The wizard starts by trimming the donkey's hooves

Chapter 59 Detoxification and Analysis

Chapter 59 Detoxification and Analysis

"Ren, don't worry, I'll take a look first." At this time, Abel said.

He paused his inspection of Hamilton's injuries, walked around the desk, and came over.

Abel first checked Ren's wounds, then picked up the black dagger and smelled it, then checked Ren's pupils and said:

"Don't worry, the poison you were poisoned is a paralyzing poison. Even if there is no antidote, the effect of the drug will wear off naturally after half a day."

As if thinking of something, Abel raised his eyebrows and continued:

"But Ren, your body is very strong!"

Because if an ordinary person is scratched like this, they will most likely become dizzy within a few minutes, their hands and feet will be numb, and then they will lose consciousness.

Abel didn't expect that Renne could persist until now, and even now, he couldn't see any signs that Renne could not resist.

This surprised him.

Abel's words made Ren feel relieved.

It turned out to be just a paralyzing poison!

so far so good!

However, if there is an antidote in these bottles and jars, it will naturally be relieved immediately.

Before Ren could open his mouth, Abel had already carefully examined the pile of bottles and jars that Ren had placed on his desk.

I saw Abel pick up a small round black bottle, uncork it, just smell it, and then explain:

"This is a deadly poison. Its main ingredients are death grass and highly poisonous flowers. Once it is stung, it will cause death in a short period of time."

Then, he picked up another square bottle, opened the cork, smelled it, and said:

"This is a wound-causing poison. The main ingredient is sawgrass. After the hit, the wound will continue to bleed."


Bottle after bottle, the longest judgment time does not exceed five seconds.

"This is too familiar!"

"For those who don't know, I thought these poisons and antidotes were all prepared by Abel himself!"

Ren stared at this scene with wide eyes, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

In addition, Renn subconsciously didn't believe that the Abel in front of him was just a simple pharmacist.

The other party is really too familiar with various potions!

Soon, Abel found the antidote among the assassin's bottles.

"These two bottles are the antidote, but they have to be mixed before they become the real antidote." Abel gestured.

Ren's face turned dark immediately.

Who would have thought of this?
  It’s so insidious that the antidote is placed in two separate bottles and mixed together at the end!
  Only those who are proficient in pharmacy can see the fishiness in it at a glance.

Fortunately, I found Abel.

After thinking about it, Ren was a little scared.

I saw Abel pour the two bottles of medicine together, shake them well, and observe for a few seconds.

"Okay, these two potions are pre-prepared in proportion, but this antidote may be a bit pungent."

"Of course, Mr. Abel!" Renn nodded immediately and replied.

"You can take two strong sniffs to remove the properties of this paralyzing poison." Abel said and handed the antidote to Ren.

Ren's face lit up, nodded, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Abel."

He quickly took the antidote and took a sharp sniff. The next second, Ren's face turned green and he almost vomited out in disgust.

It really stinks!

Renn has never smelled how smelly a skunk's fart is, but it must be similar!

Now, he only felt his temples twitching and a muscle in his brain twitching.

Seeing Abel's half-smiling expression on the side, Renn finally understood why Abel wanted to ask himself.

How bad!
  But not to mention, now the whole person's dizziness has almost disappeared, and the effect is still very significant. This forced Ren to frown and take another breath.

Really awesome!
  It feels like sucking mustard up your nose.

But the effect was really good. After two puffs, Renn suddenly woke up!
  The dizziness disappeared immediately.

Moreover, he also felt that the wound on his right rib began to hurt slightly.

After Abel helped detoxify, he seemed to have something to do. After telling Hamilton a few things to pay attention to when recovering from his injuries, he left first.

At this time, Lane and Hamilton were the only two people in the office.

"Has the body been disposed of?" Hamilton asked proactively.

"Well, not yet. I placed the other party's body behind a piece of gravel about half a person's height, in the woodland near the south side of the town on Square Street."

"I understand, I'll let someone deal with it first." After saying that, Hamilton shook the bell on the table.

At this time, a guard walked in.

"Go get Willen over."

"As you command, Lord Hamilton!"

Soon, Willen, the captain of the night watchman whom Ren was familiar with, walked in.

When the other party saw Ren, he smiled and nodded.

"Sir Hamilton, are you looking for me?"

"Willen, in the woodland near the south side of the town on Plaza Street, there is a piece of gravel half a man high, and there is a body behind it. Please take a few people to deal with it."

"As you command, sir, I'll do it right away." Willen's face turned serious and he immediately went to do the work.

At this time, Ren asked: "Lord Hamilton, do you think it is possible that Cole, the boss of the Hyena Gang, knew about my killing of Blackbeard?"

Upon hearing this, Hamilton looked thoughtful and tapped his fingers on the desk.

He understood what Ren meant.

Ren was asking if it was the assassin the Hyena Gang boss Cole found.

But soon, he shook his head and denied Ren's guess.

"Probably not. If the Hyena Gang wants to deal with you, they will definitely send the core members of the gang to Goldsmith Town instead of hiring killers."

"Ren, first tell me about the assassin you met. Does he have any appearance, fighting skills or any characteristics?"

Renn didn't hide it either.

Immediately, he told Hamilton the specific situation when he encountered the assassin in a relatively complete manner.

Later, he also emphasized the opponent's fighting style and his eventual suicide by taking poison.

With almost no hesitation, Hamilton said with certainty: "This kind of professional killers either come from professional killer organizations such as the Shadow Thorn, or they come from the support of big nobles or big organizations."

"The Hyena Gang is far from a large organization."

"If you hire assassins from assassin organizations such as the Shadow Thorn, the price will be quite expensive."

"'Dog King' Cole is a well-known miser. You can see that his brother Blackbeard is going out to kidnap and traffic children to make extra money."

"The other party is absolutely unwilling to spend a high price to hire a professional killer to avenge his brother."

"So, I am basically certain that Cole did not do this."

After hearing Hamilton's detailed analysis, Renne nodded.

Then the answer is ready to come out!
  This made Renn a little bit surprised that just after Claire left, she would be attacked by her brothers.

Do not!
  You can't just use the word "black hand" to describe what happened this time.

This is obviously to kill himself directly.

This made Renn feel a sense of unknown fire and anxiety.

 There are two more updates at 12:01 and 02pm. The update time of new book issues in the future is tentatively scheduled to be at the above time point, and two updates will be completed at once.

  It is convenient for everyone to see the update as soon as possible on a new day. ^_^
  (End of this chapter)

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