The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 127 Why can muscles become so big!

Chapter 127 Why can muscles become so big! (Two chapters in one)

With the improvement of Ren's perception after becoming a wizard apprentice, he was able to faintly detect the powerful physical power contained in the armor of these four silver knights holding swords and shields.

Obviously, these four people are not ordinary cavalry, but real, extraordinary knights.

Renne had heard from Hamilton that not only the Monsoon and Ocean Goddess Church, but also other churches, the knights who have reached the extraordinary level under their command are collectively called the Templar Knights, while those who are extraordinary are called the Temple Guards.

In order to destroy the Evil Spirit Knight, four Templars were sent out at once?
What a powerful goddess church!
Is there some other purpose? For example, explore the reason for the appearance of the Evil Ghost Knight? Ren couldn't help but guess.

In addition, there are two formal knights, wearing relatively simple knight plate armor. Judging from the coat of arms on the chest, they should be the guard knights of a certain noble. One of them is also equipped with a rare round arm shield. .

As Ren approached, he met many familiar faces of the night watchmen along the way. He smiled and greeted them one by one, and his fellow night watchmen also smiled and waved in response.

At this time, Hamilton walked out with two 'big men'. Judging from his figure, which was half a step behind, the status of these two people was even higher than Hamilton's.

One of them is an old man wearing an aqua blue robe with gold trim and holding a heavy book. Judging from the other person's clothes, it is obvious that this person should be the person in charge of the Goddess Church for this mission.

The other person was a middle-aged man wearing a knight's armor and a mustache. Judging from the shape of the knight's armor, he should be a noble. The two knights just now should be the opponent's guard knights.

Hamilton apparently also saw Lane and LaGrey coming towards him.

Maybe Renn is not that eye-catching, but Lagret is quite eye-catching as a rare 'female' and with the 'big shield' carried behind her.

If it were placed before, Renn, as a night watchman, would naturally have no chance to be introduced.

But today is different. Because he has stepped into the extraordinary at a young age, he is already qualified to be introduced by Hamilton alone.

"Lord Viscount, Your Excellency the Dean, this is Renn, the deputy security officer of Goldsmith Town whom you just issued." Hamilton said with a smile.

"Ren, this is Lord Viscount Hamady, the chief of security of the county, and this is His Excellency Rudolph, the dean of the Goddess Church."

"Good day, Lord Viscount."

"Good day, Your Excellency, Master." Ren said with a slight bow.

At the same time, he was still very surprised. Sheriff of the county? This is the boss of his immediate boss. He didn't expect that the other party would come in person because of the evil spirit knight.

Moreover, Hamilton just said that his deputy public security officer has issued it?
This is good news. After all, the higher the level, the more information and resources you can obtain. Renxin said.

When they heard that Renn's position was actually promoted from captain of the Night Watch to deputy security officer of Goldsmith Town, the night watchmen and security guards on the side were stunned for a moment, but in the next second, they returned to their original state, as if they were taken for granted. expression.

Some of the night watchmen even looked happy and proud, as if they were being promoted.

Some were whispering something, as if they were explaining something to people who didn't understand the situation.

On the one hand, Renn is very strong. The most important thing is that at this age, Renn is very good at dealing with others. He is not arrogant and can fight hard. After several missions, many of his fellow Night Watchmen are very good. Conquer this young man.

For example, when wiping out the evil-finned murlocs, Renn had the heaviest task. One person had to block the retreat of all the defeated murlocs. Although the number of fishmen was much higher than expected, Renn still chewed off the hard bones.

This was especially true during the incident of rescuing abducted children. The night watchmen who participated in the mission all gave Ren a thumbs up. One person killed the powerful gangsters and rescued more than twenty children.

This made the night watchers who participated in the mission admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

Without Ren, they don't know how many people would have died!
LaGelei, who was watching this scene, had a strange look in his eyes.

Although she had gotten to know him before at the training ground, she really didn't expect that Ren's popularity among the Goldsmith Night Watch would be so good!

While Ren was chatting with the 'big shot', a pair of beautiful eyes were looking at Ren quietly through the carriage window not far away.

