My achievements are a bit abstract

Chapter 143 The girl in the photo

Chapter 143 The girl in the photo
  In just a few words, Liu Rulong was immediately put to death.

Facing a pair of dead fish eyes without any emotion, and a world-weary face buried in the shadows, Liu Rulong didn't know when he said the wrong thing. He froze on the spot and blinked, revealing a stupid yet clear expression. temperament.

"Are you trying to say that I always exude too much sincerity towards people, so I will only get ridiculed and thrown into the trash can as a waste emotion, whose only value is to provide entertainment for others? You want to say I’m a clown?”

"I didn't." Liu Rulong shook his head quickly.

He really didn’t say anything! !

No, what kind of thinking is this? How is this unwarranted association possible?
  Facing the man in front of him, Liu Rulong suddenly felt like he was about to suffocate.

"Come here and have a drink with me."

Yuan Ye said a word and turned back immediately.

Look at the door of Nima, whoever wants to look at it has nothing to do with him anyway.

People don't take them seriously at all. If that's the case, then everyone should just cope with it. If you cope with it, I'll cope with it too.

You don't treat me like a dish, it makes me seem to treat you like a dish.

Anyway, just get over this errand first.

Liu Rulong: "."

You just want to have a drink, right? But what does it have to do with me? I'm just a carefree little stand-in.

But he didn't know why, but from the moment he saw Yuan Ye, he felt that the man in front of him felt very familiar to him.

Especially after he started talking, the inexplicable smell became even stronger.

Liu Rulong thought for a while, and it seemed that he couldn't refuse and could only follow.

Moreover, people came all the way to camp here, so they should really show their loyalty as landlords.

This was the idea that came to Liu Rulong's mind.

"Are there any spare rooms?"

Yuan Ye asked.

"Yes." Liu Rulong nodded.

"Let's go!" Yuan Ye said.

Liu Rulong had no choice but to lead Yuan Ye through the corridor and arrived at the door of a room.

The door of this room looks larger than the door of any room in the aircraft, and it is also equipped with password locks and other devices.

Liu Rulong stood in front of the door. Soon, a camera-like device on the door frame was activated. An infrared light curtain illuminated Liu Rulong, and the door opened.

"This is my sister's activity room. It is specially used for activities and relaxation." Liu Rulong introduced.

"Haha? Do you have an exclusive activity room?" Yuan Ye looked at the young boy in front of him in surprise: "Is it really yours?"

"That's right, otherwise who could it be?" Liu Rulong's eyes dodged.

Yuan Ye looked away suspiciously.

The little thing is quite unique. It seems that the young man in front of him now has a low status in this aircraft?

Could it be one of the scientific researchers?
  Probably not, because it doesn't look like him. First of all, he's too young.

It's not that you can't achieve something at a young age. In today's era, there are everyone, and spiritual warriors have emerged. It's not impossible for some freaks and monsters with developed brains to appear.

There are actually people like this, not to mention after Lingwu recovers, even before Lingwu recovers, and they are not isolated cases.

But where is Hanxia? This is a place where people from all walks of life are judged on more than just ability.

Seniority, connections, factions.

All kinds of things can play a more important role than ability.

Therefore, it is not very likely that official scientific researchers will appear at this age.

And just those clear eyes revealed in the stupidity.

An aura of great intelligence came to his face, and Yazi didn't look very smart at first glance.

They must be the family members of some important person. Entering the rest and activity room, Yuan Ye looked up and down, his eyes suddenly lit up with a look of surprise on his face.

"You have good taste!"

Yuan Ye said in shock.

Originally, he just regarded the other person as a random boy who he met casually, so that he could have an excuse to go off and fish, and then he would have someone to talk to with him.

I didn't even think about having a deep relationship.

but now.

What did he see?
  In the activity room, there is a computer first. The host in the sea view room can see the huge 4090 inside.

Several game consoles were placed next to them, with game discs scattered everywhere.

There are posters all over the wall, as well as a cabinet of figures and toy models.

He saw the physical collection ultimate editions of "Big Cousin 2" and "2077", as well as some paintings that seemed particularly abstract, and the lines on them had an incomprehensible beauty.

"Just do it casually." Liu Rulong shifted his gaze and replied.

In fact, he shouldn't have brought a stranger he just met into this room, because this room has a very special meaning to him.

Even the powerful men assigned by the Zhentian Division above have no right to enter this room.

But for some reason, he brought the man in front of him in by accident.

When facing the man in front of him, he always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he didn't know where this sense of familiarity came from.

It stands to reason that due to the environment in which he has lived since he was a child, he has not had much contact with his peers due to his own particularities.

Furthermore, he was also protected fiercely, with people following him wherever he went. Even people of his own age couldn't stand this attitude and walked around when they saw him.

Although this kind of loneliness cannot be compared with someone else, it is actually quite lonely. He has not come into contact with many people at all.

Not to mention Xinhai, this is his first time coming to Xinhai.

It stands to reason that there is no one he is familiar with here.

With one exception, one that gave him a headache just thinking about it.

But obviously, that person shouldn't be here, so the possibility can be ruled out.

It's probably because he was too lonely and wanted to communicate with the outside world so much that he brought people here.

Besides, the person in front of him, except for the way he spoke was a bit suffocating, was actually quite good in every aspect, making him feel at home.

When he reacted, it was already too late. He had no choice but to do this.

"Do you usually like to play games?"

"Well, just in general. When you have free time, maybe you can just play around?" Liu Rulong replied, "You can visit it."

"You are quite generous, little brother is a nice person."

Yuan Ye started to visit.

I have to say that in terms of some fun tastes, I am very compatible with him.

"The configuration is the same as mine." Yuan Ye glanced at the configuration inside through the sea view room.

"Who is this?"

Yuan Ye noticed a photo on the computer desk.

It was a photo of two people. In addition to the young man in front of him, there was another person.

Liu Rulong stood behind the girl, pushing the wheelchair. The girl sat in the wheelchair, smiled and faced the camera, tilted her head and made a scissor hand gesture.

Her appearance is charming, her skin is as fair as jade under the moonlight, her fingers are slender and full of beauty, her three thousand black hairs are scattered like a waterfall, her eyes are bright and agile, revealing an aura.

Just for a moment, Yuan Ye felt as if his heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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