Chapter 126 Strange Disease
Hearing what Qin Jiang said, everyone was stunned.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were even more puzzled.

"Is there such a thing as broken heart syndrome in this world? This is unscientific!"

"Indeed, modern medicine has long proven that human spirit and thinking are only controlled by the brain and have no direct connection with the heart."

"However, research shows that the impact of psychological factors on "broken heart syndrome" exists objectively."

"To put it bluntly, Western medicine cannot prove that people's spirit and thinking will have an impact on the heart, but the objective fact is that it does have an impact."

Netizens immediately sighed.

"Otherwise, Chinese medicine is awesome. If this so-called broken heart syndrome is explained by the theory of Chinese medicine, it can be easily explained, although it sounds a bit nonsense."

"I don't think we can generalize. Western medicine has the advantages of Western medicine, and Chinese medicine also has the advantages of Chinese medicine. Just like we all know that there are acupuncture points and veins on the human body, but Western medicine can't prove it."

Qin Jiang didn’t know about these arguments among netizens.

He only knew how to prescribe the right medicine based on Li Yuan's situation.

Li Yuan didn't expect that she would come to see a doctor, but Qin Jiang didn't prescribe any medicine for her, and instead gave her a dose of chicken soup for the soul.

The most important thing is that after drinking this wave of chicken soup for the soul, my heart really doesn’t hurt anymore!

This is too evil!
Li Yuan asked: "Doctor, will I suffer from this disease again in the future?"

"I'm really scared. When I had chest pain just now, I felt like I couldn't breathe."

"I never want to experience this heartbreak again."

Qin Jiang explained very calmly: "In fact, most people are not that fragile. They will be heartbroken just because of anything."

"The reason why you are like this is because you have gone too far before and thought about things too extreme."

"There is a saying in Taoism that deep love will not last long. This is the truth."

"As I said, it's not just about chasing stars, it also includes raising pets and watching movies and TV shows. Don't put too much emotion into it. You must learn to control your emotions and let them be released slowly."

"No matter which of these four emotions it is, if you can't control it well, it will cause great damage to your body."

Hearing Qin Jiang's words, Li Yuan nodded repeatedly, indicating that she understood.

Netizens also think what Qin Jiang said makes sense.

"I didn't expect Dr. Qin to know something about Taoism."

"Brother, the theory of yin-yang and five elements of traditional Chinese medicine originally originated from Taoism."

"As the saying goes, Taoist doctors do not separate families. Many of those wandering Taoist priests in the past were actually wandering doctors. This is how the Nine Doctors of the Ten Paths came to be."

"Then Dr. Qin's medical skills are so good, he doesn't know magic, right?"

While netizens were chatting, the topic went off the rails.

Qin Jiang looked at Li Yuan and asked, "Do you still feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

After Li Yuan hesitated for a moment, she nodded.

"Doctor, I... I actually have a problem since I was a child, but it has never been cured."

"That was every time I ate, I was in a lot of pain, and whenever I swallowed something it was painful."

Upon hearing what Li Yuan said, Qin Jiang immediately paid attention.

"Does it hurt when you swallow it? Are you afraid of water?"

Qin Jiang's first reaction was rabies.

Because when rabies attacks, the most obvious symptom is hydrophobia. Not to mention drinking water, just mentioning the word water will make the patient's throat feel tight, as if an invisible hand is strangling the neck.

Li Yuan shook her head.

"I'm not afraid of water, but it hurts every time I swallow something."

"I have sought treatment in many hospitals before, but those hospitals didn't know what my problem was or how I should solve it."

Li Yuan said, preparing to perform for Qin Jiang on the spot.

I saw her taking out a piece of bread, tearing off a piece and putting it in her mouth to chew.

It was actually normal up to this point, but when Li Yuan wanted to swallow what was in her mouth, Qin Jiang could clearly see that her throat was twisted and deformed.

It felt like there was a huge bug inside that suddenly curled up and twisted together.

Li Yuan's expression became very painful. She even turned red and burst into tears!

Netizens in the live broadcast room felt incredible when they saw this scene.

"When she swallowed something just now, her throat was really twisted together, right?"

"Oh my God, this is the first time I've seen this happen. It's too exaggerated. It's like the can was twisted into a twist when swallowing, and then restored after eating."

"Just looking at her expression makes me feel pain. This sister is so miserable."

Qin Jiang couldn't help but ask: "Since you have such difficulty swallowing, how do you usually eat? Just swallow it like this?"

Li Yuan smiled bitterly and nodded.

"I can only eat liquid food as much as possible. If I eat solid food like rice, I will be particularly uncomfortable."

"If it's something like glutinous rice, it would be even more fatal. I even feel like I'm going to suffocate."

"I also thought about curing this disease, but I really visited many hospitals, and they never understood why I was like this."

It can be seen that Li Yuan is in pain.

"When did you start having this disease? Was it present at birth?"

If it was present at birth, Qin Jiang would have to consider the issue of congenital genetic defects.

Who knew that Li Yuan shook her head and said: "Not really, I probably had it when I was ten years old."

"I can't remember exactly when, because it only hurt a little bit when I swallowed things at first, but it became more and more painful later on."

"I even think this is a bit like the legendary punishment for gluttons. I had nightmares about this for a long time."

The glutton Li Yuan talks about is actually a scene in the drawing of hell.

It is said that if a person commits too many sins due to gluttony, after going to hell, someone will put an iron collar around your neck.

Because you are gluttonous, you will always be hungry.

But because you have a collar around your neck, every time you want to eat, you can't swallow it and can only chew it in your mouth.

This situation is indeed a bit similar to Li Yuan.

She actually wanted to eat a lot of delicious food, but because of this disease, the most she could do was to indulge in the food and taste it without daring to swallow the food.

If the disease cannot be cured, Qin Jiang feels that she may even go to the other extreme and evolve into anorexia later on.

Thinking of this, Qin Jiang said to her: "Open your mouth and I will check you out."

(End of this chapter)

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