A few minutes ago, Miss Janey of the Crawley family passed by the town administration hall in a carriage, heading south, and her destination was naturally the Wren family.

Her mother, Viscountess Crowley, has been urging her to communicate with Rendo and maintain a good relationship.

From her own point of view, she also has a good impression of this handsome boy. Unfortunately, Renn rejected her mother's proposal last time.

Ever since she learned that Ren was interested in spiritual texts, Jenny often went to the family library.

This time she happened to find another ancient book written in spiritual script (i.e. Akkadian), and she thought she could show it to Ren.

Of course, Jenny's main purpose is to give Renne more opportunities to communicate by sending books.

In addition, in order to facilitate the communication between Renne and the Crowley family, Jane specially prepared a pair of blue-helmeted pigeons. This kind of homing pigeon is extremely fast. There is a small bunch of blue feathers on the top of its head, which looks like a knight's helmet, so it is called the blue helmet pigeon.

At this moment, the pair of blue-helmeted pigeons were staying quietly in the birdcage at her feet.

Hearing the noise nearby, Jenny saw the lively scene at the entrance of the town's administrative hall through the window of the carriage carriage. The four rare Temple Knights of the Goddess Church made Jenny curious and she looked at them carefully for a while.

"Hey, isn't this Renn?" Jenny saw Renn who was greeting the Viscount.

At this moment, Renne, out of politeness, had taken off his knight's helmet, so it was natural for Jenny to recognize him at a glance.

"Casuo, pull over the carriage and stop it." Jenny and the coachman Kasuo said.

"As you command, Miss Jenny."

The carriage stopped steadily on the side of the road, and Jenny also listened carefully.

Since Ren and the others were all knights, Jenny, who was twenty or thirty meters away, could still hear clearly even though the voices were not covered up.

'Deputy of the Sheriff in Goldshire? 'This made Jenny's beautiful eyes light up.

As a noble lady, she naturally understands the series of appointments in the imperial administrative system.

Even though adjutant has a subtitle, considering Renn's current age, this is not simple.

Competition within the imperial administrative system is naturally fierce, but one thing is that military merit has the highest value. As long as the military merit is sufficient, promotion will be smooth.

Renne, who has no background, can now become the deputy public security officer, which means that Renne should have made many solid achievements. Otherwise, it would be impossible to obtain this appointment.

"Mother's vision is as good as ever!"

"But, is Ren going out?" Jenny frowned.

This time she came to Goldsmith Town, but she made a special trip to see Ren, but she didn't expect that judging from the current situation, Ren might have some big mission to perform with the Goddess Church.

This made Jenny feel a little irritable for no reason.

"So you are Ren En, you are so young and promising!"

"I've seen your resume, and I didn't expect that not long after you joined Hamilton, you completed a lot of difficult tasks. With your ability, Goldsmith Town is really too small. Have you ever considered coming to the county seat? ?" Viscount Hamady said with a smile.

Somehow, when facing his boss's boss, Ren always felt that he had a smiling face.

The smile is so fake!

"Thank you, Lord Viscount, for your compliment. However, the prices in the county town are too high. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford a house if I come to the county town." Renn smiled and declined politely.

Ren's answer immediately made several people laugh.

"Lord Viscount, although Ren has completed many tasks, he is still too young after all and needs more training. Let him stay with me for a while longer." Hamilton said to the side.

Dean Rudolf didn't pay much attention to Renn at first, but after taking a closer look at Renn and hearing Hamilton introduce that Renn was less than fifteen years old, he became very interested in Renn.

Of course, Renn also noticed the look in Dean Rudolph's eyes. Although the other person's eyes were soft, there was a faint sense of penetration.

"Ren, are you interested in coming to the church and falling into the arms of the goddess? With your qualifications, I think you have a good chance of competing to be the county's next godson."

Dean Rudolf didn't open his mouth, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he launched a big move, which immediately surprised both Viscount Hamady and Hamilton.

They knew that this Reverend Rudolph, as the dean responsible for demon hunting and exorcism at the Sea Goddess Church in the county, was usually unsmiling and had a rather old-fashioned personality.

