Honglou: This bastard is too persuasive.

Chapter 23 Lin Daiyu arrives and plans Jiayu Village

Chapter 23 Lin Daiyu arrives and plans Jiayu Village

"Please rest assured, Sir, we will never let down your sincere advice."

"Yes, Master, don't worry. Please take care of us in the future."

They had already decided at this moment that they would follow Lin Daiyu and have a good relationship with Jia Qi.

If the Lin family girls were really that rich, they would definitely become prosperous.

After all, Mr. Chen is more knowledgeable than them, and it will be beneficial to them to have a good relationship with him.

In this pleasant atmosphere, the ship from Yangzhou stopped at the pier.

They quickly came to the front of the ship and waited.

The moment she saw a middle-aged man walking off the boat with an old woman and two girls, Jia Qi led several old women to greet them.

"This person is a cousin from Mr. Lin's family."

Jia Yucun looked at the young man coming over and the old ladies behind him, with a flash of disdain in his heart.

The Jia family is indeed in decline.

Others don't know what the Lin family's current situation is, but he does.

Now that the Lin family has sent their only eldest daughter, the Jia family has only sent so few people, which is really not enough attention.

It's also a bit unclear.

But what does this have to do with him? This time he brought a letter of recommendation from Mr. Lin. As long as the Jia family could contribute, nothing else mattered in letting him become an official again.

"Young Master, it's the girl from the Lin family who patrolled the Salt Censor. I haven't asked yet, Young Master, are you from Rongguo Mansion?"

Jia Qi naturally knows who the person in front of him is? The moment I saw him, I thought of what he had done, and an idea suddenly came to my mind.

People like Jia Yucun are definitely not good people.

It can even be said that he is a big bad guy.

Letting such a person out to serve as an official would simply be a detriment to the people of this world.

It's better to keep him here. In this case, maybe this old guy can give me some more malicious suggestions, so that I can prosper.

So he quickly said with a smile on his face.

"Exactly, you are the Jia Hua that Uncle Lin was talking about, right? Today we will take Miss Lin back home first. If you don't mind, you can stay in the city first. I will go to find you tomorrow and take you with me. I wonder what you think of going to Rongguo Mansion?"

Jia Yucun smiled at the corners of his eyes and was very happy in his heart.

Although this young master from Rongguo Mansion is young, he is still quite sensible.

Isn't it just for this moment that he worked so hard to send Lin Daiyu to the capital?

Originally, he thought that he would go to Rongguo Mansion shamelessly and meet the head of Rongguo Mansion.

Now that this young master is willing to help introduce him, that would be the best, and he doesn't have to lose face himself.

So, he pointed to an inn next to him and said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, young master. I will rest at the inn next to you for the day, and I will wait for you to arrive tomorrow."

Jia Qi glanced at the inn and nodded to show that he understood.

Jia Yucun also understood that the next thing was about the Rongguo Mansion and the Lin family, and it had nothing to do with him, so even if Lin Daiyu looked at her nervously, he smiled distantly and indifferently, then cupped his hands and walked towards the inn. Lin Daiyu's eyes were a little disappointed, knowing that she could not count on her master.

Of course, he was not too worried because he knew that the person who could name Jia Hua must be from Rongguo Mansion and could not be fake.

Just looking at these people coming from Rongguo Mansion, he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

However, she remained silent, waiting for the young man opposite to introduce her and arrange things.

As a result, Jia Qi did not speak at this time, but gave a look to the women next to him. The women immediately understood that it was time for them to express themselves.

They just saw Miss Lin getting off the boat. The old woman next to her was not only carrying a package, but also a delicate box. They didn't know if it contained banknotes.

If the Lin family is really rich as Young Master said, then their opportunity will come.

Ever since, one of the women said enthusiastically.

"Hey, this girl Lin is really handsome. We are from Rongguo Mansion. My wife arranged for us to come to pick up the girl this time. We met Mr. Qi on the way. Why does he insist on coming to greet you?"

Lin Daiyu was thoughtful after hearing this. She knew that there was an adult Jia Qi in her grandmother's family who was separated.

I think it's the one in front of me.

Thinking that the rest of the Jia family did not come, but Jia Qi, who had been separated to live alone, came, my impression of him suddenly became much better.

He even leaned slightly and said something.

"Daiyu has met her cousin."

Jia Qi smiled and waved his hands.

"You don't have to be polite to me. I'm here to greet you this time. One of them sent a few of them because they were really shameless, and the other also wanted to remind you. You should pay more attention when you go to Jia's house in the future."

"If I don't tell you some things in advance, you will never feel comfortable in Jia's house."

Daiyu looked puzzled.

But this time there was no need for Jia Qi to say it, an old woman had already said it.

"Young lady, you don't know. Before you even come, the servants in our Rongguo Mansion have spread the word that you are a poor man and you came to our Rongguo Mansion to catch the autumn wind, so no one is willing to greet you. "

"We old ladies also feel that this shouldn't be the case, and we pity your plight, so we took the initiative to take this job and come to greet you."

"But after meeting Mr. Jia Qi on the road, we realized that the rumors in the mansion were all false."

"At this point, I have to say something."

"Rong Guo Mansion is, after all, a palace of a prince. Not every servant there is like us and has a kind heart."

"After all, who among us today doesn't want to work with a good master, make more money, and live a good life."

"If the girl really enters the Rongguo Mansion like this, then it will be confirmed that the girl has a broken household. This will not only make your life in the Rongguo Mansion more difficult in the future, but it will also damage your reputation and the reputation of the Lin family. .”

"So, we old ladies discussed it and thought it would be better to tell you these things."

"If possible, we also recommend that you come with us to buy a more luxurious carriage, at least worthy of your status as the eldest lady of the Salt Patrol Censor's House."

"At the same time, if possible, go to Yahang to buy a few servants. It is best if possible, buy a few shops and some land near Rongning Street as your income in the capital."

"That way, no one can talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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