satisfied with the role he and Michael Ovitz played in this crisis.

Pat Kinlis and Enoch Martin are working together to drive Martin Bob down.

One of them has Tom Cruise, and the other has Tom Hanks, who has just been well-known to the audience for his role in "Sleepless in Seattle."

Both of them are ambitious and not afraid of Martin Bob, the new CAA president.

A CAA caught in civil strife is undoubtedly more in the interests of little Gilbert, so that CAA will be unable to cause trouble for itself.

But he was still quite curious, after what happened, whether Michael Eisner was still interested in inviting his friend Michael Ovitz of the same year to be the president of Disney.

I don’t know how Michael Ovitz will feel when facing himself who works closely with Disney.

After all, to a certain extent, he was the culprit of his downfall.

Little Gilbert no longer paid attention to what happened next.

After winning the TV debate, little Gilbert returned to the crew and started filming seriously.

The crew members were obviously more respectful than before. It was obvious that the director's strong talkative ability scared them all.

Even the leading actor, Bruce Willis, could bargain with little Gilbert in terms of acting before.

But after this time, he acted as he wanted and didn't dare to raise any other opinions.

He was also afraid, afraid that little Gilbert would catch him and scold him.

Little Gilbert saw the reaction of the crew, but he couldn't laugh or cry.

He is not a Chihuahua and will bark twice when he sees anyone. As long as he doesn't offend himself, he has a pretty good temper!
  It's a pity that no one believed these words.

Now the outside media has spread rumors about little Gilbert's performance on the set. After the horror film The Little Prince and The Man of Explosion, his third nickname, Momus on the set, was born.

In Greek mythology, Momus is the personified god of ridicule, condemnation, and satire. He is also the patron saint of writers and poets, and is keen on condemning and slandering.

In classical art, people are often portrayed as extremely venomous people wearing mocking masks.

This image is quite consistent with the impression that little Gilbert has left to the outside world now.

(End of this chapter)

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