Unexpectedly, the other party favored Ren.

The four Templar knights could not help but turn their heads slightly and look at Ren.

Others are not members of the church and may not know the value of the word 'godson' and its meaning in the church.

But they know best.

Every godson is a candidate for diocesan bishop.

In other words, if Ren can become the godson, then he is very likely to succeed as the bishop of the Goddess Church in Meister County.

Dean Rudolph's words also made Ren feel flattered.

But Renn never thought that he would believe in a god wholeheartedly. If he joined the church, he would probably become a blasphemer sooner or later.

After thinking about it, Ren declined politely and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency the Dean, for your kindness. However, Sir Hamilton takes great care of me. Please forgive me for not being able to join your church."

At this time, I heard Lord Viscount Hamady say: "It's getting late, Hamilton. This time, His Excellency the dean is here in person, so why don't you accompany us to the Night Song Forest?"

"Well, what about Goldshire?" Hamilton looked hesitant.

"Haha, it's such a simple thing, wouldn't it be great if Ren stayed in Goldshire!"

"Okay! Just follow the Viscount's arrangements." Hamilton thought for a moment and nodded.

"Ren, then you will stay in Goldshire. If everything goes well, we will be back in the evening, probably tomorrow at the latest. While I am away, the security of Goldshire will be left to you."

Ren was stunned when he heard this.

do not! I also want to harvest a wave of experience, how can this be done?
Ren screamed in his heart, he wanted to refuse.

But in this case, obviously not.

After all, this order was given by his boss's boss, and his direct boss Hamilton also agreed.

So, Ren could only say: "As you command, Lord Hamilton."

"By the way, Hamilton, if you're worried, I'll let Andrews stay in Goldshire as well. Now you can rest assured." Viscount Hamady said with a smile.

"Ren, this is Knight Andrews." Viscount Hamady pointed to the burly guard knight equipped with an arm shield.

"Hello, Mr. Andrews."

"Hello, Lord Renn." A low voice sounded from the opponent's knight's helmet.

Huh! This Andrews knight is very powerful.

Renne's perception told him that Andrews seemed to be a senior knight.

This made Renn a little confused as to why Viscount Hamady would let a senior knight stay.

But he didn't think much about it. Maybe Viscount Hamady wanted to reassure Hamilton?

Of course, this is unknown.

Before the team set off, Renne and LaGrei warned that it would be best if they could bring back the relics of her brother and his companions. If not, it was most important to ensure their safe return first.

Soon, the team from the county town merged with the team from Shining Gold Town, a mighty forty or fifty people, heading towards the Night Song Forest to the west.

This time, Hamilton took away nearly twenty night watchmen, which was considered to have mobilized most of the defense forces in Goldsmith Town. After bidding farewell to the team, Andrews said: "Your Excellency Lane, as the new deputy security officer of Goldshire, can you take me around Goldshire? Although I have been to Goldshire several times, but that It was all a long time ago.”

Lane naturally had no problem with Andrews' request, because the town's sheriff had a routine, which was to patrol Goldshire on horseback every day.

Although this is more of a formality, as a means of intimidating Xiaoxiao, it has been passed down to this day.

Renne often saw Hamilton taking time to take two guards with him, and the three of them would patrol together on horseback.

Therefore, Renn readily nodded and agreed.

"Of course, no problem, Mr. Andrews, please come with me."

Through chatting with Andrews, Ren finally learned that the county had taken the news of the 'Evil Ghost Knight' very seriously.

It's just that the entire Meist County has been uneasy recently. The Monsoon and Ocean Goddess Church has sent several groups of personnel to other places. Just yesterday, a group of personnel returned.

Therefore, the team that came to Goldsmith Town to investigate the Evil Spirit Knight was a few days late.

Jenny, who was secretly rejoicing on the side that Renn didn't have to go out on a mission this time, saw Renn and a strange knight he didn't know, and actually started to ride on the horse and walk towards the edge of the town.

This made her feel tight inside.

But judging from the slower speed of the two, Jenny soon realized that it seemed that Ren was going on a daily inspection.

As a descendant of a noble family, of course he knew that this was a standard practice as a peace officer.

So, Jenny thought for a while and said to the groom: "Casuo, you drive and follow Lord Ren from a distance. In addition, let the two family cavalry wait here."

"As you command, miss." Mafkasuo quickly greeted the two family cavalry behind him who were responsible for protecting Jenny.

Jenny wanted to go forward directly, but there was one more person beside Ren, and it was not a suitable time to deepen the communication. Therefore, she could only have the groom drive behind him at a distance.

Jenny's eyes kept falling on Ren. The more she looked at him, the more she felt that Ren was so handsome in knight armor, which made her heart beat faster.

Wren and Andrews soon arrived at the edge of town.

At this time, a female scream suddenly came from Goldsmith Town.

Ren narrowed his eyes and immediately turned his head to look to the side and behind where the sound came from.

But suddenly, alarm bells rang in his heart!
Level 3 danger perception told Renn that the source of danger was actually right next to him!

Is it Andrews?

'Ironskin! '

Renn had no time to turn his head, he just instinctively activated the second extraordinary characteristic 'Iron Skin'. Suddenly, he felt a powerful and scorching attack hitting his lower back!



In the next second, he was like a cannonball, being blown off the horse and onto the ground.

In an instant, a deep pit was created by Ren on the ground, and smoke and dust were everywhere!

Jenny, who was following far behind, had her beautiful eyes widened, her hands covering her mouth tightly, and an expression of disbelief on her face as she watched the scene happening in front of her.

Isn't the strange knight next to Renne the escort knight of Viscount Hamady?
Why did he suddenly attack Rennes?

Moreover, she had just seen the opponent's attack. She saw that the opponent's palm suddenly surged with blazing black flames, and hit Ren's waist heavily at an extremely fast speed, even the knight's plate armor on Ren's body. They were all torn apart by one blow!

Oh my God! Renne, who had just been appointed as the deputy public security officer, and the guardian knight her family had just contacted, was suddenly attacked and killed like this?
My God, how could such a terrible thing happen?

But something happened that frightened her even more.

The tall and lanky knight who sneaked up on and killed Ren had his eyes on her carriage.

"It's a pity that the young knight genius will never have a chance to grow up."

"Hey! There are still a few spectators here, what a pity! You saw something you shouldn't have seen, so I have to send you to stay with Ren!" There was an indescribable sense of pride in Andrews' voice.

The next second, Andrews shook the reins, turned the horse, and planned to kill all the witnesses in the carriage behind him.

Just as he was about to rush over, he suddenly froze, as if he sensed something incredible.

Before he could turn around.

A voice he thought he would never hear again sounded behind him.

"Sir Andrews, I didn't expect that you are also a member of the Black Flame Cult!"

Ren slowly climbed up from the big hole on the ground. He was in an extremely embarrassed state at this moment. The knight's breastplate given by Hamilton had been directly shattered by Andrews' black flame.

But surprisingly, there were no obvious injuries on Ren's body.

If you look carefully, you can find that there is a little silver shimmer on the surface of his exposed skin.

Renn silently added the few skill points he originally planned to use to improve the basic meditation method to break the limit.

In an instant, the breaking limit increased from 15% to 25%!

Andrews stared at Ren with a face of shock. The scene in front of him really shocked him!
"How could you take the full blow from me controlling the black flame? And you're still safe?!" Andrews couldn't help but blurt out and asked.

He was also yelling in his heart, how is this possible!

Even a senior knight would be severely injured if he suffered this sneak attack!

And Renn, a little guy who just entered the extraordinary world a few days ago, is actually fine?

Damn it!
Of course Renn would not answer the other party's question. At this moment, he was extremely angry and at the same time, he was also a little scared.

If he hadn't awakened the second extraordinary characteristic 'Iron Skin', I'm afraid he would have been lying down forever.

Renne has never suffered such a big loss!

Therefore, taking advantage of the opponent's dazed moment, Renn instantly 'broke the limit' and pulled out the two-handed sword behind his back, and struck Andrews with a 'leap slash'.

The purpose of starting limit breaking is naturally to keep up with the opponent's speed!

Breaking the limit by 25% instantly increased Renne's agility from 15 points to more than 18 points and less than 19 points.

When Andrews reacted, Ren's two-handed sword was already above his head.

But Andrews is indeed a senior knight, a master who has exceeded 30% of the limit. In a hurry, he used the arm shield of his left hand to block Ren's attack!

Although blocked.

But the impact of Renn's blow caused the horse under Andrews' crotch to kneel down on all four legs and fall to the ground, unable to get up again.

"It's really rare for a knight to be a genius. In just a few days, his physical limit has been broken to the level of a senior knight." Andrews parried Ren's sword with a gloomy expression and said slowly.

"If you are given more time to grow, you will really become a big trouble for us."

"But the farce can end here!" Andrews pushed hard with his left hand and bounced back Ren's sword with a look of disdain on his face.

But then, Renn once again struck Andrews with a 'furious slash' from top to bottom, vertically at 90 degrees!
"You think this is useful."

"?" The word hasn't been spoken yet.

Andrews' expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost!

Because at this moment, he was facing Ren, whose muscles had swelled so much that the broken knight's breastplate had completely blown away!
The muscles all over his body were like blowing air, they were two full circles bigger!


Andrews' face was forever fixed in this expression.

"This is definitely not a formal knight who has just entered the extraordinary realm. Even the peak knight's muscle changes are not so exaggerated!!" This was Andrews' last thought before his death.

Renne, who split Andrews in half with a sword, began to shrink rapidly and returned to normal size.

Plugging the gigantic shimmering sword heavily into the ground, Ren held it while breathing heavily.

At this moment, his muscles and fascia were in excruciating pain, as if every muscle in his body was being torn apart bit by bit!

Just now, it was the first time that Renn used the knight's common extraordinary ability 'Breaking Limits', the extraordinary characteristic 'Giant Strength' plus 100% of 'Power Explosion', three superpositions in one attack.

Although it only lasted less than two seconds and killed a senior knight with the ability to control black flames with one blow, the sequelae were extremely serious.

As for why there is a triple explosion, it is because after Renn swung his first sword and was blocked by the opponent, he calculated that the opponent was a senior knight, and the limit was 60% of the limit, plus 60% of the strength-type extraordinary characteristics, which is at most 120 % increase.

When the basic strength is almost the same, Renne can only suppress the opponent with a 155% increase in three bursts.

Although Andrews' extraordinary characteristics are not necessarily in terms of strength, and the increase may not reach 120%, Renne no longer wants to make any more mistakes.

As for Jenny, who was in the carriage compartment in the distance, her little cherry mouth was wide open at this moment, big enough to hold an apple, her beautiful eyes were wide-eyed, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

The grace of that sword strike just now was seen in her eyes and imprinted in her heart.


Is Renn a god descending to earth?

Why can muscles become so big?

So scary! No, it makes people feel safe!
In addition, the transition from near death to sudden survival was too fast, like a person who was about to drown suddenly surfaced and took a sharp breath, which made Jenny's little face turn red. He actually rolled his eyes and almost fainted from excitement.

As for Mafu Kasuo, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock, but after all, he was a man in his forties. He quickly came to his senses and said: "Miss, can we go up and help, watch the thunder?" Your Excellency, you look very tired."

"Yes! Yes! Ka Suo, we will go there right away."

Ren, on the other hand, endured the pain as if his muscles were torn, and brought up the panel to take a look.

[Your skill Giant Bear Swordsmanship has been improved, experience value +289]

[You have experienced a battle, knight (extraordinary) experience value +57]

The Knight (Extraordinary) panel has been successfully upgraded to Knight (Extraordinary) lv2 (43/300), awarding one attribute point and one skill point.

Renn did not hesitate to add some attribute points to his physique. In an instant, his physique was increased from 16 to 17.

Suddenly, a warm current surged out from the heart and quickly spread throughout the body!

All of a sudden, the muscle tearing, soreness and fatigue all over Renn’s body disappeared!

Add some, it’s really useful!

(End of this chapter)

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